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Creator: jhoijhoi June 6, 2011 7:25am
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OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2014 11:21pm | Report
Can't get banned for sucking/playing troll ****.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 12:26am | Report
That feel when you actively try to get banned from League of Legends, but realize anything you say is likely too tame to actually get penalized.
How to get banned:

Step 1: In the matchmaking, tell everyone that you go mid or feed and instalock if someone else calls mid as well. If no one calls mid, say jk and go say top or feed and instalock toplane.
Step 2: Pick the easiest stomp champions and flame anyone in matchmaking that doesn't pick a stomp champion.
Step 3: When the game starts tell the enemies to report your team for picking X and that you wish everyone to die of cancer. If someone duo lanes with you because you instalocked, tell them to report the duolaner instead.

Step 4: Stomp the lane, make sure that the enemy feels miserable. Each time the enemy laner does something wrong, say that they're terrible. If the enemy stands still for a second, kill him immediately even when he might be DC'ing. If the enemy actually does something well, flame them for picking an OP champ and tell them that they suck.
Step 5: Whenever one of your allies dies, say in allchat that this person should be reported and that this person lost your game
Step 6: If anyone starts saying that you are not an awesome person, tell them that you slept with their mother and that they should die of cancer. Also call them mad and say that they're kids. Don't say anything else but the things described in this step.

Step 7: Don't forget to keep stomping
Step 8: Whenever you cannot perform step 7 and you fail at something, make sure you blame everyone except yourself. Tell the supports that they suck at warding, tell the enemies that they pick op champs, say that riot screwed this up and that your jungler sucks.
Step 9: When all steps above are executed and 20 minutes is reached, surrender. NO MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE WINNING OR LOSING. Just surrender. Tell everyone that they should give up because they suck

Step 10: Say in all chat how bad your team is and that they wont surrender or say in the chat after the game how bad your team is and that they all should fck themselves.
Step 11: If you are still in game by now, go stay in base and do nothing.
Step 12: Make sure that you are actually still chatting while standing still and doing nothing. You cannot come over like you are afk. Now you just repeat step 6 and 9 until the game ends.
Step 13: Have fun with your ban!
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Bludes
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<Guide Critic>
Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 12:39am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
How to get banned:

Step 1: In the matchmaking, tell everyone that you go mid or feed and instalock if someone else calls mid as well. If no one calls mid, say jk and go say top or feed and instalock toplane.
Step 2: Pick the easiest stomp champions and flame anyone in matchmaking that doesn't pick a stomp champion.
Step 3: When the game starts tell the enemies to report your team for picking X and that you wish everyone to die of cancer. If someone duo lanes with you because you instalocked, tell them to report the duolaner instead.

Step 4: Stomp the lane, make sure that the enemy feels miserable. Each time the enemy laner does something wrong, say that they're terrible. If the enemy stands still for a second, kill him immediately even when he might be DC'ing. If the enemy actually does something well, flame them for picking an OP champ and tell them that they suck.
Step 5: Whenever one of your allies dies, say in allchat that this person should be reported
Step 6: If anyone starts saying that you are not an awesome person, tell them that you slept with their mother and that they should die of cancer. Also call them mad and say that they're kids. Don't say anything else but the things described in this step.

Step 7: Don't forget to keep stomping
Step 8: Whenever you cannot perform step 7 and you fail at something, make sure you blame everyone except yourself. Tell the supports that they suck at warding, tell the enemies that they pick op champs, say that riot screwed this up and that your jungler sucks.
Step 9: When all steps above are executed and 20 minutes is reached, surrender. NO MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE WINNING OR LOSING. Just surrender. Tell everyone that they should give up because they suck

Step 10: Say in all chat how bad your team is and that they wont surrender or say in the chat after the game how bad your team is and that they all should fck themselves.
Step 11: If you are still in game by now, go stay in base and do nothing.
Step 12: Make sure that you are actually still chatting while standing still and doing nothing. You cannot come over like you are afk. Now you just repeat step 6 and 9.
Step 13: Have fun with your ban!

Despite some of MOBA's members being......oh, how should I put it.....strange, the genius behind some of them simply baffles me.

I believe Meiyjhe is a shining example of this, with Toshabi in a very close second (Yes, I dare put Toshabi in second place).
Signature brought to you by Ipodpulse!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 12:52am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
How to get banned:

Step 1: In the matchmaking, tell everyone that you go mid or feed and instalock if someone else calls mid as well. If no one calls mid, say jk and go say top or feed and instalock toplane.
Step 2: Pick the easiest stomp champions and flame anyone in matchmaking that doesn't pick a stomp champion.
Step 3: When the game starts tell the enemies to report your team for picking X and that you wish everyone to die of cancer. If someone duo lanes with you because you instalocked, tell them to report the duolaner instead.

Step 4: Stomp the lane, make sure that the enemy feels miserable. Each time the enemy laner does something wrong, say that they're terrible. If the enemy stands still for a second, kill him immediately even when he might be DC'ing. If the enemy actually does something well, flame them for picking an OP champ and tell them that they suck.
Step 5: Whenever one of your allies dies, say in allchat that this person should be reported and that this person lost your game
Step 6: If anyone starts saying that you are not an awesome person, tell them that you slept with their mother and that they should die of cancer. Also call them mad and say that they're kids. Don't say anything else but the things described in this step.

Step 7: Don't forget to keep stomping
Step 8: Whenever you cannot perform step 7 and you fail at something, make sure you blame everyone except yourself. Tell the supports that they suck at warding, tell the enemies that they pick op champs, say that riot screwed this up and that your jungler sucks.
Step 9: When all steps above are executed and 20 minutes is reached, surrender. NO MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE WINNING OR LOSING. Just surrender. Tell everyone that they should give up because they suck

Step 10: Say in all chat how bad your team is and that they wont surrender or say in the chat after the game how bad your team is and that they all should fck themselves.
Step 11: If you are still in game by now, go stay in base and do nothing.
Step 12: Make sure that you are actually still chatting while standing still and doing nothing. You cannot come over like you are afk. Now you just repeat step 6 and 9 until the game ends.
Step 13: Have fun with your ban!

Can you write me a full guide please? I need in depth notes and visual representation and proof of your legitimacy as a guide writer for getting banned.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 1:04am | Report

Can you write me a full guide please? I need in depth notes and visual representation and proof of your legitimacy as a guide writer for getting banned.
What do you think I am? Some sort of hardworking banana? U cray son I aint gonna do that ****

Electro522 wrote:
Despite some of MOBA's members being......oh, how should I put it.....strange, the genius behind some of them simply baffles me.

I believe Meiyjhe is a shining example of this, with Toshabi in a very close second (Yes, I dare put Toshabi in second place).
Oh stop it you <3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo

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OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 1:06am | Report
Fine! Some source of potassium you are!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 1:28am | Report
Out of 10 games the past 2 days, I've lost 9 of them.

So I went to DotA for the night. Played Sniper and rolled all over them. Yay casual champs.
True love is found only in yourself.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 1:41am | Report
Lugignaf wrote:
Out of 10 games the past 2 days, I've lost 9 of them.

So I went to DotA for the night. Played Sniper and rolled all over them. Yay casual champs.

I do recall raking in easy wins with Sniper and Brewmaster when I tried the game.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 5:52am | Report
Pretty sure Lucian's getting straight murdered next patch, **** this game quit forever. ;-;
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2014 6:05am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:
Pretty sure Lucian's getting straight murdered next patch, **** this game quit forever. ;-;

He can finally join Senna.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!

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