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IShouldGetALife's Mobafire Blog

11 Aug

Views: 484 Sports thread

I've been thinking of starting a sports thread for people to talk about their favourite teams and sports and was wondering if people could give me some feedback about how much it would be used so I know whether it will be worth it or not.
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07 Aug
Won my promo even with that ****ing troll Teemo mentioned in the QQ thread, the enemy team was terribad and the enemy LeBlanc mid got beaten by the Teemo who turned out to just want mid and went by the guise of trolling to get it and probably hoping for me to argue with him or something, I went Lux bot with a Leona due to the Teemo, I ended up carrying the team and could almost one-shot their Graves with my ult.
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06 Aug
So first of all despite most of my posts being quite dumb I have managed to get to the 'notable' rep level (idk how) thanks to every one that +repped me I must've been helpful for a change.

Next I will update my blog occasionally for my ranked games as I have had some success recently (I'm currently in series due to getting my 3 best champs in a row) and hopefully can get myself promoted and stay there, marking the start of my long climb towards my goal of silver before the end of the season.

So I'm 1-0 with my promo's great Sona match got my Quinn fed to bursting in lane and...
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04 Jul

Views: 892 Survey for school

Hey guys if you could do me a massive favour and do this survey for em it would be much appreciated as it is for my Student Inquiry Project for school, the survey will be open for a while as I have a pretty large amount of time to do the project. link Here
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01 Jul

Views: 394 Ahri

I really have to start playign Ahri again haven't played her in about 2 months and this happened:
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