Did I wait all this time for PFE to do the facts? Yep. Do I regret it? NOPE! Ezreal was my birthday champion (Sort of) coming out one day after my birthday (March 14, he was released on the 15th).

Champion Overview:

Do Your Require a Map? No.

Ezreal is a versatile champion that can either be played as an AD ranged carry OR as an AP carry. Each version has different uses and fits differently into team comps. There are times when you will need to be one Ezreal and times you will need to be another. Ezreal is very fun to play and has a very high skill cap. As of the 29th of June Ezreal also has the best skin in the League.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Rising Spell Force- Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
This passive is nice for AD Ezreal, as the attk speed you get counts s your "Steroid". This passive is ok for AP ez early game, end game it will mostly be used to get lickbane procs off faster.

Q: Mystic Shot- Ezreal fires a bolt of energy that deals 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+1.0 per attack damage) (+20% of ability power) physical damage and applies on-hit effects. If it strikes an enemy unit it reduces all of Ezreal's cooldowns by 1 second.
This skill is AD ezreals min move as it gives you CDR, has high damage, and procs on hit life steal etc. For Ap ezreal this skill will proc your Lich Bane making this skill have a 1.2 AP ratio once you get that.

W: Essence Flux- Ezreal fires a fluctuating wave of energy at a targeted area. Any enemy champions it passes through take 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+70% of ability power) magic damage and have their attack speed slowed by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % for 5 seconds, while any allied champions it travels through have their attack speed increased by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % for 5 seconds.
On AD Ezreal, many players VASTTLLY underrate this skill, The AS decrease is so strong against enemy carries, and in top lane, champions who rely on their auto attacks to do alot of their damage. On Ap Ezreal this skill will be your major damage source as it has a good base and a decent ratio.

E: Arcane Shift- Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing arrow at the nearest enemy unit dealing 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+75% of ability power) magic damage.
This skill is useful as an escape/mobility tool on both Ezreals, however on AP Ezreal this skill will also be a good damage move as well with essentially the same damage as your W.

R: Trueshot Barrage- Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a powerful barrage of energy missiles, which deal 350 / 500 / 650 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) (+90% of ability power) magic damage to each enemy unit they pass through. However, it deals 8% less damage for each additional unit it hits (30% minimum damage).
This skill is your snipe, Initiate, and buff steal move. This skill is key on both Ezreals though AP Ezreal NEEDS to hit this move as it is a big part of his damage. The best way to use this skill is to ult into the enemy team at the start of the fight to give you full passive stacks and do a lot of damage to the enemies. Also if you use your ult at the start of a fight you can start using your Q in the fight to get the CD down. On Ezreal if you ward the enemy Red/Blue there is a good chance you can steal it with a well timed ultimate (Especially if your AP).


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AD Ezreal
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ap Ezreal

Q-W-(E for mobility)- (R for kill/burst damage)



Cho'Gath (Poke him down do not get caught)
Darius (Out range him completly, you can E his apprehend)
Garen (He can't reach you)
Jarvan IV (E out of his flag combo and away from his demacia range)
Olaf (E from his axes if need be, Poke him with Q and autos)
Nasus (Zone him early with your range)
Singed (Beat him out early or you will fall behind)
Udyr (Can't touch you)
Volibear (You can keep him away with your E until you get a phage, then you can kite him).

Akali (You will zone her pre 6, but then 6 your dead)
Fiora (She has a double dash to keep with you)
Fizz (To many gap closers)
Pantheon (He can Q harass you to death, and his shield blocks your harass)
Lee Sin (If he touches you, you are dead. His cripple hurts you hard.)
Jax (He will dodge and hop)
Malphite (At 6 be ready to dodge his ult, never let him ground slam you)
Nidalee (She has range AND at 6 she gets the melee to kill you)
Riven (To many gap closers)
Yorick (He will poke you to death)

Still practicing Ezreal skill shots xD

Playing AS/VS:

  • Try and hit as many members of your team and the enemy team with your W as you can.
  • Your Arcane shift is your escape, be careful if you use it to engage on your enemies.
  • Force Ezreals blink before you try and kill him.
  • Ezreal can be played 2 different ways watch and see what he builds.
  • Deny Ezreal early and he wont make it to the late game.

Big Item Choices::

AD Ezreal

Trinity Force- This item is nice on top Ezreal as it makes you tankier, and all the procs on this item work off you Q.

Phantom Dancer- More AS, crit, and Ms.

Infinity Edge- Crit, Damage, AND CRIT DAMAGE INCREASE. NICE!

Bloodthirster- Sustain and Damage

Guardian Angel- Revive is helpful.

Last Whisper-Armor Pen for late game.

AP Ezreal

Rod of Ages- If the enemy has some burst and you need to be tankier.

Rabadon's Deathcap- Makes you do alot of damage

Lich Bane- Core for your Q, gives it an extra 1 ratio.

Deathfire Grasp- More burst

Void Staff- Screw MR

Will of the Ancients- Good if your mid has it, in teamfights you will heal alot from your W.



Ezreal is decently strong in soloQ. Ezreal has a strong early game and most players will get raged at by their team if they lose to an Ezreal top.
Ranked 5s:

Ezreal can fit into team comps very well. His use in team games depends on your teams organization and making sure that Ezreal fits into the comp.

Pros and Cons:

(Ad Ezreal)
-Team gets another AD carry late game
-Ezreal can counter champions without a gap closer and a strong burst.
- Ezreal has a global ultimate that can help other lanes.
-Good escape mechanics from ganks.
-Enemies will think he is AD carry and try and counterpick.

-Does no scale as hard as other top laners
-Certain bruisers will get tankyness fast a make you lose your early kill potential.
- Horrible at responding to ganks from his jungler.

(AP Ezreal)
-Nice Poke
-Has very good mtchups
-Global Ultimate
-Good escape mechanics from ganks.
-Enemies will think he is AD carry and try and counterpick.

-No CC
-Your only AP skill you can use on minions is your ultimate,
-Does no scale as hard as other top laners
-Certain bruisers will get tankyness fast a make you lose your early kill potential.
- Horrible at responding to ganks from his jungler.


This was my top facts Ezreal. Ezreal is a fun to play hard to master champion, that if learned can be a good addition to any team. Ezreal brings team utility as well as being able to use an ult to help his team anywhere. As always summoners have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice.

SERIES UPDATE: My top facts series is more then halfway done and my guide is essentially ready except for all the videos and the rest of the top facts. Also the format of this Facts is going to be the kind of format in the guide for every champion.

Facts Hall of Fame (ONLY FOR PFE USERS)