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Check out my How to play Renekton like a Boss that is guide for losing.
I remember a while ago my friend wanted to 1v1 mid lane and I went galio and he went Kat and his ult would heal me more than dmg me when I bulwarked

Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Tbh I'd say probably WW's W, which gives 40% attack speed to everyone on his team, and 80% to himself. Assuming his team has 2 other people capable of making use of the attack speed, such as the solo top / jungle and the ADC, and assuming 40% attack speed is worth ~1k gold, it means he's giving his team a buff worth 4k gold. Its range and CD also make it pretty much permanent for every member on his team too.
I don't think any other ability buffs your team to a 4k gold advantage, not even ultimates.
Also ****, I forgot I was looking through an old thread. :>
I don't think any other ability buffs your team to a 4k gold advantage, not even ultimates.
Also ****, I forgot I was looking through an old thread. :>

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