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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2016 9:15am | Report

Match History

Our team was too squishy to deal with a fed Wukong. The End.

Nidalee asked to trade me for jungle. Fine. I can play ADC. Opted for Ezreal since I figure I am going to have to be kiting back from Vi and [Wukong]]. Nidalee ganks our lane, which we were winning in terms of CS, and dives them under their tower and dies. Sorry. Yes, you should be sorry that was stupid. smh

I made a mistake in itemization. I should have bought a Lord Dominik's Regards after I finished Bloodthirster.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2016 9:17am | Report

Match History

:( Really frustrating ending. Riven picked one really stupid fight and it ended up costing us huge. Mid base tower, inhibitor, a Nexus tower, and some damage on the second Nexus tower. That tower went down to minions as we were trying to contest Baron. That left the door open for Nasus to Teleport in and backdoor the Nexus. We killed him once when he tried it, but we weren't successful the second time.

I felt life I did all I could to give my team the early advantage. And in fact we were ahead in a lot of categories in the game, but somehow not objectives. There was some definite kill chasing, but I didn't think horribly so. I think there was one instance where I might have been able to help take Top tower a little earlier than we did. But other than I thought I played in ways that should move the game forward in our favor.

I'm guessing my lack here came in the team fights? But they are all kind of a blur so not sure when and where I could have done things better.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2016 12:09pm | Report

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My duo partner had a great game as Ahri. I mostly kept Garen from dying to ganks and Renekton so he was able to run around and do Garen things. Ahri and team up with some good picks between Shadow Dash and Charm. My duo and I were murdering their Renketon and their Nocturne ulted in onto Ahri. I had him shield with Spirit's Refuge and he walked out of it and died. Wawawa. Funny thing is they play Shen Top sometimes so they know what the ability does, so they got to kick themselves a bit for a needless death. To be fair, Noc did have the tether part of Unspeakable Horror active on them so they might have walked out eventually anyway.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2016 5:23pm | Report

Match History

So the Katarina had never played Kat before as far as I could tell from their Not Bronze Kat play by any stretch of the imagination. Reaction times were crazy good. Ahri died 3 times in quick succession to the Kat and this game was donzo. Kat roamed like a beast killed everyone and jumped out just in the nick of time pretty much every time. Super frustrating when a team game becomes 1v5 and you are on the losing end of that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2016 5:34pm | Report

Match History

This one start out with an invade against us. I don't know why people don't just ban Blitzcrank. Anyway Blitz hooked me, I managed to Flash over a wall and run away from them though it took a lot of effort. Got back in time to start my jungle on time, told my laners to go to lane but they leashed me anyway. Then everyone struggled. Garen got first blood against Irelia. I did help her kill Garen a time or two, but that apparently wasn't the lane I was supposed to get ahead. Zed had the worst luck and kept walking into other champions while on his way to roam places. Though to fair he made some dumb positional decisions too. Our Volibear support had no sense about when to go in and when to back off so he ended up committing us to some bad engages. At some point they just managed to swamp us either due to item advantages/scaling or a combination of both. Ah well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2016 5:23pm | Report

Match History

Team was pretty much rocking the early game, which is good because tanky Ekko doesn't really ramp up until a bit later in the game. IIRC Vayne asked Nami to play passive until level 6 and as it turned out Vayne ended up getting first blood.

I miss timed a tower dive pre-ult. We ended up killing Jinx who was turret hugging on low health but Parallel Convergence ended just before I got in it so I ended up picking up tower aggro and died just before I could level my ult. Sigh. Note to self: don't try that if your minions aren't crashing into their turret.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2016 9:03pm | Report

Match History

We hates the Fizz. Honestly, laning against him was fine, Lee Sin even helped me kill him once in lane. Then Lee promptly died to Shyvana and Wukong while trying to steal her raptors. Sion was doing okay Top lane but then he started split pushing into their territory with no ward coverage and we were not using the time to take objectives while their team was busy with him Top, despite me pinging out things like Dragon and towers that we could be taking down. I tried to roam and help Bot lane out, but it just turned into an all out brawl. It basically came down to us not having enough chain able CC to contain Fizz, so that meant Caitlyn would end up dying and then we didn't have enough sustained DPS to kill their tanks.

I screwed up once by trying to kill Shyvana or was it Fizz who was hiding in a bush on extremely low health, but that meant that Sion took the last hit from Curtain Call when I probably could have saved him from it. Another sort of screw up was our team taking a Dragon fight when we were already losing team fights while I was getting Blue buff. We could have pushed up Mid and forced them to choose Dragon or a couple of turrets and possibly an inhibitor instead of contesting that Dragon. Oh, my early game last hitting was subpar. I was nervous about the Fizz matchup as he is a big pain in the arse once he has both gap closers, so I was miss timing so last hits due to some nervousness.

Overall it was a fairly fun game. I wish we could have lined up to team fight better with me melting them from the back line, but I felt I did the best I could given the circumstance and while hectic, I made decent use of Zhonya's Hourglass and Flash to keep myself alive a little longer to do more damage.

Last item I think I might have gone for a Void Staff, but I was weighing it verses the value of staying alive a little longer and possibly being able to kite better with the slow from Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2016 10:51pm | Report

Match History

Eh, probably should have another tank. Maybe. But I first picked Nocturne so it wasn't like my team didn't know what I was playing. Frustrating comp to play against late game. I had some success instantly killing Caitlyn in the first couple of mid-late game team fights, but they got wise to what I was doing so later I kept getting blown up. Really needed Gnar to go in first, but their poke was superior to ours so he was having trouble building up his rage bar. Taric's ult isn't horrible to deal with as Noc because you can generally kill someone before they become invulnerable, but when you add a Kayle ult on top of that, yuck.

I did one very dumb thing (the others being of the lesser variety). Team was pushing in Mid. I kept pinging them to rotate Bot as we had a big minion wave approaching their Innner Bot tower. But they wouldn't break off. I went over to shove the wave into the turret and try and take it, but somehow caught and kept tower aggro for way to many shots thinking I had moved back far enough to get out of range. That left me low on health and my team was back pedaling so I went over to see what I could do but I should have just backed completely out. Instead I went in on Caitlyn and got blown up instantly so really provided no help to my team.

Anyway their team scaled into late game and our ADC was way behind so we couldn't really kill Singed fast enough and the Azir and Caitlyn poke was shredding us so gg.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2016 10:33am | Report

Graves game - Our Mid laner was struggling, partially due to connection issues. Bot was also struggling somewhat. Fortunately Top was stomping. Later in the game it basically came down to our Malphite ulting them and the rest of us cleaning up.

Shen game - This one was super chaotic with tons of fighting and dying on both sides. Their Lucian got silly fed and was doing a good job staying out of harms way when were trying to kill him. Fortunately our Fizz also got silly fed and in the last big team fight of the game Fizz was able to take out Lucian which allowed us to mop up and finish the game
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2016 9:13pm | Report

Ugh, set through 3 queues of idiocy in champ select. Then we get a Yasuo support. Facepalm. Then Kindred gets her first three marks on fing scuttle crabs. One after the other. Seriously? And my team is in no position to try and contest the first two. I had laners nearby on the third, but no one came when I pinged so I ended up getting pinched between Kindred and Ahri. On top of that Singed kept DCing and I had to go hold Top as well as I could verses a laner with more levels and items than me. No pressure Top meant they were getting global gold and I couldn't exert any pressure on the map. When Singed finally reconnected, we caught Kindred and Ahri invading our jungle vs me as Volibear, and Kayle, and Singed. We had them dead to rights but Singed lagged or just backed off and then Kayle backed off leaving me to die. I think I am playing a normal after that fiasco. Too tilted for ranked.

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