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"Creative Assistance Guides" section...

Creator: Infectious Lepar April 11, 2012 4:09pm
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Would you be in favor of a new Guides section designed for how-to's, image/sig creation, and review shops
Infectious Lepar
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Sep 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 4:09pm | Report
So, right now there are tons of creative assistance guides currently filling up the "general strategy" section of the site. I would like to get tons of feed-back on a recent idea I had about creating a section on the site for guides such as these.

+ Clears up anything that is not "general strategy" from that guide section
+ Creates a place where people can easily find many review shops
+ Creates a more official atmosphere for creativity shops on Mobafire
+ Use of the Guide Creation format for review/sig shops, instead of the limited nature of the forums.
+ It would be an easy transition for the currently set up shops.

- Removes a reasonable amount of attention from the "Builds and Guides Suggestion" section of the forums.

If anyone has anything to add to this list, leave a comment and I will try and add it.
If I have helped you in some way, or you enjoyed my work some "Rep" would be nice ;)
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 4:23pm | Report
I picked option 3 because I believe there should be a category for Review Guides and a category for Miscellaneous/Off-Topic.

In the Miscellaneous category, guides like my Art display could go there etc.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
Syther Blade
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 4:26pm | Report
perfect 25% lol.I don't really think its the right site for this though

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
Infectious Lepar
Infectious Lepar's Forum Avatar
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Sep 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 4:27pm | Report
good point, I'm open to the general idea, but individual set ups would be even better
If I have helped you in some way, or you enjoyed my work some "Rep" would be nice ;)
Infectious Lepar
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Sep 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 6:00pm | Report
They already have the humor guides, which I'm sure receive way fewer readers then these guides would.
If I have helped you in some way, or you enjoyed my work some "Rep" would be nice ;)
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 9:45pm | Report
I think it's a good idea. I at least think some distinction between "mobafire help guides" and "LoL help guides" would be good. I think we should stay away from "off-topic" guides though. If it doesn't fit into helping people with mobafire or LoL it should probably just be a blog post / forum topic.

I think if Sig shops moved to guide format the Sig section would become rather... dead. I think a better solution for the sig shops would be to allow thread tracking so they can tell when they get requests.

I see a lot of overlap between build and guide discussion and theory crafting... maybe they should just be merged? The most useful thing in the build subforum is the stickies imo. A lot of the posts are just build ideas, which could go in theory crafting.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2012 9:50pm | Report
Mowen wrote:

I see a lot of overlap between build and guide discussion and theory crafting... maybe they should just be merged?

My thoughts exactly.
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 3:28am | Report
That's a great idea, Mowen, I support the merging of the Build & Guide Discussion and Theory Crafting.

I didn't make a signature shop in guide format, I just make something I could display my works in so I didn't have to keep updating the OP in my forum post, because, once again, guides are easier to edit than forum posts where the edit function is at the end of 100+ images.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 3:41am | Report
Are you talking about using the guide system (as in, the builder and such) for guide reviews, site guides (helping with bbcode and such) and signatures? Or are you suggesting an alternate system for this? Or are we purely discussing some changes to the forum topics?

If you're suggesting using the builder system, I don't really like the idea of using it for things other than game guides. I feel like it's just going to complicate things for users interested in learning how to play. We do have a humor category but that is meant as a place to dump guides that people post that aren't serious, but make sense as guides (joke builds and strategies), and we have nowhere else to put them.

There are already some off topic guides (like jhoijhoi's amazing "how to write a guide" guide), but once the wiki is up I hope we can move this information over to wiki articles instead where it is easier for users to find.

If we're going to start allowing this, we have to really separate them from the game guides, and come up with a new place to list them, and update things all over the site to filter them out... It's a bit of a nightmare. Is it really that bad using the forum?

If we are talking about building a new system for things like sig shops and guide reviews, it's really an interesting thought. I'm sure we could come up with some awesome ideas. However, there is a LOT of other stuff we'd want to get through first, so this might not be a good way to go, for now.

In terms of forum topics, it's easy for us to add new topics, and not super hard for us to merge or rename existing topics. We could merge the build & guide discussion topic with the theory crafting topic. However, if we're just going to add another "Guide Reviews" topic... That is really what the buidl & guide discussion topic was meant for in the first place. If people are just not understanding what that topic is for, maybe we just need a better name, and to move all the theorycrafting threads out?

I kinda feel like the solution to this is just going to be some cleaning up, clarifying and padding of the existing forum topics.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 4:45am | Report
If you're thinking of cleaning up the forums, I'm all for that idea. The stickies of each forum should be looked at and removed if they are redundant or unnecessary. I also believe each forum should have a FAQ sticked that is exactly the same for each forum, so people always have the same idea of what is going on/where to go, as most of the FAQ is different for each forum. This sticky should probably not even be in the sticky section, but have it's own "Official" header thing so people know it's there (many people post threads asking questions that are right there in the FAQ, obviously they're missing these threads).

I believe merging the Build & Guide Discussion with Theory Crafting is a great idea, as most of the theory crafting in the build and guide discussion is about "what build is best for WW?" as opposed to "is this build in my guide the most optimal for WW?". The current Build and Guide Discussion Forum could be retitled "Guide Reviewing" or something similar and can host all the review threads/proof-reading services, as that is it's primary usage at the moment. If this sub forum is created, I think more reviewers will pop up, seeing as it's being "officially" supported by MobaFire.

Adding a new category in the guide sections for Miscellaneous wouldn't be detrimental, as I would love to move two of my current guides there (Guide Reviews and Art Showcase). I realise the Art Showcase has nothing to do with LoL beyond the signatures I've made with LoL Art, but I found it much easier to update my creations there. If necessary I can archive.

As for moving my Guide to Making a Guide to the MobaFire Wiki - I would gladly move the "bare bones" of the guide to explain such elementary things as the BBCode, but I think it'd be a shame to lose the humour and guide comments of the guide itself. But that's just personal opinion.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by me ♡
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