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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Creating a Build help! by kTodon » Feb 29 @ 08:16pm Locked as this is a way old necro. Lugignaf Sep 11 @ 09:41pm 12,870 6
[Bug?] - The top bar by Janitsu » May 25 @ 01:42pm 1 2 let wayne do it, he is new mastrer1000 Sep 8 @ 02:03pm 2,756 12
why is my guide FRAGGED??? by abdollah » Sep 7 @ 02:07am It's probably because you... Lugignaf Sep 7 @ 08:33am 888 2
Weird bug with blog tags? by PsiGuard » Jun 16 @ 05:10pm 1 2 can't find any examples either.... missicbc Sep 4 @ 03:47am 3,144 12
Imgur albums broken? by Lugignaf » Sep 2 @ 03:55pm So, I just checked my ranked... Lugignaf Sep 2 @ 03:55pm 1,338 1
Thread Page Settings by » Sep 1 @ 05:33pm It's probably static and limited... jhoijhoi Sep 1 @ 05:48pm 653 3
Report: (how to) ask for a move by Latest Legend » Aug 31 @ 04:55pm Ok thanks. Latest Legend Sep 1 @ 06:35am 986 3
MOBAFire is not mobile friendly by Toshabi » Aug 4 @ 10:11am 1 2 3 I still get sent to the App... astrolia Aug 26 @ 12:44pm 9,114 25
Table issues by Meiyjhe » Aug 24 @ 10:08am Alright, Problem should be solved! Foxy Riven Aug 24 @ 11:38am 1,048 6
Suggestion by » Aug 24 @ 08:43am Seconded. Look better and load... Lugignaf Aug 24 @ 10:25am 623 2
Notifcation sound by Foxy Riven » Aug 23 @ 12:30pm Hi there, I've been thinking... Foxy Riven Aug 23 @ 12:30pm 1,022 1
Suggestion by » Aug 19 @ 02:24am Making up quotes can be... IceCreamy Aug 19 @ 04:31am 723 3
[Bug]Show Less Awards by » Aug 11 @ 05:02am Yup, known bug but thank you.... Mowen Aug 11 @ 10:54pm 983 4
Gnar build by ChiTenshi » Aug 10 @ 12:01pm Also, I don't want to be overly... Vynertje Aug 10 @ 01:17pm 3,295 3
Skill Sequence Planner? by tehAsian » May 21 @ 08:07pm Old thread is old. Locking. Wayne3100 Aug 4 @ 04:45am 19,590 10
Probably a bug.. by ixenroh » Jul 31 @ 09:23am When you check your image... Janitsu Jul 31 @ 09:32am 823 3
Free champions? by Qtena » Jul 17 @ 02:20pm It is, yes :) The newest... Wayne3100 Jul 28 @ 12:06pm 1,296 7
Links to champions by popotapipo » Jul 18 @ 01:55pm Simply write Champion Name - for... emoriam Jul 18 @ 01:58pm 801 2
[Suggestion] - Multiquote by Janitsu » May 17 @ 01:32pm 1 2 Yeah that would probably be... Janitsu Jul 17 @ 01:15am 3,309 11
ES MobaFire by Zyad » Jul 15 @ 05:38pm What IceCreamy said. :) What our... Mowen Jul 16 @ 05:10pm 1,060 3
Comment spam on my guide by DiZzY2k » Jul 10 @ 05:36am Alright, thank you! Will use the... DiZzY2k Jul 10 @ 08:06am 1,130 4
Error saving a guide by Maahkehro » Jul 8 @ 03:07pm I think it's an issue with... Lugignaf Jul 10 @ 12:18am 1,198 4
Displaying item sets mid guide by The Pink Poro » Jul 4 @ 11:02pm God bless friend. The Pink Poro Jul 9 @ 11:41pm 1,615 3
About change core items! by dominguezgz » Jul 9 @ 06:03pm No problem! Good luck on your... Emi Jul 9 @ 08:59pm 2,470 6
My guide "got fragged"? by crystalfortress » Jul 8 @ 01:16am There's been a bug where the... Mowen Jul 9 @ 03:02pm 1,140 3

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