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Best jungler?

Creator: jitterbug14 November 8, 2014 9:45pm
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jitterbug14's Forum Avatar
Nov 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 9:45pm | Report
Right now I am using Xin Zhao as a jungler right now. Is this considered a jungler? I don't really know much about the junglers but I want to try. What champions are considered junglers and which would you suggest? Budget is 1350 ip preferably but I would like to hear others too.
<Guide Critic>
Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 10:16pm | Report
There is a long list of junglers, but as of right now, the top three (from a top elo standpoint) are Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, and Rengar.

However, the 2014 season is about to end, and the jungle will change IMMENSELY once the preseason changes roll out. By the looks of it, tank/sustain junglers might actually become quite liable, due to the new strength of the new jungle.

So, for tank junglers, try Skarner, Rammus (who is actually ok as of right now), and Sejuani.

For sustain junglers, go for Aatrox, Warwick, and Xin Zhao. Do be careful with the sustain junglers once the game begins though, for early on, they may not be able to take the damage from the jungle camps. For all three of this champions, it might be wise to start with their W ability ( Blood Thirst / Blood Price for Aatrox, Hunters Call for Warwick, and Battle Cry for Xin)
Another sig I have to thank Emikadon for. :)
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 10:23pm | Report
Electro522 wrote:
Rammus (who is actually ok as of right now)

I see what you did there.

Xin Zhao is a great jungler for beginners. As Electro said, Kha'Zix, Lee Sin and Rengar are arguably the top 3 junglers right now, though they're a bit more difficult to play.

If you want to try a different champion without spending much IP, Warwick, Nunu & Willump and Fiddlesticks are all fairly cheap and really easy to clear with even if you don't have optimal runes.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
<Guide Critic>
Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 10:51pm | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

I see what you did there.

Actually, that wasn't my intention at all. Nice catch though.
A thanks to Janitsu for this signature!
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 1:36am | Report
Surprsingly often banned and picked in higher Leagues are Rammus and Fiddlesticks at the moment.

Next to the junglers already mentioned there are Jarvan IV and Pantheon worth to add imo.
Thanks to Ubnoxius for this sig!
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 1:39am | Report
emoriam wrote:
Surprsingly often banned and picked in higher Leagues are Rammus and Fiddlesticks at the moment.

Well, they both have ridiculously long and strong CC. I personally always ban Fiddle, good Fiddles are a hassle to play against. And not to menCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW out of ****ing no where to completely turn a fight. It's really damn annoying. Seriously, help my CAWs, ban Fiddle.

But yes, as of right now, Kha'Zix, Rengar and Lee Sin are the most contested. If you want someone who's easy to play though, go with Warwick or Vi. They both have guaranteed and easy lockdown that both have a great impact on fights. Additionally, Udyr is a good, cheap choice for beginners as well. Please, try not to suffer from T2G syndrome though.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
Zordagoth's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 3:23am | Report
Please, try not to suffer from T2G syndrome though.

1 billion time this ._.
NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 5:07am | Report
Carry junglers work the best in soloQ (in diamond and master tier it's just as effective, if not more so, to use heavy early game junglers).

For current carry junglers:

- Kha'Zix
- Rengar
- Master Yi (lower elos)
- Amumu (AP)

For early game pressure junglers:

- Shaco
- Lee Sin (probably the hardest one - haters gonna hate)
- Vi
- Jarvan IV

Then there's Fiddlesticks and Rammus who are somewhere in-between those categories.
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extradelicious's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 2:31pm | Report
Is elise just gone from the current meta?
Proud Coach of MHS League of Legends Teams.
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 3:01pm | Report
Is elise just gone from the current meta?

The meta still does favour her style of early aggression play, but the issue is that Rito has over nerfed her that really doesn't give her anything over the other champions other than being a walking cocoon bot. People like Rengar, Lee and Kha just do more things and do them better than Elise right now. She has her uses, a two second stun is pretty amazing, but she just can't do the same things as she used to.

The top picks get nerfed, and the next best take their spot. That's what happened to Elise.
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