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I can't edit my build. by Jungle Udyr » Jun 29 @ 02:46pm Publish is basically the same as... Mowen Jul 3 @ 11:59am 1,376 10
game crashed by brownsurprice2 » Jul 2 @ 02:21pm Been like this for 2 hours:( I... brownsurprice2 Jul 2 @ 02:33pm 1,164 4
Verified summoner rank. by Cryptmaster21 » Jun 24 @ 09:40pm Go to Edit Profile Delete... Janitsu Jun 27 @ 02:25pm 1,385 6
[Bug] - Private Messages by Janitsu » Jun 24 @ 11:18pm Thanks I will add it to the bug... Mowen Jun 25 @ 01:33pm 980 2
Lay out by PilsNL » Jun 23 @ 12:42pm Thanks for your answer. I hope... PilsNL Jun 24 @ 01:59pm 984 3
Cant change password by terkmc » Feb 17 @ 01:59pm If you're still having an issue... Mowen Jun 24 @ 09:43am 2,240 4
Problem with "Edit Team" by dolphyCZ211 » Feb 25 @ 01:50pm Apparently Phymeng was having... Mowen Jun 24 @ 09:41am 2,015 9
I can't find my Build. by paco2461 » Jun 17 @ 04:17am Thanks Janitsu, and no problem... Mowen Jun 24 @ 09:33am 1,852 7
About Zephyr by Jovy » Dec 4 @ 03:14pm 1 2 ability zephyr ability... emoriam Jun 19 @ 10:59am 6,957 11
Save impossible by BetLide » Jun 17 @ 03:17am So was the issue caused by... Mowen Jun 18 @ 08:29pm 1,432 9
uh what? by [deleted] » Jun 12 @ 08:59pm Mowen Jun 16 @ 02:45pm 802 2
[Bug] - Thread submitted day by Janitsu » Jun 8 @ 02:49pm Added to bugs list, thanks! Mowen Jun 9 @ 07:03pm 991 2
Fleet of Foot -mastery by NorthernRedStar » Jun 3 @ 12:00pm If it has a space in the... Mowen Jun 3 @ 12:03pm 1,318 2
Can i swear itnto my guides? by Vedetta9 » May 24 @ 07:45am It's not against the rules so... Mowen May 25 @ 09:45am 1,082 5
Outdated Guides by jhoijhoi » May 20 @ 07:56pm This actually seems like a... tehBear May 24 @ 07:31am 1,742 6
[Bug] - Top Guides by Janitsu » May 15 @ 11:34am Oh I see, was looking at the 3rd... Mowen May 15 @ 12:40pm 914 4
Forum Pop-Up by Emi » May 14 @ 04:15pm Ah okay. I was just curious. Emi May 14 @ 08:51pm 1,280 3
Replies by [deleted] » May 6 @ 08:42am It was changed a while ago due... Mowen May 9 @ 12:32pm 1,126 6
Favorites List by Emi » May 6 @ 07:35pm Whoops, will ask them to fix the... Mowen May 9 @ 12:17pm 1,206 2
Unable to read blog due link by Joxuu » May 4 @ 03:32pm Interesting. :P Will report,... Mowen May 5 @ 03:30pm 1,002 2
[Bug] - Recent Activity by Janitsu » Apr 27 @ 09:54pm Good to know, thanks. :) Mowen Apr 29 @ 03:54pm 1,349 7
Minor thing again by Joxuu » Apr 21 @ 05:37pm We're looking into this though... Mowen Apr 23 @ 02:27pm 1,542 7
How does guide ordering work? by [deleted] » Apr 18 @ 05:15pm Last 20 votes or last votes... Mowen Apr 23 @ 02:25pm 1,003 4
Update link to champion guides on the footer by [deleted] » Apr 19 @ 05:54pm SEO reasons.... jhoijhoi Apr 19 @ 07:18pm 713 3
Question about signatures. by R4GE » Apr 18 @ 08:50am Fanks. R4GE Apr 18 @ 11:50am 1,311 4
Comment counts not updating by Cubby1313 » Apr 17 @ 08:34pm This same bug is occurring on... sirell Apr 17 @ 08:52pm 997 2
[BUG] Front page blogs all show "Comments(0)" by PsiGuard » Apr 16 @ 01:12pm Yup, working on it! Mowen Apr 16 @ 08:41pm 1,089 3
Profile Suggestion by PsiGuard » Apr 14 @ 11:43pm I wouldn't want the comments to... Jovy Apr 15 @ 04:42am 1,171 5
vs AI SUPER Lag by Apo11yon » Apr 14 @ 01:55pm This forum is for help and... BarbJ Apr 14 @ 07:44pm 1,571 2
[Bug?] Notification System by jhoijhoi » Apr 12 @ 06:58pm Yes, that should be in the next... Mowen Apr 14 @ 12:06pm 1,177 4
[Bug]- Incorrect Mastery symbol! by flamefish3 » Apr 14 @ 05:19am Okay thanks :) flamefish3 Apr 14 @ 12:03pm 1,392 8

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