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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2017 10:54am | Report

Went a little too ham on my gank on Darius in Top lane and took one too many tower shots. Other than that it was just matching them in rotations and coming out ahead most of the time. Got two inhibitors and there Nexus turret down but we were not able to get their Nexus at that time. Got Elder then forced a fight at Baron. Missed the Smite on Baron, but we had Elder. My Guardian Angel got popped, but I came back up and killed Xin Zhao then helped Jhin finish off Darius. Then we walked it up Mid lane for the win.

Thoughts on Elder then Baron? Should you just fight them with Elder Dragon and try to take a win that way without risking a Baron steal? Then come back and get Baron if you need it to finish?

Jax works decently against Xin Zhao, but if you want to stick to him or someone near him then you need to go in after he uses Crescent Sweep, otherwise you will simply be knocked away.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2017 12:54pm | Report

Riven was sort of winning lane, but then she did some questionable things after that. Bot lane was kind of getting stomped. I will be glad when they nerf Graves. Too much burst for as tanky as he gets. He also stays too healthy in the jungle and generally in ganks as well as he can just do a driveby and hope he gets enough CC and damage from his laner to end up with a kill. Unfortunately I don't feel like I'm good enough on him to make use of his skillset. We got Baron and still couldn't hold them in a team fight at our turrets so this one was donezo.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2017 1:37pm | Report

Ekko started DCing and the wheels started to come off the bus. Yasuo and Zyra kept on the Ekko at that point and kind of went AWOL doing their own thing and Nasus had reached that Mid game point where he is a power house. My team couldn't seem to figure out that they needed to let them engage on us and then combo our ults and CC to finish them off. Lacking that coordination the game devolved into Zed picking a squishy off and then us having to try to hold objectives while down a champion. Never felt like I managed to setup a good rhythm of farming and ganking with Yasuo always pushed up. Ekko always running from Nasus and Bot lane being somewhere in between.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2017 10:41pm | Report

I'll have to admit, I just about tilted out of the game the second time the Fizz one shot me with only a Lich Bane and Doran's Ring. Fortunately our resident healer, cheerleader, and psychotherapist, Soraka got on chat and kept saying soothing positive things like we can win this come late game, just be patient, and I'll do what i can to keep you healed up, but you have to help me. We started banding together in twos and threes with some CC to deal with their splitpushers and got enough wards out to have some idea of how we wanted to move around the map. I spent my time helping to delete Master Yi and Fizz with my ultimate and Q after they used their abilities that make them untargetable. That combined with Soraka healing meant they stopped picking up kills on our team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 12:47am | Report

Our Mid was tilted from the get go due to the Garen pick. They got about 10000 gold up on us and we weren't able to turn it around. Bot lane was a ticking time bomb that went off when Malphite hit level 6. We needed Lee Sin or a roam right about then to help turn there aggression around but he was off doing something else at the time. Had to talk with my Caitlyn about trading stance. They get away with it from playing Jhin mostly and using their 4th shot for a similar purpose. She really could have been pelting the heck out of Lucian and Malphite, but didn't really know how to go about it. Level 6 would still have been a problem. But at least we could have had them severely down in farm until that point.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 12:53am | Report

Brand was pretty huge from deleting Thresh several times in the laning phase and throughout later parts of the game, of course then he started adding others to his collection. We actually killed two of them including Elise and were heading over to Baron and Brand lobbed his ult over the wall and damn near killed the entire team and in fact did take out two of our lower health team members. Graves chilled out in Top lane. When he was with us we would make some headway, but without him we kept coming out on the losing end of fights. Eventually they caught us while jokeying for position on Baron and managed to kill most of us. No Barons were given more than a flesh wound in the making of this game where nothing happened. The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 1:53am | Report

Not really sure here. Pretty darn even game really except for we kept giving up towers and making no headway on their side of the map. Didn't help that Nautilus DCd a couple of times. Just kind of feels cruddy to flame horizon your lane opponent and have a big overall impact on the game, but not see that turn into objectives. Twisted Fate had some good roam plays helping out both Bot and Top. May need to start banning Brand though really there are more popular champions with higher win rates. But he seems to be a bane of mine of late.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 2:50am | Report

Yay mah team! Fiora is an irritating matchup. Oh look I poked you in your side and did true damage and I healed and I got faster so I can chase you down or run away!!! LoL. Like who the hell thought that was a good mechanic? How about you do true damage maybe, but not freaking heal. The getting faster is debatable. Hit and run tactics are a things. Anyway, was kind of tilted with having to deal with a Fiora, but the rest of my team was doing pretty well and eventually Shen jumped in to help me kill Fiora and Xin Zhao when they were diving under my turret. Yay! The game was well in hand from that point on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 9:06am | Report

Two almost matches. Get jungle once and Top once. The the third time got autofilled as suppport. And they first picked Nautilus. Grrr. Ran out of time deciding what I wanted to use to try and deal a Draven + Nautilus lane. Ended up with an Ezreal + Janna, which does no damage in comparison to the Draven and that indeed bit us in the arse on this one. One hook from Nautilus and I was toast. Also didn't help having Pantheon land in our laps a couple of times.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2017 9:37pm | Report

Our Caitlyn was positionally challenged, which meant we were down a good chunk of our DPS much of the game. And Cassiopeia wouldn't shut up about it. Screwed up at the end and accidentally used my ult while trying to buy the components for Last Whisper which isn't in Nocturne's standard item list. Didn't matter that much as they were so far ahead that they figured out they could just go ham and pick up enough kills to push to the Nexus. I deleted Jhin pretty much every fight from Mid game on, but really the problem was the combination of Yasuo and Malphite.

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