Why hello there! I'm back! and this time with more of a ''kewl fax'' blog instead of a more helpful one let's say.

Yes, as you may have guessed from the tittle, I will try to find THE build that will make your The Culling deal the most damage possible, regardless of the viability of the build or of any other effects it may have on the rest of his kit.

Of course, there are always ways to cheat. For example, having a nearby Sona with a maxed Hymn of Valor or a Nidalee healing you with Primal Surge right before you ult, or having baron buff + a nearby ally with Will of the Ancients. I'll try to find the max damage you could get with your The Culling with a entire team built around you.

Let's start the fun, shall we? What's the biggest number you could get on your ultimate as Lucian? Would you have to build AP or AD? And which teammates would be the best to have?

Obviously the maximum attack speed you can get is 2.5 attacks per second. When you reach that point, your ultimate will shoot out 7.5 + (10.5*2.5) = 33.75 shots. That number is rounded up to 34 (yay). To reach that amount of attack speeed, a level 18 Lucian will need to get 235.75% Attack Speed from runes/masteries/items/teammates.

Right off the bat, if your team consists of Nidalee ( Primal Surge), Warwick ( Hunters Call), Nunu & Willump ( Blood Boil), Ezreal ( Essence Flux) and Sivir ( On The Hunt) and that you have 4 points in Fury and just crit something and you had the Frenzy mastery, you will already have 229% AS.

That means, only with teammates, you're almost already at max AS. All you need is 6.75% more AS to get the maximum. To fix that we will be getting 4 Greater Mark of Attack Speed.

The runes used will be

4x Greater Mark of Attack Speed, 5x Greater Mark of Scaling Attack Damage

Scaling AD Marks give much more damage than scaling AP marks, even with Rabadon's Deathcap.

9 x Greater Seal of Scaling Attack Damage. yes they give more damage than Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power with Rabadon's Deathcap

9 x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power (these win by far)

3 x Greater Quintessence of Scaling Attack Damage, slightly better than scaling AP quints.

All together, those runes add a sexy 300.645 + 126.41 = 427.05 damage!

So. Let's try a full AD build.

a fully stacked Sword of the Occult = 110 AD
5 x fully stacked Bloodthirster = 500 AD

610 AD x 850% = 5185 bonus damage !
Bonus: movement speed

With a full AP build now?

a fully stacked Mejai's Soulstealer = 180 AP
a Rabadon's Deathcap = 120 AP
a Zhonya's Hourglass = 120 AP
3 x Deathfire Grasp = 360 AP

780 AP + 35% = 1053 AP

35% of all other AP sources ( baron buff , Elixir of Brilliance, Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power, Blast , Mental Force , Will of the Ancients)
35% x 161.54 = 56.54 AP

(1053 + 56.54) X 340% = 3772.433 bonus damage !
Bonus: 40% CDR, Zhonya's Hourglass active

By using these Masteries, you gain a beautiful +209 damage +1.5% total damage

Finally, the bonus damage from Elixir of Fortitude, Elixir of Brilliance, Will of the Ancients and baron buff is: 841.5!

So we have a winner here :O. A full AP build will do ~7399.7 damage ultimate while a full AD build will do a ~8833.6 damage ultimate over 3 seconds.

Well. I'm sorry to announce this my friends but AP Lucian died before he even got released. R.I.P 15k damage ults :(.

The winner is AD build with Sword of the Occult, 5 x Bloodthirster, Masteries used Above, 4x Greater Mark of Attack Speed, 5x Greater Mark of Scaling Attack Damage, 9 x Greater Seal of Scaling Attack Damage, 9 x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power and 3 x Greater Quintessence of Scaling Attack Damage for a sexy ~8833.6 damage ultimate over 3 seconds.

Okay so now we know that AP just sucks on Lucian for his ultimate. You might as well build AD and Armor Pen instead (without forgetting Attack Speed of course) :P.