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Strongest non-ultimate ability?

Creator: lolanea May 16, 2013 1:48am
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IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 7:42pm | Report
@ thalia it's ok I know what you were trying to do and say an my argument is probably stupid because not many people are logical anymore so going by the actions of most people then yes I do suppose that my argument is probably very flawed so I concede rocket grab is the best non-ultimate ability going by the behaviour of most players
Edit: your diagram makes sense seeing as how noone actually wards in game they only do in theory
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Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
Arkharan's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 7:44pm | Report
I'd like to know how we are not logical O_O

ty xaiolu for the sign :3
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 7:50pm | Report
Your argument is actually good and I dont think rocket grab is the best spell though... personally my favorite (not best) spell is Nid Spear
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 7:54pm | Report
Arkharan wrote:

I'd like to know how we are not logical O_O

well I'm not saying you as a person aren't but I'm saying generally the LoL community doesn't use logic when playing unless at a high tier. I'm saying that going on my logical debate for why rocket grab isn't the best ability is stupid because everyone even pros get caught out in illogical positions. My argument went on the basis of noone getting caught out because they were being logical but in reality my argument was far from what actually happens
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 8:04pm | Report

Your argument is actually good and I dont think rocket grab is the best spell though... personally my favorite (not best) spell is Nid Spear

Well thanks for the compliment but my argument was in reality flawed while in theory practical and my personal favourite spell would have to be lux's e I don't know why but i just like it probably because it makes farming so easy and you can use it to check brush instead of facechecking
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 8:29pm | Report
Rocket Grab isn't the strongest at all. Blitzcrank can make a grab and still die. There's nothing in and of itself about the grab that's OP.

'If you ward properly, blablabla'. Firstly, this assumption is wrong. There is no reason to suggest that you are in a position to ward, nor have you the money to buy wards outside of Sightstone. For example, I could singlehandedly destroy your 'ward properly' argument by putting an Oracle's Elixir on Blitzcrank. Suddenly, you can't ward for ****. So yes, you can't reason properly. You fail to consider other possibilities when you provide blanket solutions such as 'warding properly'.

I would say AP Master Yi's Alpha Strike is quite OP. Nukes you for ridiculous damage and often at no damage in return.
Arkharan's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 8:48pm | Report
Beside blitz grabs I can only imagine.
Elastic Slingshot
Poison Trail
That are not directly cc, if not I'd consider Shen's Shadow Dash or Fiddle's Terrify

But I'm gonna say my favorite is Thresh's Dark Passage that thing can create insane plays.

ty xaiolu for the sign :3
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 9:30pm | Report
@ sirell well thanks for shredding my argument into little pieces but alpha strike nukes on AP Yi only and even then it isn't guaranteed to hit a champion.
@ arkharan dark passage is amazing for setting up the plays but I think this whole thread was a trap for **** like this because different people think different things are OP.
I could say that Sion's shield is OP because it has amazing scaling and provides a massive shield/nuke that can do all most as much as Alpha strike while negating damage as well. I could also argue that a passive could be taken into consideration and then say Ashe's passive because it gives a definite crit at the start and other intervals of the game.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 9:31pm | Report
Also I could say Puncturing Taunt is OP because it has a massive duration and is targeted.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2013 7:33pm | Report

@ sirell well thanks for shredding my argument into little pieces but alpha strike nukes on AP Yi only and even then it isn't guaranteed to hit a champion.

You don't have to hit a champion. That's an amazing thing about it. You can just clear the wave and you'd suddenly stop any push of the enemy. Most times you can tell if you're able to hit an enemy, though. And if you feel like targeting someone for the kill, there's very little they can do to stop you short of killing you first. Alpha Strike makes Master Yi difficult to catch, but lets him deals lots of damage. If he gets a kill in a teamfight with Highlander on, the teamfight is usually won by that point. Ofc, that just means Alpha Strike is most effective when combined with an ultimate.

Another ability that comes to mind is Death Sentence. Although it doesn't grab them to you, you get the safety option of deciding whether to go in or not whilst they're stunned.
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