Kindred is squishy. Her ultimate, Lamb's Respite, helps her play around this fact. With the odd caveat that it also prevents her enemies from being reduced below 10% of their max health and heals them, along with allies, when it ends.


Start with Wolf's Frenzy as it heals you when it reaches 100 stacks from moving around. Then get Dance of Arrows for the multi-target damage and dash to help with kiting and dashing through walls and getting out of base just a little quicker.

From my observation, Dances of Arrows does not fire if there are no valid targets nearby. This seems to include not firing when you dash through walls or at least, I’ve not observed a health drop on camps when they dash through a wall to get to a camp.

Once you have a little attack speed your basic combo when taking down camps is going to go something like.

Mounting Dread
3 Auto Attacks ( Dance of Arrows does not add to the number of marks on a target)
Wolf's Frenzy
Dance of Arrows

When ganking you are probably going to have to use Dance of Arrows early in the rotation in order to keep up with your target so you can proc the mounting dread stacks with your auto attacks.

Something like Dance of Arrows to get into range to hit them with Mounting Dread to slow them. Wolf's Frenzy to start reducing the cool down on Dance of Arrows and then Dance of Arrows to keep them in range so that you can proc Wolf's Frenzy. If **** hits the fan Lamb's Respite to keep yourself or an ally alive for just a little bit longer.

Runes and Masteries:

Atk Spd Marks + Quints seem to work the best
MR or CDR for glyphs.



Still up in the air, but a build that seemed to work ok was the following:

Ranger's Trailblazer + Enchantment: Warrior
Berserker's Greaves
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Last Whisper
Frozen Mallet