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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2018 9:07pm | Report

And everyone seems to like to pick Darius into Swain. I changed up my runes going for the inspiration tree rather than the resolve tree and started with a Corrupting Potion. Having Minion Dematerializer makes a huge difference in your pushing power. You are no Taliyah but it feels so much less painful to push waves. And you can save a few of them if they build a Banner of Command, assuming you still have room in your inventory to do so at that time in the game.

Still underestimated Darius chase + kill potential after being three kills up on him. I was down my ult so I should have been more wary. Will get this right one game.

I didn't pop off or anythng, but it felt good to be contributing kills and not just hanging on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2018 5:48pm | Report

Sejuani spent a lot of time Top lane and I can't fault her as it proved to be a fairly lethal combo because I wasn't getting away if she and and Akali managed to proc her stun on me.

First death Warwick tried to gank, but I had just used my Nevermove so I didn't have my CC to try and pin down Akali for the gank. So Warwick wandered off to go investigae the enemy jungle and ran into Sejuani. I moved over to help and I ended up getting screwed in the deal.

Later she hid in the lane bushes and caused me to bust my Flash. I think I still died. Akali was low so I opted to Teleport back to a minion near her and Sejuani was close enough to result in me getting killed again. Le sigh.

Another death was from attempting to run interference for my team while they did Baron. But I didn't have any armor and I was half health so Jinx managed to kill me.

So not the best game on my part. Or as they say mistakes were made.

-Chill with the greedy Teleports after dying to a gank. Their jungler could still be around.
-Make sure you have an exit strategy if you move to help a teammate.

I built toward Abyssal Mask to be a bit tankier since I was behind and they had a lot of magic damage on their team. I figured if I made a comeback I could start to build less conservatively.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2018 8:02pm | Report

Good team. Kindred got some ganks off early. We didn't get the Vladimir but they did chunk him pretty good which gave me some more breathing room.

I rotated to Mid lane after shoving a wave in and ended up cleaning up a kill on Annie though she came out ahead against Katarina in that exchange.

Kindred also picked up the The Rift Herald which we used to break the towers in Top lane.

Thresh did a nice job of zoning and having presence and Jinx was putting out enough AoE damage that it was hard for them to contest us when we set our sights on a turret, so we pretty much had our run of the game at that point.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2018 8:55pm | Report

Team died a lot so the enemy team had plent of gold to work with. I died once stupidly being shoved up to far and letting their team have time to rotate over to me. We killed Caitlyn in Bot lane which allowed my team to get Baron. We made a good push with that taking out quite a few towers, however we just couldn't keep from getting picked off. And last team fight I had a good ult lined up and then I think I got pulled by Blitzcrank. I thought it was might ult, but there was no knock-up so that is the only thing I can think of that would have had my effect. I got the ult off onto Caitlyn and Veigar after that but Fiora was able to proc her ult to give her team a bunch of healing so they won the fight.

Oh I also ulted into a fight when we were undermanned in order to try and save our Mid lane turret. Should have just let them have it.

Would like to have roamed more, but Fiora bought Tiamat early so it took me a while before I had the items to match her waveclear.

-Don't die if it is not useful to your team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2018 9:33pm | Report

Should have started Doran's Shield. Almost died to Kog'Maw at level 2. A bit of disrespect on my part, especially with him running Exhaust. Still he was gank food for Kayn in combination with my CC. Kai'Sa was even able to get in on the fun.

Kayn got huge and so did the Kai'Sa. Had to bring Kayn down a little bit after he ended in their base in a 1 v 4. Picking up a double nice, but not worth the shut down or the fact that it was after 20 minutes so Baron was on the board.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2018 10:46pm | Report

Dodged the game before this because they had a Singed Top showing and I didn't like any of my options for countering him given the team comp we were showing. We needed a tank but none of them are doing well into him at the moment other than Olaf and the match-up isn't that advantageous to him.

Xin Zhao helped put the hurt on Beemo to the point that I could solo kill him if I whittled him down some before hand or he did me the favor of taking some tower shots or a lot of creep aggro. Also since I could push faster that let me roam some and make play in other parts of of the map.

Still had a lot of deaths on our team, but I stayed on the map helping to exert pressure without dying.

Did Flash out of the last team fight after Xin got a clutch Smite on Baron under pressure from Lee and their team. I wanted to make sure we retained a Baron, but as it turns out Brand came in and blew them all to heck, with Zed also doing some damage. So I should have been more aware of the situation because I wasn't that low. The situation just looked poor from my perspective being surrounded by three enemies and having Xin Zhao go down beside me.

I popped Banner of Command on a siege minion and Brand and I went to finish off their base. While Zed hacked at their inner Top lane turret. Those who were dead kindly suggested that he go to the Nexus and help us end the game. XD

I ran Second Wind and Nullifying Orb instead of Conditioning and Manaflow Band vs. Teemo. I felt the lack of Manaflow Band, but Nullifying Orb did block about 470 damage throughout the course of the game.

Malphite is supposed to be a counter to Urgot and it kind of depends on how aggro they are. If they are timid then the matchup isn't much of a problem, but if they are constantly poking you then I think I would rather have Second Wind in that match-up.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2018 10:58am | Report

I pretty much just had to outrun the Master Yi and I was gucci. Grabbed a Zz'Rot Portal as my third item because they were giving me alone time with towers. Well, after shadowing me and trying to catch me which let my team do things elsewhere on the map. So not flashy but I held their ADC and sometimes Master Yi in my lane so doing useful Singed things.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2018 12:06pm | Report

Mmmm, this Swain was better than the previous one I faced and was running Cheap Shot so he hurt a lot more in the early game.

I also took off Nullifying Orb thinking I was vs a Yasuo and that probably led to my one death in lane.

Our LeBlanc was so desparate for farm that she ran to a wave that I was picking up instead of going Top lane to help Twitch defend the Top lane inner turret vs Swain. That ended up costing us a tower.

Team managed a good push in Mid lane. Then overstayed and got thumped. IIRC that let their team get Baron resulting in us losing our Bot and Mid towers and inhibitors because Shyvana decided to join me for some unknown to me reason. So we ended up trading our inhibitors for their one tower and inhibitor. Not really a worthwhile trade and prevented me from getting into their base to double proxy because I figured I should back and try and help defend out base, which we would have lost had a I not gone back.

I really don't understand why people on your team want to follow you around when you are splitpushing. I mean maybe if you are an assassin and want to shadow you split pusher in order to try and pick up a kill.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2018 12:50pm | Report

Whew, I have words to describe how bad our Ezreal was, but they would be NSFW.

I should have dodged this one when our jungler was showing Yasuo. Fortunately Yasuo got banned so he went with Master Yi.

I made the mistake of trying to help him when he got collapsed on by Xin Zhao and Renekton when eying my lane for a gank. We don't win that that 2v2. That got us both killed.

Best part of the game was when they went to take Baron. We hit them with a beaufifully layered combo of skill shots. Ashe Arrow, followed by a Sona ult, follow by my Q, and an Ezreal ult. Too bad we were too far behind for it to kill anyone. They managed to clean up that fight, the Ezreal E's over the wall and kills Miss Fortune or Morgana I dodn't recall which and then proceeds walk right into the Renekton after the Renekton back off. This left only Sona up to defend the base. Ziggs teleports in and ends the game.

The really bad part about Ezreals play was his lack of map awarness. I warned him three times that he was going to get ganked or roamed on and he ignored or thought he could outplay and he died all three times.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2018 1:54pm | Report

Could not overcome Ezreal's penchant for getting himself killed at inopportune times.

-Another game where I didn't correctly calculate what the cost would be to try and help my jungler. He came Top after his first clear and ran into Xin Zhao with Renekton moving to follow up. I forgot Yi did not have Flash so he just straight up died since he couldn't get over the river wall into the safety of your jungle. I got too close when I moved to assist him and they had too much CC and damage so i went down as well.

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