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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
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lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 1:21pm | Report
I have a love/hate relationship with Highschool of the Dead. On the one hand, holy **** that "fanservice" is immersion-breaking. But on the other hand, there aren't other anime I've seen that are even remotely good at being zombie-killing-action stories.

By "Zero/Fate" do you mean Fate/Zero? Related to Fate/Stay Night, other Fate anime, and the Fate video games? I ended up dropping Fate/Zero part way through, because things just weren't happening fast enough. Nothing other than action sequences were all that compelling, and there was too much separation between those to keep my interest. This isn't to say that it's bad, just that it isn't very good.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
drakon136's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 1:23pm | Report
I'm fairly sure he is referring to Fate/zero which, being a huge TM fan, is one of the greatest things I have ever watched.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 2:29pm | Report
lifebaka wrote:
By "Zero/Fate" do you mean Fate/Zero? Related to Fate/Stay Night, other Fate anime, and the Fate video games? I ended up dropping Fate/Zero part way through, because things just weren't happening fast enough. Nothing other than action sequences were all that compelling, and there was too much separation between those to keep my interest. This isn't to say that it's bad, just that it isn't very good.

Are you sure you watched the correct anime?
Sorry for my future behavior but this has got to be the most vague and wrong critique I've ever heard someone say concerning this anime...
I have friends who are HEAVY critics that find and blow out of proportion every little tiny spec of a flaw in anime and even they rated the first season as 8/10 and second season as 8.5/10 saying that they enjoyed it ._.
I personally consider this series a masterpiece and found nearly no flaws :/

I'll have to go completely against your analysis of it "not being very good" and highly suggest this series to anyone who's looking for a great way to spend their evenings. If anyone has already watched and enjoyed fate/zero, I'd highly recommend watching Kara no Kyoukai aswell.
<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 3:55pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

I personally consider this series a masterpiece and found nearly no flaws :/

That's because you didn't look for the said flaws, you were blinded by bias / your friend's bias.

I'm myself a Fate series lover, I even bought a PSP recently just to play Fate/Extra (Emulators suck, can't play while ****ting, laptop too heavy)

However, I pretty much agree with what lifebaka said. The VFX, the animation and the fight scenes were really good, and it reached its peak when Berserker made its appearance. Other than that, the anime wasn't all tha great. I didn't like the pace, the plot wasn't as deep as Fate/Stay Night's plot, and it also felt disconnected from the Fate Saga story wise.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 4:08pm | Report
lifebaka wrote:

I have a love/hate relationship with Highschool of the Dead. On the one hand, holy **** that "fanservice" is immersion-breaking. But on the other hand, there aren't other anime I've seen that are even remotely good at being zombie-killing-action stories.

Go watch the classic Hellsing Ultimate D:!
Tho, you might be able to say those are not zombies... mhh. well just take it as slaughtering masses of brainless ex humans
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 4:57pm | Report
YayaFTW wrote:

That's because you didn't look for the said flaws, you were blinded by bias / your friend's bias.

I'm myself a Fate series lover, I even bought a PSP recently just to play Fate/Extra (Emulators suck, can't play while ****ting, laptop too heavy)

However, I pretty much agree with what lifebaka said. The VFX, the animation and the fight scenes were really good, and it reached its peak when Berserker made its appearance. Other than that, the anime wasn't all that great. I didn't like the pace, the plot wasn't as deep as Fate/Stay Night's plot, and it also felt disconnected from the Fate Saga story wise.

You're incorrect concerning my point of view. I am the one who recommended the anime to my friends and I have not watched anything else of the Fate series. Fate/Zero was the first Type Moon adaptation I had watched, the second being Kara no Kyoukai I watched AFTER fate/zero.

Due to the above fact, I can't comment on the fact that it felt "Disconnected" but to me the plot was deep and portrayed exactly what it was supposed to. This whole series is a predecessor to the Fate/stay night series and I believe that it fulfilled it's role perfectly, making me want to continue watching the series (I didn't do this because the art in Fate/stay night made me cringe). Pacing was also fine for me, I personally LOVE it when the pacing is slow and allows the story to be set up nicely instead of directly rushing in to the plot. It's a big negative for me when a show avoids set up time in lieu of satisfying impatient fans' expectations.

Now, I know that scores on shows, especially on MAL, don't hold much weight but I have to mention the fact that many people share my opinion. Fate/Zero is ranked 45th while Fate/Zero 2 is ranked 25th on the MAL ranking board. I personally think the dissatisfaction provided by this series to some is simply a matter of either impatience or lack of appreciation for the series setting up everything so it isn't a confusing mess for anyone that doesn't know a whole lot about the whole fate universe (Which is infinitely important for a series that acts as a predecessor).

I know when I am biased and I regularly admit it, but concerning this specific case I feel confident enough in my opinion to defend the show because it really is great.
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 8:50pm | Report

I think searz and GMD are the best known grammar Nazis on Mobafire. Just let it slide off you. I consider myself fairly competent with the English language, but writing on forums? I just write however I want.

I see it as a service to the general public. Where the school system fails I -try to- teach the masses :D

Cute picture.
xIchi wrote:

Idm when ppl tell me if sth is wrong, but in this case he unnessecary highlighted it while not really responding to the actual arguement. 2 times in a row.

His inability to actually discuss subjects was already shown in the Runaans debate, why did I forget...

It's obvious that you now want to discredit my posts, but it's not my fault that you cannot comprehend the the things I point out to you.

I clearly pointed out two logical flaws in your argument after calling it dumb. I can even prove you wrong on one of them, invalidating your entire argument.

After a quick look at this list I got a general idea for which systems were most common, and it seems like systems with 4-5 different grades plus one failing grade were the most common. These grades represent roughly 5-15% each out of a 100 depending on how many correct answers a student can get. Which means that all or at least most of the scores in the scale are used.

And the fact that correctness does not correlate to usage/prevalence should be obvious..
I even used a colorful(ahue) example to illustrate this.
YayaFTW wrote:

I think I misused the word "Balance" here. What I mean is that it's hard to change something that has been around for so long that it became the general consensus among the anime / manga community.

In my country for example, most people don't know how to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius. If someone asks me about the temperature outside and I answer him in Fahrenheit, he'd probably understand that it's cold or hot, but he wouldn't know how exactly cold / hot it is.

I'm pretty sure my example sucks because both Fahrenheit and Celsius are legitimate units of measuring temperature whereas our ghetto anime rating isn't "legit" compared to a full scale correct rating.

Well, that's a poor analogy because one can be scientifically measured while the other is a unit for measuring subjective value of a piece of media.

You do have somewhat of a point though, this time around.
Yes it's hard to change, but like with most things that need changing I do consider the hardships worth the end result.
I personally don't mind the fact that he corrects our english.
I'd better know where I'm mistaken than be left ignorant.

He's actually doing us a favor, I'm pretty sure he could just not bother correcting our english and getting straight to the point but we're the ones losing here.

For example, I learnt today that "More logic" is wrong because "Logic" is a noun, not an adjective.

Daaaw, now you're warming my ice-cold heart. :)
"I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m ****ing ******ed but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding." - Guuse

"uh, I identify as counterstrike and I find this globally offensive" - ???
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 9:01pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

Are you sure you watched the correct anime?
Sorry for my future behavior but this has got to be the most vague and wrong critique I've ever heard someone say concerning this anime...
I have friends who are HEAVY critics that find and blow out of proportion every little tiny spec of a flaw in anime and even they rated the first season as 8/10 and second season as 8.5/10 saying that they enjoyed it ._.

I'd trust Lifebaka over any number of your friends any day of the week.
YayaFTW wrote:

That's because you didn't look for the said flaws, you were blinded by bias / your friend's bias.
However, I pretty much agree with what lifebaka said. The VFX, the animation and the fight scenes were really good, and it reached its peak when Berserker made its appearance. Other than that, the anime wasn't all tha great. I didn't like the pace, the plot wasn't as deep as Fate/Stay Night's plot, and it also felt disconnected from the Fate Saga story wise.

This sounds (looks) accurate.
I'm myself a Fate series lover, I even bought a PSP recently just to play Fate/Extra (Emulators suck, can't play while ****ting, laptop too heavy)

Use tablet/phone? Have you checked if there are any PSP emulators on Android/iOS?
The moment a religious person unknowingly calls his own ways stupid: "And lol. I highly doubt you have magic powers. If you proved it I would believe you, but since you 'refuse to', I choose not to."
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 10:06pm | Report
yes i meant fate/zero (sorry bout that). i also value lifebaka's opinion heavily. so it is possible i will end up dropping it. it has been a rather slow start, but it has also gotten great reviews. we shall see!

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 10:10pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

Are you sure you watched the correct anime?

I'm definitely sure that the pacing was the issue. Might have something to do with having already seen Fate/Stay Night, so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with the concept-at-large of what's going on. Fate/Zero struck me as an anime that was relying heavily on its visuals and fight scenes to carry it, but it just spent too much time doing other things. Action shows need to have frequent action, interesting plot, or engaging characters in order to keep my attention, and I didn't really find any of those in Fate/Zero. The plot wasn't anything new (Sabre beats up the bad guys eventually), too many of the characters were too divorced from their own humanity to keep my interest, and it doesn't matter how great the action looks when I have to wait forever to get it and then it goes away again. I ended up dropping Fate/Zero after the first season, once it had become apparent that it wasn't going to get anywhere any time soon and I wasn't really enjoying the time I was spending with it. Maybe it picks up in the second season, but I wasn't going to risk my time on an anime I'd already not really enjoyed 13 episodes of.

Also... Be careful about calling someone else's opinion (which is basically all we're giving here) "wrong". 'Cuz it's very, very difficult for an opinion to be wrong. Not impossible, but very difficult. I'll freely admit to being vague, but as for the rest... I'm gonna' stand by what I've said. I found Fate/Zero to be slow (bad-slow, not good-slow), with little outside of the infrequent and relatively short actions sequences that really drew me in. And action sequences aren't enough by themselves; they don't mean anything without a broader context that I, the viewer, care about. Fate/Zero, in the long run, commited the cardinal sin of entertainment: It didn't make me give a ****. Which is unfortunate, because it's clearly better than other things that did make me give a **** about them, and which I therefore watched instead.

As for this whole scoring debate... None of us are really anime critics in any real sense. Unless we're willing to sit down and agree on an actual scoring scheme (what numbers mean what, which things are most important, how score is broken down between different categories, et cetera) and all stick to it, it's probably better that we just stay away from scores. Slapping a number on something without a lot of explanation as to what that number means isn't useful. So just explain what you think, maybe try to say a little bit about why you think it, and skip the number entirely.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.

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