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Creator: Bryun October 13, 2011 9:26pm
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IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2011 11:06am | Report
Right, I remember some of them now (if not all :P).
  • Does the site already show the AP as it should be if you buy Rabadon's Deathcap?
  • Double link at "Builds and Guides" and "Tools", in the main page. Perhaps remove one, kind of useless having two of them :P
  • I can't see my signature in my profile :(
  • How about adding some more buttons near Quote | PM | +rep ? Such as Skype, xFire, MSN, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter. Of course everyone can choose whether or not they want to show that to everyone. Also nice would be to have a "Report" button if you think someone made a post that is not okay. System would keep track of how many times a person has been reported, and at a certain number of reports (let's say, 3) a person will get a temporary ban or some sort of punishment.
  • What does +rep do anyways? I have seen it but I have no idea what it means or what it does.

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2011 11:10am | Report
IceCreamy, there is a report link on every comment and every guide. Is it not showing for you?

People can +Rep you as they please and it maintains a score and rep title (your rep score is currently 10 and you have the title "Unremarkable"). Basically it's a way to encourage people to help each other out and contribute to the community. If someone helped you, give them a +Rep click as thanks and hopefully others will do the same for you :)
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2011 11:14am | Report
Matt wrote:

IceCreamy, there is a report link on every comment and every guide. Is it not showing for you?

People can +Rep you as they please and it maintains a score and rep title (your rep score is currently 10 and you have the title "Unremarkable"). Basically it's a way to encourage people to help each other out and contribute to the community. If someone helped you, give them a +Rep click as thanks and hopefully others will do the same for you :)

Well be damned. There is... *facepalm*. I was expecting it near the other buttons, my fail >_<

Ah okay, thanks for explaining that, I thought that counter had something to do with your post count. Good to know ^^

Also another suggestion. The Cheat Sheet is not properly showing the AP if you bought Rabadon's Deathcap. It's not properly showing the reduced death time if you take Good Hands and it's not working on the CDR when you take Sorcery, Intelligence and CDR runes.

Sorry for all those little things, I know you guys are working really hard on fixing things, but just keep this in mind ^^

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
<Magic Man>
Bryun's Forum Avatar
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2011 1:48pm | Report
Matt wrote:

Wow, you hit the nail on a lot of things we've really been wanting to do for a long time :) We just haven't had time yet. Hopefully we can start to hit some of those soon.

Although the PM button is actually there, you should see "Quote | PM | +Rep"?

Also regarding bbcode, jhoijhoi has posted an extensive guide that includes a lot of bbcode tips and tricks:

Wow, I'm smart, I totally never saw the PM button there.
@Psi what Matt said about the friend system is what I meant, haha.

Achievement System - I think if some members that don't even want to post at all, wouldn't be really interested in this at all even it was up, just like the rep system. Some honestly don't care whether they get rep or not. I just thought this would be fun~

Vote on Posts - There are some posts I really would like to ignore, so maybe an account sided "ignore" button would solve the vote-2-posts. It'll help when you don't want to read something stupid but not block someone else's thought.

BBC Code Chart - What I'm saying is new players don't really search through the forum to find BBC Coding, so quick sheet codes when making a guide should be implemented as a clickable somewhere.
(I still have trouble finding the, auto mastery/runes/etc. & some other bbc codes)
Because either I don't know where the threads/guides are, or I'm just derp..

Yeah, I'm actually in favor of the "Favorite Guides" thing, maybe you could show on the guide how many times it's been favorited. ~ It would help with popularity.

<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 15, 2011 6:36pm | Report
Maybe if I tidied up my BBCode guide to be more presentable it could be linked in the Create a Build page - maybe under Publish or something as "Need Help?".

I would be completely open to changing and altering the entire guide to make it suitable for this feature.

I like the idea of having "friends" or "followers" and having a "feed". It'd make MobaFire just a little more personal ^^
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Janitsu ♡
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