League of Legends (LoL) Question: Blitzcrank Top/jungle/Mid Viable ?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Blitzcrank 11,163
Blitzcrank Top/jungle/Mid Viable ?
Hi guys im just wondering if Top/Jungle/Mid Blitzcrank can work. Jungle Blitzcrank can do insane ganks. Top Blitzcrank is good for initiating and can be a good tank. Mid Blitzcrank can burst one or more enemyes with his Static Field and his Rocket Grab. Now i want to know: what do you think about Top/Jungle/Mid Blitzcrank ?
Thanks for the upcoming answer
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks for the upcoming answer
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
His ganks are really great, because of his pull and stuff.
He is not the fastest jungler ever, but once you have your ultimate, it's 'k :D
I wouldn't play him top or mid, since he on his own, does not enough damage and is not tanky enough early game. You are extremely turret dependant which is not worth it to do (though it is funny if you keep pulling them in your turret :D)
I'd say:
Play him support, or play him jungle if you know what you are doing.
Everywhere else, do not do it, not worth it :D
So if fun is something you are aiming for, go for it!
Top: Blitzcrank's trades aren't really the strongest until he hits level six. He provides a lot of ganking potential throughout all of the laning phase. However, if he doesn't get the assistance from his jungler, then you either are going to come out of lane behind, or even (assuming relatively equal skill level laner). However, the problem is Blitzcrank isn't a champion that's really that scary compared to something like an Irelia or Riven. You also don't have a very strong escape ability making you prone to ganks.
Mid: This is where I see more potential than the above roles. Mid lane Blitzcrank provides ganking potential, and roaming potential. However, he doesn't really have all that much kill potential because you don't have the damage to follow up on a grabbed enemy. At level six you can start to wave clear allowing you to roam. Obviously, roaming is something that Blitzcrank excels at.
Final thoughts: I would say that Blitzcrank best fits a support due to the following:
If you chose not to play support I would definitely go middle lane.
All of these lanes are viable for Blitzcrank; however, support followed by middle would have the highest success rate.
He's not your typical mid; I treat mid- Blitzcrank as a bonus support slot, so you're feeding your carry or assassin-jungler. Same goes with jungler BC - feed your AD/AP carry when possible.
Top BC is a mana tank, like Singed. Warmog's Armor, Seraph's Embrace, Iceborn Guantlet, Frozen Heart, Mercury's Treads, and another item (preferably magic resist, like Banshee's Veil) and you've got a pretty tanky robot to deal with.