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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
cronokidd313's Forum Avatar
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Oct 6th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2016 9:59am | Report
Hey dude mind if I duo with you
cronokidd313's Forum Avatar
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Oct 6th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2016 9:59am | Report
Hey dude mind if I duo with you
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2016 10:49pm | Report

Match History

Duoed with a new person tonight. They did well as ADC, which was good because my other lanes were struggling a bit. Twisted Fate kept coming in short on his Destiny and even when he did it right he would have a red card in hand. Fortunately he played safe enough in lane that Zed wasn't able to feed off of him. Rumble spent a lot of the early game Top lane. Then after he go Top ahead he started focusing on Bot lane. I counter jungled when I wasn't in place to counter gank and just tried to farm up and get big. Their Miss Fortune was map challenged so I managed to snuff her out a couple of times when she wasn't were she should be. But we had our map challenged people too so that was pretty much an even swap. Garen DCd for a while but he was with some of our other players so they informed us that his computer had crashed and he would be back in as soon as he got it restarted. Later game we just managed the team fights better than they did, which gave us the victory.

I fat fingered a Flash when I was trying to gank Renekton. I need to work on being more precise with that because it is not an uncommon occurrence especially when I am running a champion targetable Smite. Also found out that Renekton can Slice and Dice through me to go the other direction when I am ult at him to try and knock him back. That was a bit of frustrating interaction.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2016 11:00pm | Report

Match History

Did a trio on this one. Their laners swapped and our did not. Our Top was doing okay in the beginning but then started losing to Lissandra. Our Mid was screwing around with Garen and hung around after he survived Garen's ult. Garen flash Q'd him under turret. Sigh. I told him to go back. And our Bot lane was having problems as well. I eventually got Bot and picked up a double kill after which Ezreal DCd. Sigh sigh. With all lanes losing and down a champ we weren't able to turn this one around.

Next up ******* Shaco doesn't get jungle so he wants to play him Mid lane. I asked him not to and he demurred, so I dodged losing my promos. In retrospect I should have asked him to trade for Mid, but it pisses me off when people do that kind of **** in ranked play so I didn't want to play with that person.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2016 11:10pm | Report

Match History

My other two compadres were not with it tonight. Graves handed Vi and Gangplank and early kill after I dropped a ward at the Red and pinged out that she was in her Top side jungle taking Red. She then just came back to rinse and repeat. Our ADC hopped too close to the turret and got stunned by Taric and died. Kat had LeBlanc pushed into her turret so all my lanes were pushed leaving me no good options for ganking. So in retrospect I should have gone and found Vi. Need to remember that. We won a few fights there and there but between Taric's ult and Gangplank's ult fights were difficult. About Mid game Graves DCd (he said his interest connection ****ped out on him) and then we definitely didn't have the damage to make anything work against a team that was well ahead of us in terms of gold and items.

Somewhat disappointing night at the Leagues.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2016 8:48pm | Report

Match History

Their team comp looked really good at team fighting compared to ours (that Mordekaiser pick!) so I didn't think my usual champions would work so I busted out an oldy, Hecarim, with the idea that I might be able to bust up their well ordered team comp by hitting the backline with Onslaught of Shadows. It worked beautifully in a fight around their Blue buff where I was able to pick up a triple kill with the help of an Ahri Charm that let me finish off Orianna. Mostly though I was able to use it to make picks and delete key team members since I was rather fed. Our Bot lane of Lucian and Janna were also quite good, so they had Bot lane pretty well sealed up.

I had a lot of trouble ganking Poppy Top lane. She kept juking me or managing to go back in and kill Mordekaiser before backing off and Morde had no CC to help. One of the times I accidentally attack moved onto a minion when she slipped into a bush just before I got to her. I was trying to AA her as soon as I went into the bush after her, but the targeting algorithm dragged me to the nearest minion.

Despite mucking it up in lane somewhat and generally being an ***hat with his chat comments he did do some roaming to try and help other lanes (mostly unsuccessfully because no CC). Also I had completely forgotten that Mordekaiser can get the dragon as a pet Ghost. That came in handy when we took it and then went to siege their Inner Bot turret and Outer Bot base turret. I wonder how potent the Elder Dragon thing is going to be in ghost form?

Oh they tried hard to do an early invade I think to mainly get some wards down so I figured Lee Sin would try to counter jungle me, so I dropped a ward in the brush by Red and went to Raptors. Sure enough spotted Lee nosing around. I pinged him out and after he didn't find me he tried to gank Mid, but our laner was aware of the possibility so they were able to walk away with minimal issues.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2016 3:54pm | Report

Match History

Taric got ****ped on by Trundle, but his ult is still pretty darn useful even with him being behind so we were able to win team fights.

I made the mistake of trying to duel Trundle once when he was ahead of me and had his ult. Bad idea.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2016 4:04pm | Report

Match History

Comeback win. I died way too many times despite going up 3-0 pretty early. My team got their **** together/outscaled theirs later in the game so we were able to turn a losing situation around.

Favorite call from someone on our team. Free Baron. I think there were four of us on it. We kill Baron. Annie - "Have you seen my bear Tibbers?" See Jeebus! Yeah just like that comic you might have seen. Annie triple kill. Sigh.

One of my deaths was particularly dumb ( and I had some dumb ones). I was too far away to ult in, but I used it anyway to try and deny vision. That worked like I charm. My peeps got out in the confusion only the last dregs of their health. Then I still went in. Derp.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2016 4:15pm | Report

Match History

The people I was queuing with ran out of luck on this one. We had won our previous two by the skin of our teeth. On this one my Mid laner didn't listen to me and picked Kayle into LeBlanc. That match-up might be in Kayle's favor if you know the matchup inside and out, but I've played it and if the Leblanc is better than you are with Kayle you lose. Our Top lane went full ****** and handed Fizz 3 early kills and then kept trying to fight him after that without building a Maw of Malmortius. Most of the time not even three of us could deal with the Fizz and I knew this one was donzo. Warwick build a freaking Infinity Edge. That was nuts. He did so much damage. I should have stuck with Nocturne or Shyvana. Hecarim wasn't a good pick here though with how far behind the lanes were I am not sure what I did mattered.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2016 5:53pm | Report

Match History

I don't know about this one. I couldn't kill anyone despite everyone being on maybe three bars of health after a Zigg's Mega Inferno Bomb. I thought maybe if Darius followed up after me, we might be able to get some work done together, but he kept going in ahead of me, so I would have to make the best of that situation. This is probably one I should put up for review.

I tried doing a Gromp and two buff start to gank Top lane to try and get Darius going, but Quinn warded right before I got in position. Ziggs was trading about even with Veigar and Bot lane wan't faring all that well, so maybe I should have focused some attention there? However our Draven DCd for a chunk of the game and also made some comment about "What does pushing too hard mean? I'm not familiar with ranked. I bought the account." When I suggested to Darius to not shove the lane so I could get my gank off. So, I was leery of that person effectiveness. The Draven also DCd for a while in early laning phase so I didn't really feel like there was much to be done there while we were waiting for him to hopefully reconnect. I checked their after the game and they had not Draven games played, so either they weren't kidding about buying the account or the were not thinking it through in playing a champion they were not all that familiar with in ranked.

I don't normally feel as ineffective as I did on Shyvana come late game. Maybe it was the Veigar stun splitting up our team? bleh.

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