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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2017 12:48am | Report

...thought this was going to be one of those games. Been going for a three camp clear then gank, because everyone whines mightly if you aren't obviously ganking lanes all the time. Uh, getting gold so I can buy items and get big folks. I'm looking but if nothing looks good I'd rather keep farming then try an ineffective gank. But so far the 3 camp and gank has proven fairly effective. I get both my buffs and usually get a Flash if nothing else.

Game really feels like 4 or 5 man roam as soon as you can and take towers. Laning phase, while not necessarily ending early, feel like teams are deciding to roam in mass.

This game our Garen fed Yasuo a kill before I had even finshed my 3 camp clear. Then he walked back to lane and fed Yasuo another kill. I finished off Yasuo after that and pushed the wave into the tower.

Later they started trading kills.

One of my deaths basically came from tanking Baron. Garen and I think Ahri didn't come to join us. Was actually really suprised by the death as usually I don't lose that much health on Baron, but I guess Vayne didn't have a Blade of the Ruined King so it wasn't going down very fast.

Just trying to be more proactive and have a plan. 3 camps, look for the best gank opportunity. Go back to farming. Get to lanes as soon as it looks like something might be developing especially if I have my ult available. Managed to turn around a couple of nasty situations.

Hec struggles with mana on the three camp clear starting Red so I like to start Blue if at all possible, but in this case Garen was late to buy so I switched to Red because I had Zyra and Vayne to help with the leash there.

Oh, also had another death from not respecting the tether range on LeBlanc's chains. I thought I have boots and MS quints, surely I can walk out of this, but apparently not. She double chained me after that and ended up killing me.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2017 7:46pm | Report

3 camp clear. Ganked Top and blew Jayce's Flash. He stayed in the middle of the lane and Tryndamere baited him in so I did a return gank and we killed him. Jayce Teleported back to lane and we killed him again. Rotated Bot lane and we picked up a kill on Draven. Veigar was doing decently Mid and absorbing some jungle pressure from Olaf. They got him low so Syndra dove him under his turret. She got Veigar, but I cleaned up Syndra.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2017 8:49pm | Report

Master Yi needs to take a break. I kill Yasuo. Nope he killed me. Ooo, Yasuo! I kill Yasuo. Nope he killed me. Why did you ban Blitzcrank instead of Yasuo? Well, I was autofilled as support, except the person that got Bot wanted to support, so I didn't know I was going to be playing ADC until the last second. Given that I was probably going to play Brand or Janna I banned the dumbass robot with a pull (also because he has a both a higher pick rate and a higher win rate than Yasuo. Why don't you ask the person that picked Sion into Yasuo why he did that because Yas ***** on Sion.

I clipped a couple of autos which ended up costing either Master Yi or Twisted Fate their life. My bad, I don't regularly ADC. I could have used trading stance better vs Jhin, maybe, but it is a weird interval between Karma Qs or Mantraed Qs and Jhin's 4th shot, so I felt squirrely about really trying to punish him in that way. Again don't ADC that often.

Suppose dodging would have been optimal, but I actually like playing all the positions when I get a chance. Keeps things more interesting.

And just noticed this feature on op gg

I think I like this version of post match data better than Riot's built in version. At least we absorbed more damage than their team...
Elusive Ferret
<Crowd Favorite>
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Jan 16th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2017 8:51pm | Report
I believe you linked the wrong image, it's the same one as your previous post :D
I can't take back the words I never said
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2017 8:12am | Report
I believe you linked the wrong image, it's the same one as your previous post :D

Fixed. Thanks!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2017 8:08pm | Report

Slow loss. I and Morgana were doing well, but Lee Sin and our Bot lane **** the bed. Mid game when we needed to catch them doing cross map stuff we had no Sightstone for wards, so we weren't able to spot anything out. Oddly I had a Control Ward by Blue buff that stayed up pretty much the entire game. "Late game" we were behind and pretty much always a man down due to someone on our team getting caught out, so if I tried to pull the trigger on an engage I would just get focused and go down without sufficient return damage from my team.

Really need to dodge when I see **** like Lee Sin Top. Cho'Gath support was another tell, that they would be better playing that one without me.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2017 7:31pm | Report

I cry. 5-1-0 going into Mid game and mah team...
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2017 8:24pm | Report


Got no leash because Bot lane wanted to try and cheese the enemy team in their jungle, but Fizz backed out, so I backed out too. Neither Fizz nor Fiora responded to my request for a leash. Made a poor call to try and gank Bot lane. Thresh died from that. My laners had too many minions to get through and were too low in health, plus Alistar should have made that a non-option.

My original plan was to blue, wolves, red, and gank Top to try and get Fiora rolling, but the best laid plans.

Top feeding, Bot feeding, Mid feeding. I got caught in transit a couple of times trying to gank. One of those on an Orianna roam that Fizz didn't follow even though I pinged it out. Rengar's ult works best if you do it from off screen when you aren't already taking damage.

At this point, I would take one lane winning. At least then I could focus my attention there.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2017 9:17pm | Report

I may give up playing ranked for a while. This game was going okay in the beginning, Riven roamed down from Top lane to help pick up a kill on Ekko. Fine. But that left Dr. Mundo to farm unimpeded and take the first turret of the game. Then basically we got out pressured and out team fought by their team.

I'm apparently not good enough to carry with Rengar, so I think I am going to put him down for a bit. Maybe something nice and tanky with CC and see what happens. Because whatever I'm doing at the moment is not working one bit.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2017 11:08pm | Report

I don't get league matchmaking sometimes. Queued with a friendly Mid laner that I've played with before. My turn for a stomp. I was supposed to play Hecarim but our Top laner DCd right about the time we were supposed to trade. He made into the game on time, but there I was with Smite on Garen and Hecarim with no keystone. He struggled verses Irelia, but I told him to hang in there and be our engage and he did. The rest of our lanes were crushing it and I got to help in the muder spree despite a not any tier jungler. Garen's clear was a little lacking in sustain, though that might be because I didn't put a point in Courage until I had to, which is probably a bad idea now that I've read the passsive. But I basically got to Q Master Yi or Irelia when either dived on my carries, spin on them, and ult them to finish them off. Pretty satisfying actually. XD

Garen's clear speed actually got to be pretty good once I had Enchantment: Cinderhulk and Black Cleaver. On a do again, I thing I would probably get TBC before the enchantment, though I would finish my jungle item for the ranged slow.

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