my old summoner name (TheNamelessBard) is a book reference (he's currently my avatar).
amandamonium is a play on the words pandemonium and my name (Amanda).
amandamonium is a play on the words pandemonium and my name (Amanda).
Meiyjhe wrote:
It was a game at mid school for a long time to make words bigger than they actually are without changing its pronounciation. Things like:
Cool -> Quoewlh
Age -> Eidgsche
Me -> Meiyjhe
I thought it would be funny to define myself with Meiyjhe on certain social networks instead of my actual name, thus I picked it. Before I used to have another nickname for games, but eventually it started to bore me and I used Meiyjhe in all games aswell.
Cool -> Quoewlh
Age -> Eidgsche
Me -> Meiyjhe
I thought it would be funny to define myself with Meiyjhe on certain social networks instead of my actual name, thus I picked it. Before I used to have another nickname for games, but eventually it started to bore me and I used Meiyjhe in all games aswell.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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To start things off, I'll tell the story of my name. My original gamer name is Electro522 (I have Paleo right now because I am part of ranked team). Now, you might be thinking: "Well, that's easy, you got your name from the Spiderman Electro!" Actually, I didn't.
The name "Electro" I actually came up with myself years before I knew of the Electro from Spiderman. I made it in, I think, third grade (about 15 years ago) when me and a few of my friends would play this arena like game in our school's sandbox. We'd make these made up heroes, act as them, and just try to outclass each other. Fun times.
I liked the idea of Electro so much, that my "Electro" became something of an imaginary friend for me. I even designed a costume for Halloween based off of this "Electro" (I had lightning bolts coming out of my was awesome!).
Eventually, I got into gaming, and any game that ask for a user name, I would use "Electro" because I still really liked the name. I'm not sure if anyone has heard of this, but my first online game was a game Mech Quest; a futuristic spinoff of the game Adventure Quest where you piloted giant mechs. I got board of it after about a month, but when registering for it, "Electro" had already been taken, and one of the suggestions it gave for an alternative name was "Electro522". Since it rolled off the going quite nicely, I decided to keep it, and Ive been using it ever since (about 8 or more years now).
So, what stories are behind your guys' names? Did you come up with it on the spot, or is there an actual story behind like mine? Either way, I'm interested what any of you have to say.