Surprised to see Shen make it into Tier 2 for jungle. He doesn't even rate a jungle entry on I've been playing him a bit in the jungle, even in ranked, and enjoy him, but I think his clear is on the slow side which makes him vulnerable to aggressive counter junglers. What do you see as his strength in the jungle? Simply his ult giving him global map presence?
VexRoth wrote:
Surprised to see Shen make it into Tier 2 for jungle. He doesn't even rate a jungle entry on I've been playing him a bit in the jungle, even in ranked, and enjoy him, but I think his clear is on the slow side which makes him vulnerable to aggressive counter junglers. What do you see as his strength in the jungle? Simply his ult giving him global map presence?
He's on the slower side sure, but he still clears relatively sustained (after buying machete upgrade), and he's far better at dueling than he was pre rework due to his W and Q. He always had decentish ganks with E. Im not saying he's amazing, but hes better than pre-rework shen jungle.
H4xDefender wrote:
i have a slight personal bias to shen, but the fact that he farms slower than most is a bit offset by the fact that he doesnt really need to leave his jungle much past level 6. cinderhulk getting buffed is always nice too.
That is why I still prefer Twisted Fate in the jungle over him, he has higher clearspeed, better early ganks, better ganks and similar effects with 6 and scales really well with Enchantment: Bloodrazor. The only thing he lacks is tankyness which can be made up for by building tanky items ( Wit's End, Dead Man's Plate, Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen) but you can also go offensive with a nice combination potential ( Guinsoo's Rageblade, Nashor's Tooth).
Another build option would be Enchantment: Runic Echoes into a more AP focused build out of the jungle which benefits from the movement speed to land more stuns.
wow I would've expected Riven to be moved up because according so Hashin**** she's broken, has no counterplay, is better than Maokai, takes the same amount of skill as Aatrox to play, doesn't have to land autos to do damage and is a freelo pick :^)
Nearly had a stroke in the 10 minutes I watched his stream for
Awesome Sig by OwenTheAwesomer
H4xDefender wrote:
Viktor: NEEDS rylais, but is good in teamfights if he lives to get full ult off. Overall probably nerfed a bit since the abyssal nerf hurts his waveclear heavily.
You're forgetting that 2nd E no longer does reduced damage to targets hit by 1st laser. His waveclear is better.
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Some of you might be freaking out because I finally moved champions into tier 4 for mid, and moved a ton of longstanding tier 2 champs into tier 3. This is because the more I thought about it, there were a lot of tier 2 mids that weren't better than any of the tier 1 mids in any shape or form, so I felt they were more deserving of tier 3. There were 20+ champs in tier 2, it just didn't make sense.