You should build tanky first, then damage. Items like Sunfire Aegis and Warmog's Armor first and after that Black Cleaver, Infinity Edge and Youmuu's Ghostblade. With Courage, you are really hard to take down and you should hit as much enemies as possible with your spin, while focusing on the enemy carries. Try to kill the enemy carries if possible, as they can't do much against you. You got a nice tool to finish them off.
Build ADC + Zhonyas hourglass.
Dive in, Spin, press zhonyas when the hate comes in, keep on spinning.
No, seriously. Garen's spin is a status buff - it'll keep going through ZH stasis.
But also seriously, don't try this in ranked
Unless you're smurfing or something for the lols
Dive in, Spin, press zhonyas when the hate comes in, keep on spinning.
No, seriously. Garen's spin is a status buff - it'll keep going through ZH stasis.
But also seriously, don't try this in ranked
Unless you're smurfing or something for the lols
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throatslasher wrote:
Sometimes I max Q, I think it scales better and it doesn't push your wave.
What? Not improving Mr spin-to-win's ability to spin-to-win?
(Jokes aside, he's right.)
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Lol, when I started playing Garen I maxed Q because I'd just assumed it was standard. At some point I checked a guide just to check if I was doing it right and I was like "wait wat, you max E???".
Q max has more reliable damage, doesn't push the lane, better escape, and better gap closer.
The only, though rather large downside, is that E max has the same damage increase as Q max each level with just a SINGLE spin hit.
Q max has more reliable damage, doesn't push the lane, better escape, and better gap closer.
The only, though rather large downside, is that E max has the same damage increase as Q max each level with just a SINGLE spin hit.
Rush AP. That's how you really win.
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!
Decisive Strike at lvl 1 and Courage at lvl 2, Judgment at lvl 3. Then I generally max Judgment because I want to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy. Why throw away Garen's super high earlygame damage by maxing Decisive Strike? Of course, if you don't want to push the lane at all, it can be an option, but otherwise, Judgment adds way more damage. And you want to be able to nearly instnatly combo the enemy at lvl 6, so you need the damage. Judgment is also way better if the enemy laner is Pantheon/ Jax. Also, lucky crits can be also way easier proced by Judgment.
BTW: You need 2 spin hits, Judgment procs every 0.5 seconds for 1/2 of the damage. And don't forget the AD-ratio of Judgment increases aswell while leveling up.
BTW: You need 2 spin hits, Judgment procs every 0.5 seconds for 1/2 of the damage. And don't forget the AD-ratio of Judgment increases aswell while leveling up.
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