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League of Legends (LoL) Question: XIN VI LEE REK. CINDERHULK OR WARRIOR

Posted in Items | Tags: Enchantment: Cinderh Enchantment: Warrior Lee Sin Ranger's Trailblazer Rek'Sai Skirmisher's Sabre Stalker's Blade Vi Xin Zhao 6,385

  • johntheheavy01


    Ive been playing and watching league for a long time and i am a bit confused. should u build cinderhulk and 1 ad item or warrior and no ad items? (these are for vi lee xin and rek sai). plus, stalker's blade or skirmisher's sabre or ranger's tribalizer?
  • Answers (3)

    LevasK (108) | June 30, 2015 10:51am
    The only champion out these I would never go Enchantment: Cinderhulk on would be Lee Sin, as I believe that Lee relies too much on his early game power to give up the power spike that Enchantment: Warrior provides. As for the rest, it more or less comes down to preference and team composition, but if I had to give a very general answer I would go for Warrior on Lee Sin, Vi and Cinderhulk on Xin Zhao and Rek'Sai.

    Smite upgrades are too heavily dictated by preference and by how each game is going, but if you are unsure, I would recommend going for Ranger's Trailblazer, since it's fine on every jungler.
    OTGBionicArm (415) | July 1, 2015 8:37pm
    Incorrect. Those are single serve buffs to the next auto attack used. They will not apply twice.
    League of Mike (5) | July 1, 2015 8:30pm
    Once they new "sated devourer" hits live (I'll be very surprised if it launches in its current state) Champions like xin or reksai who have been building warrior until cinderhulk was released will seriously consider buying devourer since it applies on-hit effects twice (nasus q is an on-hit effect O.O) Yi will be so strong...
    PsiGuard (1495) | July 1, 2015 8:21pm
    Devourer is not weak. It's too focused around clear speed atm so it only works well on a couple junglers (namely Yi, Nocturne and carry Shyvana).

    Warrior is better on Xin because he is an early pressure jungler and doesn't have the clear speed to support Devourer. The early power spike from Warrior is much more important and you want to be ganking as much as possible, not power farming.
    LevasK (108) | July 1, 2015 12:54am
    Warrior, since devourer is very weak at the moment.
    RottedApples (57) | June 30, 2015 6:46pm
    for xin shoukd i get warrior or devourer if i want to go offensive?
    alexT93 (2) | July 2, 2015 5:12pm
    On Vi, Xin and Lee you always wanna go warrior enchantment, simply because they benefit way more than from the Cinderhulk. Ganking is much more potent with warrior and thats what they need for the early game. Xin can go for Devourer as well, its pretty good on him.

    As for RekSai I think Cinderhul is the way to build her... dont have much to say about it bc i dont play her.

    Now, since I do play a lot of Vi and Xin this is the build I go for when playing.

    In case my team needs some AD I start off with the jungler item and then rush Black Cleaver. Now, BC is the best 2 item on both of these champs simply because it gives so much and its easy to build. It gives CDR which is vital for Vi and her ult (after jungler item and BC you have 30% CDR and with blue its 40 if you dont give it to mid laner) and it brings down your ult cooldown so much that u can gank lanes every 70ish seconds. Gives you also that nice armor penetration that goes well with the flat armor pen from the jung item.

    After those 2 items you can build anything your team needs, I usually build full tank and maybe trinity force
    DJMurphster (4) | July 1, 2015 7:22pm
    Xin should almost always go Enchantment: Devourer because his whole kit is based off of his Auto Attacks. Otherwise Cinderhulk either when you don't need to deal damage, or you're behind. Warrior when you're fed or need to deal damage because your team lacks it.
    DJMurphster (4) | July 11, 2015 7:06pm
    Kills and assists grant stacks, therefor you can easily stack it ganking (which is what you should be doing) with a few camps thrown in there when you aren't doing anything. This isn't rocket science; Kills + some Farm = stacks = Sated devourer = OP I know what i'm talking about I don't just spit random stuff from my mouth
    Vynertje (386) | July 2, 2015 1:00pm
    Psiguard explained above why Devourer is a very ****ty item for Xin:

    "Devourer is not weak. It's too focused around clear speed atm so it only works well on a couple junglers (namely Yi, Nocturne and carry Shyvana).

    Warrior is better on Xin because he is an early pressure jungler and doesn't have the clear speed to support Devourer. The early power spike from Warrior is much more important and you want to be ganking as much as possible, not power farming."

    That's also why you're getting downvotes. Xin just cannot afford to farm that item and it's definitely not a good item to get "most of the time".
    DJMurphster (4) | July 2, 2015 12:45pm
    Woah those dislikes, I wonder why lol. Okay, when you get devourer, not only do you get more cdr with your Three Talon Strike, you also get your full combo done in a matter of seconds, plus you don't have to power farm with devourer as kills and assists grant you stacks on it. Devourer may not be better than cinderhulk or warrior, but it's essential for xin in my opinion since he's not a caster like pantheon, he's an auto attacker like warwick and his whole kit is based off of his ability to stick to a target and auto attack them.
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