I thought they nerfed Kai'Sa's healing? Mmmm, k. Got her down to less than half health and she just healed her entire health bar back up. Okay then. Get Thornmail for the next time you face one.
Gangplank feels awful to play against. He just shoots you with Qs all the while getting extra items if he is running Kleptomancy and then starts throwing barrels under you and on top of the damage the slow sometimes screws you out of getting last hits because you can't make it to them in times.
Their Thresh was really good with his hooks.
On Top of winning lanes their team rotated better than our team did.
Uhm hey guys, they have a Dr. Mundo we are going to need a healing cut. Tristana. I know I'll get a Lord Dominik's Regards for the one tank on their team!!!
Couldn't deal with the Twitch since he can just join fights when he wants to unless you catch him out before he stealths. My team kept going for fights when we didn't know where he was. I know it looks juicy and all but there is a chance they...yep, they had a stealted Twitch trailing them.
Should have had a kill on the Dr. Mundo in the early game, but Hecarim clicked on a minion instead of Dr. Mundo.
Went for a Morellonomicon first. Definitely felt the dearth of AP when going Abyssal Mask second item, but I was somewhat behind and they had quite a bit of magic damage and CC so I didn't think I could get away with going for the extra damage.
Anivia rocked in Mid lane. That easily made the difference in this game.
Gnar lane was kind of non interactive. He didn't want to get near me. Trundle came Top once and lazily threw a really ****py pillar after Gnar had already used his Hop / Crunch so he walked away.
Whew, I played this game about as mechanically poorly as you can do on a Malphite. Got tower dove by the Fizz and tried to ult him, but he hadn't come down from his troll pole yet, so he was still untargetable.
Teleported to a ward behind the enemy Bot lane. Though maybe I shouldn't have since I knew the Fizz was lurking. What I didn't know was Graves was also there. Anyway, Jinx caught the Kai'Sa and Nami on her traps. Beautiful, right? exept the duration ended just as I got in range for my ult and they walked behind the wall to tribush and my ult ran me into the wall instead of hitting them. Like WTF. Anwyay, that turned into a disaster.
I wiffed another ult under our Mid lane inner turret. I think I got blinded by Graves Smoke Screen right before I mashed my R key.
But they were sieging or Top base turret and being pretty nonchalant about their positioning so I nailed Fizz and Graves. Jinx and Warwick were able to clean up and then we got Baron.
They chose to siege our Mid base turret, but I pushed a huge double cannon wave into their base and we won the fight at our base so we were able to really do some damage to their base, but i ended up dying in the process. Didn't whiff that ult, but should have ran instead.
We went to siege their Bot lane turrets and I died trying to get a ward in. I simply could not get away from a Gnar with a Frozen Mallet, so that was definitely not thought out well by me.
They decided to go for Dragon since they were in the vicinity.
In the meantime, our 33% win rate Veigar that had died 5+ times to the enemy Fizz creating the Fizz problem, waltzed into their base and took out a Nexus turret. Kai'Sa went back to base. Veigar nuked her and then ended the game. The End.
PS Malphite is supposed to be a decent match-up into Gnar. I found it to me miserable. Mid game once he got Frozen Mallet I found it to be impossible in the sense that I could not afford to get caught out by him or he could run be down and % health me to death. I also wish I had taken Second Wind for lane rather than Conditioning and bought a Doran's Ring or a Corrupting Potion as my second item so I would have some mana sustain.
PPS to be fair to the Veigar, Fizz is a counter pick
PPPS Marble Malphite is probably one of the most godawful skins in the game.
Jungler started griefing in champion select. Failed to respect lane priority and got killed in Top side river. Tilted off the face of the planet thereafter.
If you are pinging in desperation you done goofed.
I could deal with Tryndamere 1 v 1. I could not deal with Jax and Tryndamere at the same time.
A case could have made that I should have picked Malphite instead of Quinn since I didn't see their jungler yet and they could still pick Jax. If I could do that over again I would, but laning as Malp against Tryn is not a 100% safe prospect. You have to rely on winning team fights later and I still wouldn't have had lane priority vs Tryn in the situation that got Graves killed, unless maybe I dumped all my mana into pushing and ignored Tryndamere as much as possible. But I doubt that would have worked as Tryndamere probably would have something negative to say about that.
Mid got bopped, Bot got bopped, and Graves was griefing in chat and the Viktor also started griefing in chat.
The End.
Oh, I did make one stupid desperate play trying to kill a low health Orianna that I kinda had to walk through Jax to since he had jumped on top of either Xayah or Morgana or Viktor. He clipped me with Counter Strike and that should have ended my attempt but I carried on and died for my troubles without success.
The The End.
Well I weathered the unpleasantness that is Vladimir. Not much I can do to him in lane, except farm what I can without letting him get too many pot shots on me. My poke is to expensive mana wise to use on him since he will simply heal it up.
Ivern was a beast. Hunting people down and killing him all by himself.
Had a good Teleport into Bot lane where this time I did not clip a wall. That let us clean up that fight and take their Bot turret. Also had a good ult to end the game. I waited until Graves and Kai'Sa were together and let them have it, then kited back to my carries to peel Fizz off of them. We picked up one more kill and then they surrendered.
Note Nullifying Orb never procced in that game, so I would have been better off going Manaflow Band. I thought because they had a Fizz and Vladimir I would get some use out of it, but I didn't.
Funniest part of the game for me was watching Vladimir and Fizz try to deal with a Banner of Command siege minion. Fizz eventually killed it after Vladimir gave up and left.
PS Coral Reef Malphite doesn't look too bad. I wouldn't say it was his best skin, but it is not nearly as dreadful as Marble Malphite . Well, okay the splash is ****, but in-game the skin itself doesn't look too bad.
Team did well. I kept Aatrox busy.
Malphite's ult is weird. You can knock up a whole team with it, but someone can stutter step just a little bit and you can completely wiff it. That happened in this game against Aatrox and it got Veigar, who was helping me out, killed. We at least got the Aatrox, but still. Rito how can that even be a thing? I get dashes but he just wiggled a little bit and whoosh I went right by him.
Screwed up at one point and ended up with three of them on top of me causing my one death. Thresh was rather determined to kill someone and I was in the area.
Oh, I got disconnected from the server at the end of the game and had a moment of panic that the game wouldn't count and I wouldn't get into my promos again. But I did and I have one win, so I only have to muscle through two games to get into gold.
I think maybe I need to play Top and Mid or something. Cannot stand jungle. There are enough laners that are entitled whiney *******s that it just isn't fun. They think to themselves if only my jungler would come I would be 12-0! No, you dashed through a wall blind into two people one of which was a fed assassin. You are either really bad at the game or tilted out of your gourd. It is hard to work with either.
Syndra could just not deal with the Katarina and Kat could just hop away from me unless I could simply straight up kill her with Wuju Style and Alpha Strike and that happened exactly once.
Bot lane kept taking fights with their opposites when they were behind due to Warwick ganks and Katarina roams. Oddly they kept losing. Or getting cleaned up in after roams by Warwick or Katarina. Or winning when the enemy Bot lane really screwed up and then getting cleaned up by a roam.
Darius needed to back because he had way too much gold on him. I told him I am on my way and Syndra roams to Top when I am already to my Gromp and loses half the life on her tower. Which shortly thereafter got demolished by a raging Rift Herald.
And the laners just don't see it that way. Only getting them kills counts.
Ya'll need to jungle for while to the point that you are watching the map. Not just your lane. Actually don't I don't want you that tilted if I am going to have to play with you. XD
Hopefully I get Top next game.
Kha'Zix why didn't I get any honors? Maybe because of the 10th deaths, several of which were late game so they could have cost us an Infernal Drake or even Baron. We could have easily closed the game out 8 minutes sooner if he didn't suicided after we had taken their Mid tower and inhibitor. Yay! You got another kill. How about winning the game?
Janna kept pretty much all comers off of Ezreal so he could do his thing. That was more impressive.
Kennen wasn't very aggro in the early game. That let me farm up decently. He got off a good roam after he did shove me into tower, despite the fact that I pinged misssing as soon as he left lane and pinged out his probable path.
I followed him thereafter. I think in the scheme of things both are correct. I should ping missing and teammates should pay attention, but I should also follow against someone like Kennen who is probably not going to straight kill me if I do follow him.
I opted to itemize more for utility this game. Locket of the Iron Solari came in handy in the last team fight to mitigate the damage from Kennen's ult.
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Engaging on them wasn't working for us. So, I asked what is the plan? Comments where well the Brand is destroying us and maybe wait until they engage on us. Okay, new plan. Murder Brand. That worked much better!
And I checked to make sure he didn't pick up a Zhonya's Hourglass as that would have screwed up the plan since Vladimir and Ezreal had ways to dodge my ult.
So thank you team for the constructive criticism. :-)
-Sometimes chat is useful.