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MobaFire Tavern

Creator: jhoijhoi September 25, 2011 3:16am
567 posts - page 28 of 57
RanDoMEz's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 8:06am | Report
OOC: This is turning into a two way conversation, lets wait for people :/ but I'll be sleeping soon...
As promised:

BIC: "mmmphhh u have good taste! Two Hands, second in the world, Saxum, the first. Eheheh.
Bartender! Another Saxum, thanks."

"Omagma, I think I'm going to pass out soon. Toast to you before I do"
RanDoMEz then calls Rose over for another toast...

OOC: THIS IS WRONG IM UNDERAGE... 4yrs too early :D ok whatever rules are there to be broken...
Anyways it's probably jut me magma and rose cos of the time difference. RELAX!
I play on the SEA servers, Platinum as of 1st Jan 2013. I play Jungle/Support with the occasional AD(Ezreal), AP(Twisted Fate), Top(Kha Zix)

I am the translator of the Misaya Twisted Fate Guides
I am a volunteer @ Leaguepedia (translating stuff into Chinese)
I am the caster of the IEM SEA qualifier finals.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 8:21am | Report
(OOC) I think some legit rules need to be instated if this thread wants to survive =_=
RanDoMEz's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 8:43am | Report
OOC: Or we could self impose them...
Let's help duff get his 3000th post :D
Gd Nite people... Creatures, my slaves... Whatever.
I play on the SEA servers, Platinum as of 1st Jan 2013. I play Jungle/Support with the occasional AD(Ezreal), AP(Twisted Fate), Top(Kha Zix)

I am the translator of the Misaya Twisted Fate Guides
I am a volunteer @ Leaguepedia (translating stuff into Chinese)
I am the caster of the IEM SEA qualifier finals.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 5:04pm | Report

- You are yourself (or however you see yourself).

- You must use your MobaFire name, or an abbreviation of it, or a nickname you make clear in your first and consecutive posts.

- You are entering the tavern from any way you desire (or you are in the tavern already).

- You can't kill the bartender, or be the bartender, but feel free to attack anyone else.

- NO GOD-MODDING. dn, term used in role-play to describe it when someone says another character performs an action or is automatically damaged. Here is a simple example:

Bad: Bob pushed Rob off the airplane
Good: Bob threw his arm at Rob, hoping to hit his back and push him off of the airplane. (thanks to Nighthawk for prompting me to update the rules)

- If you must discuss something about this thread inside the thread, but isn't relevant to the actual roleplay, start your post with OOC (Out of Character), to symbolise this decision.


- Only post OOC if extremely necessary. Otherwise it's ugly, out of place and just annoying to read.

- Write in the same style as everyone else.

In this roleplay, I expect to see:

- posts that contain at least 50 words

- no "teen/1337/chat" speak (such as "I l0v3 U <3!!!!" or *winks*) when describing or doing actions. People talking in such a manner is okay (for example, "Hit me with a King Alphonse, pl0x.")

- the post SHOULD FLOW FROM THE PREVIOUS POST. If you must post something random, like, "xXx entered the Tavern and set loose some chickens" - go on to DESCRIBE what happens. Don't just say "let loose some chickens" write about them squawking, writing about them jumping on tables etc etc.

- and most importantly, if xXx lets loose some chickens in the Tavern, I expect everyone else to see these chickens too! No-one's post should be ignored. If someone posts a less than optimal addition, turn it around in your favour, make it something awesome.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 5:06pm | Report
As is the way with the Tavern, time subtly shifted, sending all the patrons back over 8 hours. In slow motion everything that occurred didn't occur, and things that didn't occur, occur spontaneously. Some people were left with the memories, fragments of scenes that didn't quite connect. Others were completely wiped of their memory.

Patrons were pushed outside the Tavern, others were sucked back in. Time resumed its natural non-state in the Tavern, and if one was actually concious during the overhaul, they might have noticed something akin to a happy sigh float across the room...

jhoijhoi pushed open the tavern doors, sending them swinging on their hinges. Behind her a tumble weed crawled across the dirt road. She sauntered across the room, her hands rested lightly over her gun holsters, and sat at the bar. She tilted her cowboy hat upwards and peered out from under its shadows with large *********s. Leaning against the counter was a large man, cleaning out a dirty glass mug with an equally dirty wash cloth. He had a swanky moustache and his apron was covered in stains.

She sniffed and said, "Hit me with a King Alphonse, pl0x."

The bartender acknowledged her with a slight nod of his head and prepared the drink. jhoijhoi settled back on the bar stool and checked her watch. 5:30pm.

The tavern was around half-full, with many patrons nursing cold drinks, or staring broodily into space, as one is wont to do when alone at a bar. Absent-mindedly she started to eat nuts from the dish on the counter. She glanced at the doorway and wondered who'd come in next.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 5:14pm | Report
JakofAllSpaydes loosened his tie, and walked into the bar slowly, keeping his head down.

He looks up once in a while to look for his friend.
"damn...wheres duff.." he whispered.
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 5:52pm | Report
The doors to the tavern swing open dramatically, as if on queue in response to Jack's murmuring.

Enter DuffTime.

Standing an even six foot, with the lithe yet wiry frame of a former fighter, He stood in the doorway for a moment, evaluating the room momentarily before entering, his lips tweaking at one corner in his signature half mouthed smirk.

Adorned in apparently expensive "traveler's" attire, a form fitting linen shirt somewhat loosely displayed the subtle curvature of athletic muscles on his chest and abs, the rest of him concealed by a snug leather jacket. His leggings were non distinct, but well made, and of an almost matching tan hue to his shirt, and he wore leather boots which matched his brown jacket. On the boots, small designs had been marked into them, again signifying that they may have been somewhat expensive.

His eyes were blue, and his face was somewhat elegant, yet he carried a stern, grounded look in his misty blue eyes that seemed to contradict the heady smugness about him.

His hair was lightly styled into a poofy point in the front, curiously holding strong through almost any activity he participated in. When asked how he achieved such a poofy, yet resilient hair style, he would generally just wink and not give much response.

In his jacket, he does carry five CONCEALED throwing knives, a fighting knife, and he carries one in his boot as well.

He has a special domain over these knives, which I will go into more detail about later if the need arises or if anyone feels it is required to state now. Otherwise, I will leave that secret for now.


DuffTime walked slowly in, and rather quickly spotted Jack, making his way immediately over to the young man.

"Jack." He stated simply, nodding in affirmation. "Very good to see you my young friend." He put a hand over his mouth and coughed, shortly, looking around the room to make sure they were out of earshot. They were, good 'ole Jack had learned a thing or two.

"Any news? Anything at all?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly.
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 5:58pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

"Any news? Anything at all?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly.

Jak glanced up,
"Sorry to say, but I have not heard anything about...Talon, except for the fact that he was walking these very streets recently... But I don't think this lead is enough..."

He sighed, and looked warily around them. He knew that Duff was carrying his weapons, (Jak was armed as well), but he can't shake the feeling that someone might be watching.
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 6:13pm | Report
He shook his head in response, taking a deep breath as he appeared to relax in his chair. He smirked and cracked his neck. "Don't look so nervous. You've got more tells than a gypsy handing out fortunes." He stated, clearly enjoying his joke, regardless of it's quality.

"Me either." He leaned in and exhaled deeply. "And I combed a good part of the city without trying to look suspicious."
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2011 6:17pm | Report
"haha... that was a terrible joke by the way..."

Jak smiled faintly though, and relaxed a bit.

"We should wait a bit, perhaps we can find someone here who knows a bit more...."

He shot a glance at the girl with the cowboy hat, but disregarded her as just a random traveller.
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333

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