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Amanda started to cough. "Do you mind putting that out? I'm allergic. If you don't that's fine, but I'll have to leave."
Jeff glanced at Amanda and took one last drag before flicking the cigarette away once again into a nearby fireplace. "I suppose I can" he sighed lightly and played with his lighter out of habit. His mind was in a fog and smoking often gave him some clarity.
Amanda smiled apologetically. "Sorry...I can leave if that would be more convenient for you."
She scratched at her shoulder seemingly absentmindedly and a look of despair crossed her face for a moment once she noticed. She pulled her knitting out and started to knit again, her face suddenly returning to a look of general unconcern.
Name: Amanda
Age: 19
Agenda: None
She scratched at her shoulder seemingly absentmindedly and a look of despair crossed her face for a moment once she noticed. She pulled her knitting out and started to knit again, her face suddenly returning to a look of general unconcern.
Name: Amanda
Age: 19
Agenda: None
Jeff smiled reassuringly "It's no worry, I can smoke another time. I try not to make it a habit to smoke around others unless they're cool with it. I just had something on my mind and smoking helps me think" he chuckled lightly "So knitting are we?" his eyes followed her hands "So what might be troubling you Amanda? I'm no mind reader, but you're clearly contemplating something"
Rudmed smiled back at Fuji, "No problem my good sir. Though tell me, I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere before. Did you happen to be in here eariler?" he asked hoping to keep Fuji from checking his wallet. If this failed, well he always had other methods to distract people.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)
"No problem my good sir. Though tell me, I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere before. Did you happen to be in here eariler?" Rudmed asked
Fuji ears perked as he overheard the conversation of news at the table, Well, this could get mighty interesting he thought as Fuji sneaked out from the back door while the bartender was busy stockpiling without answering Rudmed's question or checking his wallet ( :/ )
Fuji ears perked as he overheard the conversation of news at the table, Well, this could get mighty interesting he thought as Fuji sneaked out from the back door while the bartender was busy stockpiling without answering Rudmed's question or checking his wallet ( :/ )
OOC: Tavern is everywhere and nowhere, which is why it can subvert time. Feel free to inject LoL Lore, DnD gameplay, movie trivia, whatever.
jhoijhoi straightened as she heard talk of Jarvan and Noxians. Discarding the troll brew on the counter, she approached the table from which the gossip was coming from.
"I heard something about Jarvan... I've been out of town for a bit, and I have no idea what is new... do you mind if I listen in to this conversation?" She asked the people around the table.
jhoijhoi straightened as she heard talk of Jarvan and Noxians. Discarding the troll brew on the counter, she approached the table from which the gossip was coming from.
"I heard something about Jarvan... I've been out of town for a bit, and I have no idea what is new... do you mind if I listen in to this conversation?" She asked the people around the table.
He motions with a welcoming sweep of the arm. "Madam by all means, welcome. However, I must direct you to the misses here, and she will likely direct you to the sir here, and perhaps they will tell you if they share the welcoming sentiment."
He smirked slightly, holding eye contact for a moment if any was made before turning his gaze between the other occupants.
He smirked slightly, holding eye contact for a moment if any was made before turning his gaze between the other occupants.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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"That's the way it should be." He stated simply.