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Fox Rage's ranked journey

Creator: Fox Rage August 27, 2012 6:52am
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Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 6:52am | Report
Fox to the Rage, Fox Rage here! What's up guys! Lately I've been seriously trying to get better at this game. A good way to improve your gameplay is by realizing your mistakes and try not to make those mistakes again. I did that for a while and it worked quite fine. I climbed the ELO ladder up to 1400 again. Sadly, I started playing like a ****** and losing lots of games, wich caused my ELO to drop to 1200. The main reason of creating this thread was that I wanted to help myself improve. For each game I'll play, I'll explain what happened, What were my mistakes, what I need to improve and what i'm statisfied with in my gameplay. By pin-pointing my mistake, there's no way I cannot imrpove :P

My favorites champions in each roles are :

AD Carry : Corki, Miss Fortune, Sivir
AP Carry : Veigar, Xerath, Cassiopeia
Jungle : Trundle, Master Yi, Sion
Solo top : Swain, Rumble, Shen
Support : Janna, Taric, Pantheon

Game #1 :
What happened : I was duoing with RexSiuYiRex ( Varus). To be honest, I always thought Lux was an extremely weak ap carry.... until I met that guy. I was playing mid vs his Lux, as Xerath. I usualy **** on Lux with him, but damn. I don't remember ever being demolished so hard mid lane. I had literraly no freaking idea what was happening. In short, best Lux NA. Like seriously.

Back to the topic now. Gragas demolished Zyra mid, while Jax did a really good job top considering he was vs a Malphite. Graves was terrible bot lane and it didn't take long before Varus and I start denying him pretty badly. Almost all lane got fed pretty fast and we pubstomped the enemy team until about 25 min in, when Gragas rage quitted because Jax took blue by accident (red buff DoT op). Nautilus said in all chat : Report Gragas, he rage quit. The enemy team, knowing it was 4v5, went straight for baron. Nautilus flashed in and stole baron while we proceeded to destroy every single one of them somehow. We then pushed and took mid's inhib. We pushed our luck and tried to take a second inhib wich got us aced. The enemy team pushed and were able to take mid's outter and inner tower. We ambushed them as they were taking inhibitor's tower and aced them once more. We pushed and destroyed the nexus.

What were my mistakes : I did a few terrible ult bot lane, wich saved either Taric or Graves bot lane. I also didn't ward enough mid game and didn't have proper positioning, costing me several oracles. But the biggest mistake I made was to go AFK when I received a phone call. It was a telephonic job interview, so I couln't affort to let it pass. At the same time, Gragas rage quit. I came back as soon as possible and that is when my team was going to ambush baron, so I got there as soon as possible to help them. We were able to win, but that AFK might have cost us the game.

What I need to improve : I need to ward in better places and ward much more mid game. I was literraly walking around with only 1 or 2 wards. I need to position myself better in order to keep oracles.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : My shields were pretty good for the whole game. Always protecting Varus from Graves Buckshot wich earn us a few double kill. I did some pretty good ward coverage early game and positioned myself properly when we fought.

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 7:01am | Report
psi best lux na D:
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 7:07am | Report
I've yet to see a better lux than ResSiuYiRex's, hence the title of best Lux NA. I've seen Psi's Veigar a few times (Quite brutal) but I've never seen his Lux.

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 8:01am | Report
Game #2:What happened : Shaco ganked Renekton top at lvl 2 with red buff, Renekton dies giving Shaco first blood and an assist for Garen. Renekton claimed all game about how "gamebreaking" Shaco was and how ******ed our Shyvana was for not banning him. He kept his lane pushed to enemy tower, getting ganked by Shaco and dying several time while crying about how terrible Shyvana was for not ganking. I was able to kill Mordekaiser twice in lane thanks to Shyvana ganks. I was doing fairly well until Shaco decided to camp my *** like theres no tomorrow. I got underlvled pretty fast wich allowed Mordekaiser to free farm and harass me day&night. I was warding of course, but he was ganking evenf rom behind my tower. Deceive OP I tell ya :P

After ****ing up Renekton and getting me underlvlved, Shaco proceeded to camp bot, diving them 24/7. Corki was, of course, focused first. Tower got Sona several kills. At around 12-13 min, Garen took top's tower and literally became berserk. He kept diving me mid over and over again. Even with my ult I wasn't able to kill either Mordekaiser or Garen. Renekton said that he was gonna leave at 20 min because he had to sleep to go to school the next day. Why queue for a ranked game if you can only play 20 min? Teamfights were a slaughter.

What were my mistake : I didn't look at map enough, otherwise I would've seen Shaco leave top to come gank me mid. Even with my wards up, I barely looked at my map, too focused on fighting Mordekaiser. I did a several horrible snares that costed us kills, I failed my shield a couple of time, making my ally die. I didn't position myself properly either.

What I need to improve : I really need to improve Morgana's skillshot and I need to stop wasting my shield. I really have to look at my map more often, especially with wards up.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : There isn't much I'm satisfied in this game. I failed pretty hard, though I did do pretty well when Shaco camped me. I didn't die once to his ganks, but it sadly got me underlvl. I have to gank more often lanes that need help.

Game #3:
What happened : They first picked Singed so I went Teemo. Do I have to describe what happened in lane? Malzahar wrecked Gragas thanks to Amumu's ganks. Ezreal and Alistar got demolished bot, but don't worry. A fed Vayne is useless vs fed Teemo. The entire game was a pubstomp for me and mid lane. I got a few doublekills from Singed and Riven and denied Singed like hell. Not much to say here, apart from : NEVER FIRST PICK Singed

What were my mistake : I didn't make many mistakes, hence my score. I kept overextending and being over aggressive late game though, wich would've killed me several time vs decent players. I was overconfident and reckless. My single death come from diving 1v5 to kill Vayne, Riven and Gragas. I died but at least I got a triple kill and gave my team the opportunity to get both nexus tower.

What I need to improve : I need to stop getting overconfident once I get fed. Overconfidence made me lose so many games, it's not even funny. I need to be less reckless too in teamfights. I still have a lot of work to do toward positioning even though my positioning was relatively decent in this game.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Look at my score, then look at Singed. Nuff said.

Game #4:
What happened : I was supposed to jungle Trundle, but our last pick decided he wanted jungle and not top, so he insta-locked Maokai. After arguing a bit, I gave him jungle so he'd stop crying and went Trundle top.... vs Kennen. Kennen was super aggressive, but he wouln't be able to last hit to save his life, so I outfarmed him (somehow) during the whole game. Maokai of course never ganked top. I was 3 man dived by Diana, Kennen and Lux 3 times. I died twice. To be honest, I was so busy focusing on dodging Kennen's shuriken and his **** that I got no idea what happened mid. All I know is that a super fed Fiddlesticks came out of freaking nowhere and triple killed Lux, Kennen and Diana while they were diving me. Fiddlesticks and Draven carried the game hard.

What were my mistake : I had absolutely no map awareness in this game. I didn't even know we had a Fiddlesticks before he ganked top. I didn't ward tri-brush enough, hence the reason I was 3 man dived so often.

What I need to improve : My ult. I need to stop wasting my ult and use it on the tank instead of wasting it on the squishier targets. I also need to use Rabid Bite on the AD carry to debuff him. Again, I really need to work on my map awareness. Warding would help me a lot also.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Even though my score is negative, I still did a decent job top, considering I was against a Kennen. I farmed pretty well top lane and didn't push. This game is the proof tha my last hitting skills are fine for the ELO I'm in. I'm still aiming for an average creep score of 80-90/10min

Game #5 :
What happened : Duoing with GhostlyDonut1. His mid-theon is quite brutal. I was going to Swain top when they chose Tryndamere. I couln't resist and picked Teemo. Even with Diana and Morgana camping my ***, I wrecked the Tryndamere like theres no tomorrow. Ashe had AP runes and got outfarm pretty badly by Varus, but it didn't matter. Tryndamere was shutdown too hard to comeback and Diana kept being jungle-ganked by me and Pantheon. They surrendered as soon as they could.

What were my mistake : Again, map awareness. I don't look at my map enough. I got taken by surprise by Diana a few times. When she lvl 2 gank me, the only reason I didn't give first blood was because Alistar flashed in and saved my ***.

What I need to improve : Map awareness once again. It is something crucial to become anything near a decent player. And I will not consider myself a decent player until I have a decent map awareness.

What I'm satisfied with : Look at my score, then look at Tryndamere and Diana. Nuff said.

Game #6 :
What happened : This is another game with GhostlyDonut1. This game was pretty bad for pretty much everyone. Gragas was mid agains't Miss Fortune while I was vs Vladimir. Gragas gave first blood to Miss Fortune due to a lvl 2 Volibear gank. As soon as he came back he was murdered by Miss Fortune. He asked to swap lane so I accepted. Don't want to face a super fed Miss Fortune. He doesn't die top at least. So I go mid and face a Miss Fortune 2 lvl above me, with 2 kills in front of me. We trade a few hits when Volibear ganks me right when my wards die. Third kill for Miss Fortune. After this the game simply became a slaughter house. Volibear ganking everywhere and Miss Fortune pushing mid like crazy. We tried a single teamfight and we won! We went to get Baron but Miss Fortune and Volibear (the 2 last alive) came in, stole baron and aced us. We surrendered after they took both nexus towers in a single push of 30 sec.

What were my mistake : Map awareness once again. I should've warded my lane more and looked at my map more. I lost a few gank possibility bot lane because of that. I failed to focus, trying to defend Ezreal from Volibear.

What I need to improve : Focusing and map awareness. Warding more would also help a lot.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Not much to be honest, except maybe that I was demolishing Vladimir top, both in CS and in harass and trades.

P.S. I just realized I forgot to post the game after Trundle's. I don't quite remember the game in details, but I know that we lost horribly.

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 12:55pm | Report
Game #7:
What happened : Once again duo-ing with GhostlyDonut1. He went Pantheon mid again. Irelia insta-locked right after him, wich mean we had no real magical DPS. So I went Cassiopeia bot with Nunu & Willump They stopped raging at me after I get a triple kill off Soraka, Caitlyn and Malphite. Pretty much everyone succedeeded in their lanes, the enemy jungler was really bad.

What my mistake were : Terrible positioning early on was painful. Caitlyn's Q hurt as hell when you have 12 armor. I kept getting silenced by Soraka and I had a bit of difficulty farming vs such an aggressive Caitlyn

What I need to improve : Positioning early on. If I would've had decent positioning, I would've been able to stay in lane much longer, therefore increasing my CS and probability of getting a kill out of either Caitlyn or Soraka

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : The second I got lvl 6, I lietrally pubstomped all of them. Malphite tried ganking and was demolished. I got him and Caitlyn and Soraka in my ult, and then proceeded to kill all of them. In teamfights, my ult was well timed. I was always stunning 4 or 5 of them

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 1:34pm | Report
Game #8 :
What happened : Swain afk in spawning pool and never came back. Our Olaf(still duo-ing with GhostlyDonut1) was forced to lane vs Vladimir and got wrecked. Kennen did OK mid vs Teemo, but refused to gank top. Me and Taric demolished bot lane. Worst Blitzcrank NA. Me and Taric started dying when they started to 5 man dive our *** from all directions. They had 4 oracles at all time, wich made it impossible to have vision anywhere.

What were my mistake : I did pretty good bot lane. I'd the biggest mistake I made was overextending a few times to push turret and being forced to flash to escape a gank from Teemo and Dr. Mundo

What I need to improve : Not getting overconfident and overextending when there are MIAs

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : I'm satisfied with the whole game to be honest. I did fairly good given it was a 4v5.

P.S. Out of the 8 games I just played, 3 had leavers in my team :/

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 4:00pm | Report
Interesting choice of Cass and Nunu bot lane o.o Last time someone sent a Cass bot lane, we beat them so easy :/ I hope you win your next game! And yeah, leavers are bad, but be glad you don't have feeders.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 4:13pm | Report
I lost my last game (forgot to post it again -.-). I went mid Katarina to beat enemy Lux, but our last pick decided to insta-lock LeBlanc instead of picking a jungler. No one wanted to jungle and top was raging about how he'd leave game if he wasn't solo.

TL;DR I was forced to play ****ing Katarina jungle.

What happened : Leblanc failed mid ( No surprise, lane stealers ALWAYS fail) somehow and enemy jungle Xin Zhao got fed as hell. Enemy Jayce got fed from our top (Not sure who was top) and bot did quite fine, feeding the hell outta our Kog'Maw. Teamfights were a disaster, Jayce and Xin Zhao wrecking us by themselves.

What were my mistake : Not dodging. I though maxing W first would make a faster jungle for Katarina. I thought wrong. I should ward my buffes when I get counter-jungled a lot. I could really use that to gank the enemy jungler with someone else.

What I need to improve : Dodging when you know you're gonna lose and ward my buffs when I get counterjungled a lot

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Literally nothing. It was just sad seing me in the jungle, trying to lvl up, nearly dying at wolfs while Xin kept stealing my wraiths and red.

And of course all my teamates were raging at me for being "a ****ing ******ed moronic dumbass trash noob who plays jungle Katarina"

@Jhoi : Thanks. When I Cassiopeia bot, I usually do it in 5 man premade, when i'm teamed with a support with stuns ( Taric, Alistar, Nautilus, Leona, Pantheon). I though Cassiopeia would work great with Nunu & Willump's insane slow, and it did.

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2012 6:14am | Report
Game #9:
What happened : Guess what? Another leaver. They first picked Kassadin, so I counterpicked as Talon while Mordekaiser went top as our ap carry. Nunu & Willump camped bot lane really hard while Dr. Mundo died several time trying to help bot lane. Mordekaiser wasn't doing too bad top, he was pretty much freefarming. I demolished Kassadin really hard mid lane. He couln't do anything. He left mid, I called MIA and pinged Mordekaiser a few time to he'd back a bit. He didn't listen, got ganked and died to kassadin. Same scenario happened 2 min later. He then proceeded to do a lovely rage quit on our *** because Dr. Mundo didn't gank his lane even though he was pushing Warwick into his tower.

What were my mistakes : I should've followed Kassadin, when he left his lane to gank top, instead of pushing on hbis first gank, and ganking bot when he went top a second time.

What I need to improve : I kept forgotting to activate my Youmuu's Ghostblade. Like any active item, I need to remember to use it

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : I had some very good map awareness in this game, my lane was warded 24/7, I also warded Nunu & Willump's red and blue and kept stealing them or killing him when he was doing them. I knew were everyone was at all time.

P.S. Out of 9 games, 4 had leavers. That's almost 50% to have a leaver. I don't mind losing, but I do mind if it's because of an idiotic kid who rage quit simply because he can't ward his lane or listen to his team.

Game #10 :
What happened : Finally a win. Enemy team first picked Malphite, so our second pick went Shen. Everyone called their roles pretty fast, and all that was left was jungle, so I went jungle Sion. I decided to try a new route with Sion this time. I used the same route I use with Trundle. Start at blue buff, ask for a hard leash and don't use smite. Proceed to enemy red buff and steal it. If your team gave you a good enough leash, you'll finish red before the enemy jungler gets there. While I was going to steal Amumu's red buff, I saw him lvl 2 gank Shen top. So I cleared his whole bot lane jungle, leaving 1 lesser creep in each camp so they don't respawn. I ganked mid and got first blood. I then went top and killed Malphite. I warded Amumu's red and blue buff and kept ganking him while he was doing them, stealing both buffs each time. I was giving my red to Katarina since Shen didn't want it and gave blue buff to Kog'Maw. Bot lane did very good. Amumu tried ganking bot a few time, but failed each time. He was too far behind to do anything. They surrendered after we dived them in their inhibitor tower and aced without a single one of us dying.

What were my mistake : Just like everytime I`m fed, I was over confident. I kept doing reckless and stupid stuff wich would`ve been costy against good players.

What I need to improve : Self control. I really need to stop getting overconfident. I can`t even tell how many games I lost because I got overconfident.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : I had very good map awareness in this game. I knew ere everyone was at all time, all enemy buffs were warded. I kept counterjungling and ganking mid and top since bot didn`t need help. Katarina and Shen got fed pretty quickly

Game #11:
What happened : They didn't ban Morgana. I made them regret not banning her. I went to take a snack during the loading screen. When I came back, game had already started and Vladimir was free farming mid. He was already lvl 3. Mid lane was kinda rough, Vladimir kept pulling out usual Vladimir ********. Tryndamere was getting demolished top. He was maxing his spin vs Darius. So I told him to max his AD debuff/slow when he was facing heavy physical champions like Darius. At that moment, he started being able to duel with Darius. Darius kept pushing, so I kept ganking him over and over again. I kept ganking bot who also needed help, alongside Nocturn. Everyone switfly got fed. As I was warding, I saw Vladimir stealing our wraiths, so I did my combo + ult and followed his flash. Nocturn came in with his ult and we killed Vladimir, who was the enemy's only threat. Beyond that, it was pretty much a pubstomb, me doing some Morgana ******** while Tryndamere and Ezreal wsere cleaning up.

What were my mistake : Getting myself a snack. It was a terrible idea that might have costed us the game if Vladimir would've had the map awareness to gank me when I ganked top and bot.

What I need to improve : I did fairly well the whole game, though I kept using shield on the wrong person. I really need to work on that shield.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Pretty much everything. My snares were very good, always well timed, my ult were devastating, I was always using Zhonyas right before dying, saving my *** numerous time. I had excellent map awareness and had everything warded with Taric.

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage
Fox Rage's Forum Avatar
Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2012 10:10am | Report
Game #12:
What happened : It was a slaughter. Every single one of us demolished every single one of them. Me and Taric even made Varus rage quit after his fourth death in a row. Map awareness, wards, timing, communication. We had everything needed to win a game.

What were my mistake : I got overconfident a few times, but not as badly as usual. I'm improving on this topic :P

What I need to improve : Still got some work to do on myself. Got to stop being overconfident when fed.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Just look at the screenshot hahaha. Pubstomping all day everyday

Game #13 :Duo with Arcana3's smurf
What happened : Olaf had wrong runes and masteries and literraly got demolished by Xin Zhao. Bot lane was a massacre. I was wrecking Ezreal with my skills while [Nunu]] made sure I never ran out of mana. Taric's stun were flawless in terms of timing. Top was pretty even for a while. Once Fiora got lvl 6 though, it changed everything. Gragas was doing fine mid, nothing exceptional. Nunu & Willump went AFK and later on Xin Zhao did the same thing. We won this game easily.

What were my mistakes : I really should've taken my shield at lvl 3 instead of 4. Nunu & Willump was harassing and denying me badly until I was able to get my shield.

What I need to improve : I need to adapt to the enemy. Nunu & Willump harassed me a lot with his ice ball, so i should've taken my shield at lvl 3 or even at lvl 2.

What I'm satisfied in : Carrying like a baws.

Game #14 :
I was duo with CrissDeJambon, an IRL friend. I swear the god, this is guy is like in the top 5 best support NA.

What happened : Me and CrissDeJambo demolished botlane so hard, it wasn't even funny. Everyone wrecked their lanes. A bit like game #13, the whole game was nothing but a huge slaughter.

What were my mistake : I didn't watch my mana bar. Both my death were from me going out of mana so I couln't shield Diana or Katarina's skills.

What I need to improve : The way I use my mana. I was spamming too much, expecting Soraka's Infuse to be able to give me as much mana as I spent. It wasn't the case and I died twice because of that.

What I'm satisfied in my gameplay : Apart from that mana bar gestion, I did very good. My skills were well timed, I was well positioned in the teamfights, I had good map awareness (both ganks where fromm being ganked from behind our tower).

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
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