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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 3:52pm | Report

Monekying with Shyvana in ranked. Blitzcrank was a beast a hooking despite being a Leona main. Tristana got ridiculously fed and we road that to victory. Tristana and Rakan offered him some tips about using bush control. Basically walk up and E then hook when they try to get away. Or Rakan said just run out of a bush and see if you can get a flash. Nice to see people helping each other in a decent way. :-)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 4:18pm | Report

Okay got some coaching advice.

I stick with Hecarim as my primary and if he is banned I play Jarvan IV. My off role is ADC as Sivir. This is based on my current winrates with the champions. Basically if you were just starting out you play 20 games then evaluate. If you are close to 50% or less, then you need to look at the champion archetype. Maybe playing a diver isn't your thing.

Assumptions about my first 5 actions.

Urgot pushes Darius because ranged vs melee? Wrong. Darius pushes. Better AoE and higher threat.
Ekko pushes Zed because more AoE. Trueish. Ekko was pushing Zed in a little.
Ashe and Lulu push Jinx and Yuumi. Should be true, but that lane wasn't standard for reasons.

Kha'Zix win the 1v1 vs Hecarim. True if you aren't running Ignite.

Kha'zix, Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue, Darius is his most likely gank.

Do we win the 2v2? I think so.

My path - Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Level 3 > Look to gank Mid or Countergank Top (took 2:59 to clear the 4 camps at 508 health out of 713, would have been healthier with a better leash at Blue, I think)

This also semi-future proofs my jungle, by take 2 of 3 camps on either side of the map, so if Kha'zix does something I don't expect he only gets one camp on and invade of either side.

What happened?

My assumption about Kha'Zix path ended up being wrong because Lulu and Ashe walked into their jungle blind and Kha'Zix was farting around in Mid so he walked face first into them and almost died. Yuumi showed up late and got chuncked as well. And Jinx was AFK at the fountain. Ashe and Lulu wanted me to come to them and take Red, which if I had complete information I should have done. But they were trolling to walk in there as 2 by themselves. If they had been stacked or been on and invade of their own and we missed them when going in we get pinched. High variance play that only worked because soloqueue.

Ekko does push Zed in. I walk in for a gank on Ekko and push him back to his turret. He gets cheeky and goes on me so I take him out with a fade away Ignite. I drop a ward for Darius, which wasn't needed.

I should have updated my mental map to have Kha'zix going from Blue to Red side and been pinging Bot lane when scuttle was about to spawn. Since they are under turret, Kha'zix doesn't really have a good gank. We see him bug out.

I gank Bot and we pick up a kill on Jinx, but it was a close thing to having one of my laners die since they were low on resources.

The Lulu's ulting decisions gave me hives. She could totally have saved Ashe at one point. Instead she late ulted herself for no reason.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 5:27pm | Report


Darius pushes in Kayle. True
Ziggs pushes Leblanc. True
Kai'Sa + Blitzcrank pushes Jhin + Pyke? In retrospect I'd say this is not true, but I'll have to see the matchup a couple of more times to be sure.

I don't win the 1v1 vs Sejuani and we don't win the 2 v 2 vs Darius ergo. Gank Bot or Countergank Mid.

My path. Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red.

Sejuani's path, Red > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red. Mid is her best gank.

IIRC that is pretty close to what happened, except Ziggs killed LeBlanc and then Ziggs was so low there was no time for me to really countergank, he just got blasted by the Sejuani.

Have to add Pyke to my list of disgusting champions that should not be in my games. If you could actually CC him for any length of time, he would be slightly less annoying.

What actually happened.

They took the gank path I usually ward for around dragon pit. Kai'Sa dies. They exit, Blitzcrank has to Flash. Kai'sa gets to lane first and gets the push, no opportunity for a gank in Bot.

Ziggs kills LeBlanc but has to Barrier. Sejuani skips her raptors and runs across a ward to gank Ziggs. I do get there in time to interdict the Sejuani, but she gets her damage down on Ziggs and he dies. I waste my Ignite. I get Bot scuttle then gank Leblanc in Mid because Bot is still pushed up too far. Get Top scuttle. Look to Top but Kayle has no mana. I take Gromp and back.

I think taking Gromp was a mistake, because if I had gone back eariler and went to my Krugs and cleaerd them my Bot lane decided to start a fight with their Bot lane around then, so I should have looked at the wave positions at that time before starting Gromp. Though really I don't know why my Bot lane started a fight with their Bot lane since they did it the middle of an enemy minion wave.

Things started to go to **** when Pyke came from base for a roam on Mid after getting a kill on Kai'Sa in Bot. Ziggs got out of that and then walked back up and got hooked and then Sejuani went on him. I did my best to try and peel them off of him, but that isn't exactly Hecarim's biggest strenghth.

A lot things did not sync up this game.

And I'm not thinking of what the enemy jungle might do outside of my starting plan.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 6:21pm | Report

Tryndamere pushes Garen. Guess. Spin vs Q. Have to see this matchup more times, Tryn seem to have a slight edge in the push, but nothing crazy.
Sylas pushes Malphite. True
Ezreal + Lux pushes Jhin + Janna. Guess. Lux Lucent Singularity vs Jhin Q and Janna Zephyr. Seems wrong as Jhin and Janna had a slight push edge.

Plan was Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Gank Top or Countergank Mid.

I win the 1v1 vs Panethon if I play it right and get behind his shield as I have Ignite. A bit of a toss up on if Garen and I win the countergank situaion, but silence is pretty strong stuff.

Pantheon mostly does a Red > Raptors > Krugs path to hit level 3. His best gank option is probably Mid.

What actually happened.

Pantheon goes Red > Raptors > Blue > Gromp.

Garen kills Tryndamere who doesn't respect Ignite. Sylas as prio in Mid. I invade Panth's blue side to ward. He is just finishing blue, so I did 4 camps in the time it took him to do 3. He then starts Gromp. I wait until he has used his abilities and then go him getting his Flash and win the Smite fight on Gromp.

I then take the Bot scuttle and then get Malphite's Flash, then I take the Bot since my Bot has prio and my Mid isn't too pushed. I know Pantheon is Bot side becaause we warded opposite of each other in the Bot side Mid river bush, so I ping out for my Bot lane to play it safe.

I knew where Pantheon had warded so I went around it and when Malphite stepped up too far I ganked him. It ended up being a trade kill, but worth it for me because we got his Ignite and I shoved the lane into turret so he would lose minions.

Sylas edges out Malphite in an all-in but it was close since Malphite hit level 6 first. Without his healing, Sylas would have lost. I believe I somehow knew Pantheon was at his Raptors. So I should have come and helped Sylas shove. That was a mistake since I just went and did wolves instead and we could have got the minions into turret. Sylas did the smart thing and backed.

Just a game where everything works out quite clean.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 6:42pm | Report

I dodged this one because they had three potential tanks and our ADC locked in Jhin and our Mid laner locked in Gangplank with no obvious games of GP played and being on a 6 game losing streak. And I don't find Hecarim to be that good against tanks. And if Yorick gets rolling he is extremely cancerous to deal with and I've seen a few people use him as a counter to Darius.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 10:29pm | Report

I'm pretty we lost this game cause Galio is blind. Had a fight in Bot lane that his ult would have turned, but he ulted in about 15 seconds after the damage was done.

We have all pushing lanes, so that means I go find Vi and mess with her to keep her from getting a gank off. Except they late invade and push us off of Red.

Go Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red> Red still there.

Do I win vs Vi? if she misses her Q I win since I have Ignite. If she hits her Q, I might lose even with Ignite if it is fully charged.

I don't recall the lane state at that point but it was a long time before I positively impacted the map.

They had a lot of tools to get onto Caitlyn and we didn't peel well enough for her. Big problem for any kind of grouping was Annie. She fire roasted us as it was some time before I got MR being in the process of building Trinity Force.

I definitely screwed up once and should have gone to help Caitlyn and Morgana vs Jax, but they kept toying with the Jax in that they could have backed off, so I was in a quandry, but should in retrospect should have headed to them.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2019 10:30pm | Report

Illaoi vs Pantheon. Illaoi pushes
Lux vs Yasuo. Lux pushes.
Sivir + Nami vs Caitlyn + Nautilus. tBot pushes.

I probably don't win the 1v1 vs Lee Sin.

Me: Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gank
Lee: Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Gank with Top being his best target.

What actually happened?

Except we get invaded and Sivir blows her Flash but gets out. Yasuo blows his Flash and then backs in an unsafe spot and gets Qd by Caitlyn and dies. Nami blows her Flash

My new plan. Red > tBlue > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gank Bot

Lee's new plan should involve ganking a lane with no Flash. So Mid or Bot.

I don't know that they didn't leave Blue though because no one on my team dropped a ward.

Lee goes Red with help from Nautilus > Wolves > is spotted on the ward I left behind. I ping out his location. Illaoi has a ward. But is apparently too confident so she gets ganked and has to blow her Flash. I do a mini-punish by taking Lee's Raptor camp (he only had 8 cs) with the intent of ganking Mid after. In retrospect I should have ganked Mid rather than do Raptors, but Yasuo was low and only got lower by the time I was done with the Raptors. I knew Lee could show up, so I didn't go too hard on the Lux and I pinged Yasuo away. We played it well enough and both got out with minimal damage. Lee leaves but walks in such a way that I figure he is trying to lure Yasuo in a false scence of security and sure enough Lee is waiting behind the river wall. Lee with no Raptors to do comes to contest scuttle. I don't have my Smite and Nautilus moves toward me so I bug out.

Yasuo dies 1v1 to Lux. Pantheon Teleports back to lane (I did not note the timer). And kills Illaoi.

I clear my blue, which as it turns out was still up.

Lee Sin goes to Krugs. I did ping Yasuo out to be careful as Lee could still be about, but he died a little after that with no help from Lee.

Lee goes Bot after Krugs but is spotted on a ward. I ended up doing Blue and Gromp at the same time so i was too low to use this information.

I go Krugs to Gank Top but we don't get a lot out of it since Pantheon shields most of the damage.

Lee does his Gromp then dances around for quite some time I guess waiting for Blue buff to spawn. I proceed to do a full jungler clear to get level 6, Yasuo roams Bot and we catch out Nautilus and I use my ult to help secure the kill. Illaoi dies to Pantheon again, then Yasuo almost kills Lux but Pantheon ults in and Yasuo dies.

Bot lane gets into a scrape with their opposites, but they don't notice the Lee Sin lane ganking in time, though I pinged it as soon as I saw it. Sivir went down and I got Lee Sin in return. Then Nami and I take Cloud drake.

Blah, blah, blah, Bot got four man dove. Pantheon Smote out Bot lane with one Q when they lined up as they ran away.

We end up in Mid and Illaoi Teleports in for some unknown reason after Sivir is already dead, which in retrospect is probably my fault since I wasn't front lining because I didn't want to be there since I had no ult. But the Illoai kept going up and harrassing them. Yauso goes hard and dies. After that the team backed out, with a lot of pinging to back out.

It was kind of clown fiesta after that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2019 7:47am | Report
I don't know how this going to work out, but it is interesting trying to go into the game with an early game plan about what I'm going to do. The thrust of the plan is this

Guess or know from experience which lanes will push

Cheat sheet: (IIRC there are more elements than these two)

Ranged pushes Melee
Higher threat pushes

This tells you which lanes will be gankable and which lanes you might need to countergank.

You then ask yourself

Do I win the 1v1 vs the enemy jungler?
Do we win a 2v2 countergank scenario?

What will be the enemy junlgers path?

Cheat sheet

9x out of ten the enemy jungle will start with their Bot lane leashing them even if that is not optimal. Your map hack is A) seeing when the enemy laners come to lane B) checking their mana

If they come to lane late they likely leashed. And if they are missing some mana they almost 100% leashed. You can fake leash, but it is rare in soloqueue for this to happen.

Then the enemy jungler is probably going to do camps that play to their strengths with the intent of hitting level 3 as fast as possible.

So junglers with the capability to gank will most likely complete 4 actions and on their fifth action they will gank.

If you really want to get into the weeds you can time yourself doing various clears and if you know the enemy junglers clear speed you can factor that in to where they could be and what their choices should be.

After a game, watch at least the early game and see if your assumptions are correct. If they are not then watch the lane and see why not. Maybe they purposely didn't push for lvl 2 because they were concerned about a lvl 2 gank say from a Twitch jungle. Then update your mental lexicon.

The point is to build up a league sense about what is likely to happen and why. And yeah, you'll probably be bad at it at first.

My coach put it this way. League is a big IF statement that you will add to over time and you can judge your progress as a player by how many things your IF statement takes into account.

For instance last night I learned that Jarvan IV does not win the 1v1 vs Lee Sin at level 3.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2019 6:36pm | Report

Cho'Gath pushes vs Urgot. Cho'gath can push but doesn't have to.
Pantheon pushes vs Talon. True
Caitlyn + Nautilus pushes vs Ezreal + Braum. True.

I probably don't win the 1v1 vs Lee Sin.

Me: Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gank
Lee: Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Gank with Mid or Bot being his best targets (turned out to be wrong)

What actually happened?

Lee Sin camped his duo in Top lane (didn't know they were duo until after I looked them up) getting a kill at level 2 after clearing my blue buff (I did not look and see that Lee had my Blue which is a mistake on my part.

Lee does his Red and return ganks still at level 2 and kills Urgot again after Urgot Teleports back to lane. I ping out that Lee is probably Top side still since he hasn't come to his blue side so Urgot should be careful.

At this point I clear out his blue side jungle.

Lee Krugs scuttle and ganks Urgot a 3rd time.

It it is actually really slick if you think about it. Even if they get pushed off my blue he still gets to gank with 2 actions where most junglers won't gank until action 4 or 5 with exceptions being someone like Xin Zhao who can gank at level 2 also. But by showing Top his Blue side gets taken, but it respawns at a higher level so whenever he needs to go over there some of the work has already been done for him. Between that and getting some lane farm I believe he was at level 5 vs my 4 even though I believe I had done more camps than him.

I didn't pressure Bot or Mid enough to even out the pressure Lee was creating in Top lane.

My team crumbled under Lee's and Cho's pressure combined pressure and the fact that we had trouble staying on Lee Sin, Talon, and Ezreal.

I'm not sure how I would have stopped this without gimping my own game.

First off I would need my Top and Mid to actually cover my Blue side jungle. People are really lax about this now that they don't have to ward for early scuttles. Then Urgot wouldn't have been in quite as ****ty a position as he ended up in, which is effectively what really got him killed the first time.

I suspect this setup is why the Lee has such good KDAs in his games, but if it is what he relies on to get him to Silver, he might not go a lot further. Basically it works a chunk of the time when he duos, but doesn't work when he doesn't.

I also made a mistake going Enchantment: Warrior. I needed to stack health to survive Cho'Gath.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2019 11:15pm | Report

Kled pushes vs Kayle. True
Cho'Gath pushes vs Veigar. True
Draven + Zilean pushes vs Miss Fortune + Blitzcrank. True.

I don't win the 1v1 vs Lee.
I don't win the 2v2 with Kayle vs Lee and Kled.
I don't win the 2v2 with Veigar vs Lee and Cho'gath
I can win the 3v3 in Bot lane with a Draven and Zilean.

Setup to countergank Bot or gank Mid

My route: Blue > Wolves > Red > Raptors or Krugs but the later take longer
Lee's route: Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp

What actually happened?

Lee goes Red > Krugs > investigates my jungle to see my Blue and Wolves are gone. Q's in on Veigar who is basically under turret and he and Cho almost kill Veigar. He then contest me at my Raptors. I win the Smite fight and he ward hops over the wall and takes another shot at Veigar and misses and he just walks out with only a tower shot taken. Why Veigar didn't cage him, I cannot know. Lee goes to Bot scuttle. Draven gets hooked. Lee goes in for a gank. Draven flashes. Lee gets out. Zilean is stupid and gets killed. They go on Draven and he dies. Zilean and I pick up an assist on the Lee.

Veigar gets repeatedly eaten by Cho'Gath. Zilean gets a lot of the kills in the varous scrums we get ourself into. Kayle is marginally useful, but not that useful, the Draven seems....high. That is probably the best way to describe his behavior. He got animated and did things in certain situations, but at other times was very focused on whatever had his attention at the moment like the mini-game of securing CS. When he is focused on that nothing else enters his consciousness.

Late game we kill Cho'gath if we get on top of him, but Miss Fortune can kill all of us. Crit MF is apparently nothing to scoff at. Since we couldn't peel off Lee, Blitz, Kled we were always on the back foot with Miss Fortune being able to get off her damage while we are not giving as good as we got.

This exercise is interesting, but I hope it eventually turns into less suck.

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