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Rank: Veteran
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Counterjungling

07 Jun
Tweaked and reposted from my ranked update thread.

I received coaching from Bot Only a Diamond 1/sometime Master ranked NA player.

We did an active game review and a couple of VOD reviews of games I had played. We used Skype to share my screen though I found that I had to change my in-game video display setting to Borderless from Full Screen as it kept dropping me out of League, which resulted in an early death when I had a game drop and their jungler or Mid laner spotted me out.

Other than that and some idiot teammates I ended up ahead in farm and XP compared to my counterpart...
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20 May

One of the more informative high ELO junglers I've run across, Edge, is back with another video on decision making around jungling. He hits a number of topics in a game where he had a non-optimal start with a Top laner that was behind from the get go. He plays the game well for the most part but illustrates a key decision point that likely cost them the game.

3 Camp Clear Same Side of Jungle + Back:

Can be useful if you are a jungler that commonly gets invaded or if for some reason you don't get a leash so you will be so...
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16 Apr
Being a jungler, I run into this situation fairly frequently. You head over to your red buff after clearing the blue side of your jungle and you encounter a Shaco, Lee Sin, or Shyvana clearing your red buff or waiting in the bush beside the red buff to smite steal it and then try to kill you before making their escape.

Now there are ways you can help yourself such as asking your laners to ward the bush beside red at the 1:30-1:45 minute mark and having your ward up* to drop in that bush if it is unwarded or the bush just above red.

But sometimes despite all of that the...
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