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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2018 4:38pm | Report

Life of a tank. Equal in farm to the enemy ADC and they still **** on you through all your armor.

I guess I should have dodged this one since I had one more win to go as our Mid was a jungle main.

Garen match-up is pretty dumb. You really can't hurt him more than he can heal up and eventually he can hurt you with his armor shred, especially after he gets Black Cleaver.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2018 5:26pm | Report

Won lane, lost game. Zed and Graves got fed off of killing Kha'Zix. Vayne was hard to deal with just for her slipperiness once she had her ult to use to go invisible so it took more time to kill her than one would have liked and she hurt.

Trundle does kinda stomp on Dr. Mundo. The healing from Fleet Footwork was good for lane, probably would have been better to have Press the Attack for later in the game.

I'm still not quite sure about a couple of things. Like if you are going to give ADCs low base movement speed then why do you give them bonus movement speed from Zeal items?

Also why % max health true damage? You can't really itemize against that. I guess it means stomp them early or lose?
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2018 7:37pm | Report
And dodge. Two jungle mains off role. 4 squishies three of which were running ignite, including the Ezreal ADC and they had a Zed. Mmmm, no thanks. 30 minute dodge penalty. Woo hoo. Time for some games on my alternate account.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2018 10:07pm | Report

And our Yasuo got mad and AFK farmed in Bot lane come what may. That is after I secured him Yasuo. I ended up with Darius since he only had a limited pull of champions to trade me, but since he had two wins on Yas, I figured he was a smurf. He may have been, but one with a poor attitude.

Urgot is an irritating matchup as Darius. Evelynn tried to help out but she kept trying awkward angles that didn't account for Urgot's dash so we could never both get on him at the same time or he managed to Flash away. One of which I should have anticipiated and followed up with my Flash to make sure my Apprehend conncted.

Without Yasuo actually playing with the team at least to some extent we couldn't coordinate anything well enough to get any sort of advantage.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2018 10:43pm | Report

Our bot, jg, and Mid got destroyed and I wasn't doing all that hot in Top lane myself. Had a mental brain hiccup when Pantheon ulted me right in front of my turret. I was like why would he, oh he actually had a enough damage to to kill me, that is why. Then I got gang banged my Fizz and Pantheon together, which was also my fault because I knew Fizz was in the area and had the worry that he might show up in my lane.

Had a good Teleport into Bot lane which picked us up two kills and I got a shut down on the uber fed Tristana, but it was too little too late.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2018 6:12pm | Report

Need to watch a high ELO Kled vs Darius match. Supposedly Kled beats Darius but I've never figured out how. He literally has to wiff all his abilities in order for you to out trade him.

Mid and jungle gave up a lot of kills and the rest of us didn't carry hard enough to turn this one into a win.

We did have two infernal drakes though they got the third one. Think we needed to turtle rather than take fights and try to make up the gold and XP differential while giving up as little as possible.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2018 7:06pm | Report

This would have probably been a 30 minute game tops, but Warwick DCd for about 5 minutes.

Pretty boring lane. Had a beautiful Teleport and ulitmate Bot to help get my Bot lane solidly ahead. Also had a great ult Mid game. Warwick went down, so we weren't able to get Baron. My team was going to back, but I directed them to push out the side lane waves, get wards on Baron, and then base to buy. Much better use of your time.

Team started to get a little froggy when Warwick came back. I had to tell them to calm it down in chat. They did better about not giving away easy picks after that.

We eventually used our lead to punch them in the mouth at their Mid inhibitor and then finished the game from there.

Happy with the ults that I pulled off and the direction I gave to the team that helped us do some things better than we would have otherwise.

Malphite seems simple to play and he is on a basic level, but the art in him is knowing when and who to ult. And you'll have a lot of games where you fail at it or the three targets you need never end up in the same space. But when you get it and your team is prepared to followup. That team fight is just donezo assuming relatively even or ahead.

The best tip I can give is try to look for a flank or the enemy team traveling through a choke point. The look for a flank part is a bit strange give that you are frontliner and general theory would have you standing in front of your team to act as a damage/CC sponge and you will end up doing that sometimes, but the flanking ultimate tends to be where you get their carriers stacked on top of each other because they aren't expect it.

And sometimes you should not be the engage. If they have a bunch of fed assassins or bruisers you cannot engage on their back line carries because even if you kill/keep one or more of their carries out of the fight your back line will still die to their assassins. In that case you usually have to wait until their team engages on your team. Then you focus on stuffing the assassins.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2018 8:07pm | Report

Malphite is irritating to lane against. You kind of have to hit this critical mass where you can damage him more than he can damage you. At that point you can stick to him and kill him. Before that he just pokes the **** out of you to the point that you are often close to being dismounted. If that happens and he has your ult then you are a dead mad yordle.

Did learn that Beartrap on a Rope is basically one autoattack worth of damage allowing you to prep the caster minions when they are at your turret. That was a key point about last hitting with Kled that I was missing.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2018 9:04pm | Report

Had to mute our Mid for being toxic. There was a missplay in Mid and both she and the Udyr ended up dying and she wouldn't shut up about it.

Learn to let things go and play the game.

And I thought they nerfed Janna's shield. But we nuked Yasuo down to around 100 health and she gave him a shield that filled up his entire health bar. Not sure if it was actually the full value of his health bar, but it was enough that we couldn't kill him as long as she was around to shield him.

Malphite into Shen is not the greatest match-up ever. Certainly not one you can dominate. Would not recommend.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2018 9:59pm | Report

I like the Dr. Mundo matchup into Cho'Gath. Got Spirit Visage and then proceeded to stomp on him. Master Yi was another story. That champion is on the stupid side with a couple of items under his belt. Fortunately we had enough CC to lock him down in the later part of the game. But good luck if he caught you own in 1s or pairs without enough CC.

I am wondering if I should just be dodging in match-ups where I am not reasonably advantaged in my lane match-up?

Course Mundo doesn't really stomp most of his match-ups until he starts to get some core items under his belt. So, not like I always had lane priority in lane in the match-up vs Cho. Things to think about. Play for lane or play for the team?

Had a good Teleport to Bot lane that netted us some kills and Bot turret, though it did end up being a trade for my turret, but since we got at least a double kill it was probably worth.

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