League of Legends (LoL) Question: Zilean Viable?
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Crystalline Flask
Tear of the Goddess

Zilean Viable?
Personally, I have always like
Zilean as a champion. And now that
Tear of the Goddess is cheaper, I figure that his mana issues will be solved, yet I never seem to see any

I do agree with Psiguard as in "doesn't fit the meta" similar to
I've seen him support several times with some degree of success though. AP supports are much more viable in season three since Kage's Lucky Pick has more options to build into and supports are generally quite a bit richer than they were before, mostly due to
For now, I'd say he's all right, but not as good as most of the other options for support and mid. If you're looking for a competitive pick, I wouldn't bother with him. If you're skilled and knowledgeable enough to actually play Zilean competitively, you probably wouldn't need to ask for opinions. That wasn't an insult by the way, I doubt even most pro players can play Zilean to full effect right now.
If you're not trying to play competitively, then it honestly doesn't matter if he's "viable" or not. Play whatever you enjoy.
Reginald played AP Zilean once with TheOddOne on Rengar.
I do feel he falls off late game though. He is VERY squishy and absolutely relies on his team. He also lacks damage too. But he does have a godly ultimate and a great speed boost/slow. But hey, what do I know. In season two, HotShotGG played
And just like Psi said, play whatever you enjoy and whoever you think is fun :D
I personally play him top mostly now
Carried myself from plat 4 to plat 1 with just this guy
(then i got over confident, and picked some other champs for a while :P )