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Creator: jhoijhoi September 25, 2011 3:16am
567 posts - page 30 of 57
mastajdog's Forum Avatar
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Jul 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 5:07am | Report
The jsta, getting no answer to his inquirery, sits down at the bar near the other newcomer and says "so, what are you looking here for? i seek the legendary cho'gath, and from the look of that scar, you might be able to help me."
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
RanDoMEz's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 6:35am | Report
"I can be of no help. Talon made sure of that..." came the reply.
He then shows The jsta his scarred arm. It was now made of metal. Flexing it, it made an eerie noise of metal scraping against metal.
"I was young...and foolish." RanDoMEz chuckles silently to himself, as he remembers' that days' events.

"clunk" the hand went as it took the glass of Saxum from the bartender...

"Now... where were we... Oh right, listening for a word about TALON" Enunciating the last word clearly, evidently trying to invoke some form of interest.
I play on the SEA servers, Platinum as of 1st Jan 2013. I play Jungle/Support with the occasional AD(Ezreal), AP(Twisted Fate), Top(Kha Zix)

I am the translator of the Misaya Twisted Fate Guides
I am a volunteer @ Leaguepedia (translating stuff into Chinese)
I am the caster of the IEM SEA qualifier finals.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 9:14am | Report
Upon receiving Jack's warnings, he glanced over to the bar and returned his gaze back to the table. There was an uneasy air of tension in the room as he zoned everything out, trying to focus on what was being said between the two.

Then suddenly the word Talon sounded out with particular emphasis. The word bounced around the walls of his head, seeming to echo. His body remained motionless, but his eyes darted to Jack momentarily. Mind racing, he sat in silence for a moment before grabbing the glass of Scotch that he ordered away from Jack, slowly standing. "Stay here." he said to the young man, as he stood and began to walk over to the bar.

He smiled casually to Jhoi, a smile that was really almost a smirk, and held her gaze, if she offered it, for a short moment as he walked towards the bar, the sound of his worn boots clomping along. He went directly to the bartender, who happened to be situated between Jhoi and Randomez on the other side of the bar. He waved for the tender, "Excuse me, good sir, but there's been a mistake. You see the boy didn't order a Scotch, but we've received two." He spoke the words smoothly, not returning his gaze to the woman at his side. The waitress made her way over and began to argue with him, stating clearly that he had ordered one for each of them, which he rebutted quickly.

"Trust me madam, any other day I'd have kept the both of them and downed them myself, but this evening I'm afraid I must refrain." The tender eventually told him he wouldn't refund the money so he might as well keep the drink, and he shrugged finally.

"Madam? Monsieur?" He asked, looking between the two as he placed the drink squarely between them. He hovered there a moment, leaned over a bit between them. "Should you enjoy Scotch, there is a Scotch here." He nodded finally with a smile, making an open palmed gesture at the glass. "Also, the young man over there who is with me heard someone say the name, 'Talon', and he got scared. He used to have nightmares about that man... I just wanted to make sure nobody had seen Talon around these parts. Rumor has it that he -is- in the area, you know." He nodded, glancing between them periodically. "I told him not to worry, but he wouldn't have it, so I wanted to make certain you'd not heard anything. Can I tell the boy he's being foolish?" He finally inquired, a big genuine smile on his face.
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 10:20am | Report
OOC: u always manage to amuse me with Ur responses XD they're awesome
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 10:32am | Report
Jak rolled his eyes, his keen sense of hearing allowed him to listen to duff's every word.
"u had to say that...." Jak whispered to himself, quite amused with the story.

"even though i say u became boring.... U still manage to surprise me sometimes...hahah.."
Jak smiled lightly and continued to observe the 3 adults.
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
mastajdog's Forum Avatar
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Jul 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 11:52am | Report
OCC:Age 27
Gender : male
Agenda... seeking the Legendary Cho'gath, adventure, and other things.

The jsta seemed impressed to hear the reply. "met talon, eh? survived too. first time i've heard of that. although it seems certain you'll not forget him. Sad to hear you can be of no help, but no worries. i've got time to wait. so what's your name, mate?"
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
Rudmed's Forum Avatar
Dec 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 1:36pm | Report
Rudmed pushed open the tavern doors, his eyes glanced around the tavern. He wore a black suit with a red frock overcoat over it. His dark brown hair was cut short, yet some could see supressed curls trying to break out. His eyes matched the color of his hair as they looked at the crowd, examining each one of them. His black riding boots seemed to announce his presence, along with a faint smell of blood. His white gloves removed appeared from under his overcoat, allowing it to cover up two handguns. Everything felt strange as though he was here earlier, but none of that mattered now. He did not feel like pickpocketing like he usually did, but rather he felt as though he needed to be prepared for anything.

He passed Jak as he made his way to a corner of a room where he could see everyone. There was no rush into anything without knowning some of the individuals' agenda.
mastajdog's Forum Avatar
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Jul 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 1:43pm | Report
Seeing the stranger walk in, and noticing a faint smell of blood, the Jsta decided that he felt like this was a man to talk to. "why don't you come sit down over here," he said, and ordered a beer. "you look like a man with some good tales, or the man that makes them."
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 3:18pm | Report
The Nameless Bard smiled and thanked the barmaid who had brought her a glass of iced tea. She took a small sip and, apparently satisfied with the sweetness, she didn't add any sugar. "So how have you been?" She asked Jak, ignoring the fact that Duff had left upon hearing someone mention Talon.
Rudmed's Forum Avatar
Dec 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2011 3:40pm | Report
Rudmed looked at the man who called him over, then stood and approached him. "I may have a few tales I can share, but I have yet to hear tales about me. If anyone has heard them, I would be interested after all it is always an advantage to know what others claim to know about you. Though before this conversation goes further, I would like to know your name."

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