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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
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Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2014 10:22pm | Report
well anime/art/movies/literature/etc. are always very subjective. big reason why i always hated literature and english classes. they are always up to interpretation from each individual, which i find to be interesting, but most instructors decide that only one interpretation is correct. in the future, i will attempt to be more vague with my opinions so we don't have a scoring debate :D

XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2014 3:19am | Report
Searz wrote:
I'd trust Lifebaka over any number of your friends any day of the week.

Not to be rude, but why is Lifebaka's opinion this high valued? Even gigguk's (anime zone) opinion contrasts with Lifebaka's. Not to say it's wrong, I'm just finding the fact that someone like Searz can fully trust an opinion of somebody else rather... unsettling :P
lifebaka wrote:

I'm definitely sure that the pacing was the issue. 1Might have something to do with having already seen Fate/Stay Night, so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with the concept-at-large of what's going on. Fate/Zero struck me as an anime that was relying heavily on its visuals and fight scenes to carry it, but it 2just spent too much time doing other things. 3Action shows need to have frequent action, interesting plot, or engaging characters in order to keep my attention, and I didn't really find any of those in Fate/Zero. The plot wasn't anything new 4(Sabre beats up the bad guys eventually), too many of the characters were too 5divorced from their own humanity to keep my interest, and it doesn't matter how great the action looks when I have to wait forever to get it and then it goes away again. I ended up dropping Fate/Zero after the first season, once it had become apparent that it wasn't going to get anywhere any time soon and I wasn't really enjoying the time I was spending with it. Maybe it picks up in the second season, but I wasn't going to risk my time on an anime I'd already not really enjoyed 13 episodes of.

Also... Be careful about calling someone else's opinion (which is basically all we're giving here) "wrong". 'Cuz it's very, very difficult for an opinion to be wrong. Not impossible, but very difficult. I'll freely admit to being vague, but as for the rest... I'm gonna' stand by what I've said. I found Fate/Zero to be slow (bad-slow, not good-slow), with little outside of the infrequent and relatively short actions sequences that really drew me in. And action sequences aren't enough by themselves; they don't mean anything without a broader context that I, the viewer, care about. 6Fate/Zero, in the long run, commited the cardinal sin of entertainment: It didn't make me give a ****. Which is unfortunate, because it's clearly better than other things that did make me give a **** about them, and which I therefore watched instead.

Wooth! I honestly have to admit it's nice to have a civil argument about anime for once, I addressed your points in numerical order and bolded the sentences that I'm trying my best to respond to. I hope it's clear enough

1. It probably has a lot to do with that. If it wasn't for the history lessons in this show I would've been stuck looking up the plot on wikipedia or something. The holy grail war and what it actually is, the classes, the heroes etc were all so confusing at first. I personally found that it made things much easier to cope later on in the series, where the plot shifts from setting up the story to executing it.

2. That's the whole point of the first season, to let you ease in and understand what you're watching. I guess this can be really boring for somebody that has already seen fate/stay night as they're already familiarized with most of the concepts. Concerning the fact that you did not watch Season 2, I have to say that that's like dropping a 25 episode series at half. I honestly have no idea why it's titled season 2 because, quite frankly, its a continuation. The series picks up in season 2, the characters have some light shone upon them and the pacing becomes better. I enjoyed the second season lots more than the first, but I wouldn't have understood anything if I didn't watch the first season :c

3. Here it's evident that you haven't watched the second season xD As I mentioned before, I (and most casual viewers that have no knowledge of the background of the show) would be confused if I hadn't payed attention to the first season. This season shouldn't be viewed as an action show(on its own, as it's just the first half of a series) imo, it should be viewed as a magical history introduction to this epic event known as the holy grail war.

4. That's pretty much the plot for the first season I guess. In the second season, characters' background is examined, their motifs and potential wishes are questioned, character relationships become more apparent and get examined thoroughly and all in all, characters turn engaging, the plot gets more interesting and the pacing picks up it's pace.

5. These characters get developed further on in season 2. But lets be honest here, will being humane help these guys in a death match where they have 6 other opponents? I think it would have been highly unrealistic if they put the characters in those circumstances while having them retain a optimistic outlook. All of these characters (bar one) are grown up with a preexisting back-story that compliments and justifies the current way they act. I could personally relate to a lot of these people, including rider, lancer, kiritsugu emiya, Irisviel and especially Kariya.

6. In contrast to your opinion of the show, I could relate a lot to the characters and was literally worried about what was going to happen next throughout most of season 2. Watching season 1 and leaving it at that is akin to watching a history documentary about Troy or something, without knowing anything about the true personalities of the characters. On the other hand, if you watch season 2 only you see engaging characters' backstories being explained and the plot moving forward while you don't know why the hell anything is actually happening, which brings me back to the point that this series should be viewed as a whole.

Also, sorry for calling your opinion wrong. I acted on impulse and should've thought before I posted. I concur with the fact that opinions can never be wrong, as that's just what they are - opinions. Our contrasted opinions are probably a result of me viewing both season 1 and two as a whole while you've only watched season 2, or we might just have extremely differential opinions, who knows.
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2014 2:42pm | Report
lifebaka wrote:

Unless we're willing to sit down and agree on an actual scoring scheme and all stick to it, it's probably better that we just stay away from scores. Slapping a number on something without a lot of explanation as to what that number means isn't useful. So just explain what you think, maybe try to say a little bit about why you think it, and skip the number entirely.

You're absolutely right. The disparity between most ratings systems make them borderline pointless.
I mainly use numbers to categorize my own collection of things because I have complete control over any system for ratings that I use and I don't need to consider how others use them.

in the future, i will attempt to be more vague with my opinions so we don't have a scoring debate :D

You don't have to be vague, you just have to avoid numbers. Use verbs like good, great, mediocre and such in place of numbers. I've been doing that for a while myself.
XeresAce wrote:

Not to be rude, but why is Lifebaka's opinion this high valued? Even gigguk's (anime zone) opinion contrasts with Lifebaka's. Not to say it's wrong, I'm just finding the fact that someone like Searz can fully trust an opinion of somebody else rather... unsettling :P

Well, for one, Lifebaka is one of the only people on this site that can hold a proper discussion and use proper logic in general. I'd even like to say that he's better than me at discussing because I can be a little unnecessarily harsh and polarized at times.
Also, sorry for calling your opinion wrong. I acted on impulse and should've thought before I posted. I concur with the fact that opinions can never be wrong, as that's just what they are - opinions.

And now you're being silly again.. Lifebaka even clearly stated in the very comment you quoted that it's hard for opinions to be wrong, but that they can be.

For example, I think it's pretty hard to stretch your logic to the point of considering 1 to equal 2, but if you somehow manage then I think that is wrong.
Like with anything when it comes to opinions though, it becomes pretty murky territory.
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2014 3:00pm | Report
Searz wrote:
And now you're being silly again.. Lifebaka even clearly stated in the very comment you quoted that it's hard for opinions to be wrong, but that they can be.

For example, I think it's pretty hard to stretch your logic to the point of considering 1 to equal 2, but if you somehow manage then I think that is wrong.
Like with anything when it comes to opinions though, it becomes pretty murky territory.

Well, I was simply thinking about opinions regarding anime/shows this time. Poor wording on my side again, sorry. Anything that doesn't completely go against logic can be deemed correct in one way or another imo, but as you said - if somebody's opinion states that something is right, while we clearly know that it's not and never can be right (as in the example you provided) then I can say that the opinion is wrong, but how often do those situations happen anyway?
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 22, 2014 8:26am | Report
With the last episode of Log Horizon's season 1 a very interesting anime ended and also announced the second season airing in fall 2014.

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Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 22, 2014 10:56am | Report
I'm thinking about watching Log Horizon, but I found the start very weird O.o
Can't get through with the first episode, but maybe I'll watch the anime after full-release.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 22, 2014 5:35pm | Report
You mean full release as in 2nd season? Because as of yesterday the first season was finished.
BlueArtist's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2014 3:26am | Report
Ok finally came to this section of the forum.

My all-time favourite are Anohana and, er, Angel Beats. All aboard the feel train.

May be old, but Nourin is, I swear, the weirdest anime I have ever watched.
My #2 RumbleGuide

^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

Please give me a +rep if I helped you.
<Altruistic Artist>
IPodPulse's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2014 7:08pm | Report
Watching FMA brotherhood. Just noticed this little foreshadow when Winry comes to fix Edward's arm.
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Latest Legend
Latest Legend's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2014 8:50am | Report
I just finished Monogatari Series Second Season. Definitely better than the previous one, especially the last 6 episodes. The series delves a bit into the past and gives a more clear picture of the universe. And I finished it just in time, a follow-up is coming may 31: (not that I can understand a word... D:)

I hope that's Kaiki in the video. I'm not such a fan of the monkey.

great.good/mediocre :P
********'s a pretty good fertilizer

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