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Throatslasher's list of champs that aren't viable

Creator: throatslasher September 13, 2012 11:38am
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throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 11:38am | Report
Sup? So, TheJohn asked me to make a list of champs that aren't viable. If you wanna goof around, play these champs. If you want to win, avoid them. I'm going to do this in list form in the format of:

(champ that sucks) --> (similar champ you should pick instead) [REASON]

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, post them below. This is my opinion, but I feel I'm right. Plus I know league like the back of my hand. Here we go:

akali --> diana [akali countered by 125 gold ward, diana does more damage in an aoe, tankier]

draven --> ez/corki/graves [draven can crush laning phase, but his late games is AWFUL]

annie --> other mages [she has just been surpassed by other mages, she's out of the meta]

Fiora --> Riven [Riven does the same damage fiora can do, but with ******ED AOE DAMAGE+CC, and riv has mobility]

Heimerdinger --> Zyra [She does everything he does but 10X better with 2 forms of aoe cc]

karma support --> lulu [both are jack-of-all-trades supports, but lulu's kit is just better for less mana]

ap lux --> morgana [lux has decent poke mid-late game and a long snare, but morg is just better all game. lux has the most fun ult in the game, though]

Malzahar --> veigar/leblanc [both are single target champs that try to 100-0 someone, but veigar is just better imo. that stun is ******ed. malzahar is actually perfectly viable, he's really just bad, though. I have mixed feelings about malz.]

AD master yi --> Tryndamere [trynd has an amazing laning phase, and yi HAS to jungle, which he's very mediocre at and susceptable to invade.]

AP master yi --> Ap tristana [Yi has to use his body as his nuke, where as tristana has a sick laning phase, and 3 damaging spells with great ratios, and amazing at 100-0, ap trist is 10X better]

Nasus --> Anyone else

Naut support --> blitzcrank [naut is naut tanky anymore, skip him as a support]

Poppy [Poppy is unique, nobody is like her. She is a FANTASTIC late game anti-carry, but that's the only time she shines. She has a horrible laning phase, and has bad matchups against EVERYONE (except nasus LOL) I love poppy, I consider her one of my mains, but she's in desperate need of a buff.]

Sejuani --> Amumu [similar kits, amumu's ult is way more reliable, and his ganks are way stronger at all levels]

Talon mid --> Pantheon [If you're going to pick an ad assassin for mid, pick pantheon instead. he's just all around better and more reliable with slightly more mobility, a hard stun, etc. He's just better in that role]

AP teemo [just don't do it. it's funny, but terrible]

Tryndamere --> Riven [tryndamere sucks right now. I played him almost exclusively for 2 weeks straight, and I came to the conclusion that he's extremely poor on any teamcomp. He melts to focus and exhaust. There is no place in the metagame for an AD pure melee assassin. he has an ok laning phase due to his mobility and sustain, but he doesn't win many matchups, and is countered hard by 120+ armor]

ADC twitch --> any other adc [adc twitch is really soft right now. He's not tanky, he's super susceptable to harass, no mobility, none of his abilities are really that special. He's just there. You spend more times running away and trying to reposition yourself in temafights than actually fighting, as opposed to corki/ez/graves who can press 1 button and reposition wherever they need to be. twitch melts to gapclosers]

rammus --> maokai [maokai does way more for his team in teamfights, his cc is better, his damage is better, his ult is better, his ganks are better, his clear time is better, everything is better except he has no true defensive steroid. but w/e. nobody attacks the tank anyways.]
that's all. if i forgot anyone or made any mistakes, let me know.
Syther Blade
Syther Blade's Forum Avatar
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 11:42am | Report
wait, so anyone with a counter isn't viable???

the ones from that i agree with are
Supp Karma
ap teemo
I think the rest are pretty good if played right.

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
Anastasios's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 11:48am | Report
How do you feel about AD TF?
Why isn't he played anymore?
Is his main problem his relatively short range?

Many thanks to MissMaw, LaCorpse, Xiron, Arcana3 and Joxuu for making me sigs!
Werepirelord's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 12:05pm | Report
Ever tried support Heimerdinger?

Tah beh, or nat tah beh. BOOM! Nat tah beh.
TheLastWolf's Forum Avatar
Sep 6th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 12:32pm | Report
Malzahar --> veigar/leblanc [both are single target champs that try to 100-0 someone, but veigar is just better imo. that stun is ******ed. malzahar is actually perfectly viable, he's really just bad, though. I have mixed feelings about malz.]


Malzahar is perfectly viable in the game right now, and is so much viable that LeBlannc. Imagine a TF with LeBlanc in one team and Malzahar in another. LeBlancs uses her combo...Ok, and? It´s a f*cking burst damage, i know, but i they break it it´s over for they, and seh can do NOTHINg during that TF. Now Malzahar poops with Null Zone, uses the void call over all the team, takes down the tank (THE TANK!) with his ulti, and during all, Malefic Visions and the voidling have been touching the b*llz of the team...Malzahar is the Anti-tank AP Caster for excellence, and he´s perfectly viable. Yes, he pushes very fast, yes, he don´t have naturall scape ways, and he can be a bit squishy without the good built, but he´s perfectly viable and a terrible oponent in 1vs1...And yes, i know there is an item that ends with the comnbo.

-Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard , Xiaowiriamu and myself for this awesome sigs-

-Place for the future guides-
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 12:49pm | Report
"How do you feel about AD TF?
Why isn't he played anymore?
Is his main problem his relatively short range?"

He's terrible. short range, nothing scales off of AD, no mobility, no sustain, etc. I've tried it and been successful with it, but why play TF when you can play half a dozen adc's that completely wreck?

"Ever tried support Heimerdinger?"
I've seen it, it sucks. His q is useless, and pushes the wave, his rockets suck and push the save, his e is slow and unreliable, and his ult >.>
His passive sucks as a source of sustain. It's just there, nothing great about it. Why play heimer over sona?

He's an extremely poor teamfighter. His job is to melt someone 100-0, which takes approx 2.5-3.5 seconds, during that time he HIMSELF is stunned. I think a champion that has to stun themselves for 2.5 seconds to be effective is ****ty, whereas leblanc can blow someone up 100-0 in approximately .5-.75 seconds. She doesn't have the aoe and zoning tools, but she is a much better 'killer.' Veigar has the aoe damage and zoning tools malz has with 5 times the damage.

tl;dr any champ that stuns themselves to do stuff sucks. If these champs are so good, why are they NEVER EVER played in tournaments?

I mained malzahar for a month, and wrote the #1 malzahar guide on solomid. Malzahar sucks. He's completely 100% countered by a 1600ish gold item (QSS)
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 12:51pm | Report
Rammus' late game is much better than mao, imo, but i agree that nerfing his base stats to the ground and removing fortify gave him the cleaver.

As requested to GMD himself.
<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 1:01pm | Report
wut, Rammus' late game isn't even good. He's just a full tank with a weak initiate and 1 CC that people can just buy QSS for. All his tankiness is pretty much useless by the time lategame hits cause the enemy AD carry will just melt him anyway.

Maokai has an AoE 20% damage reduction and a much more reliable form of initiation. I'd have a Maokai over Rammus late game any day.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 1:12pm | Report

tl;dr any champ that stuns themselves to do stuff sucks. If these champs are so good, why are they NEVER EVER played in tournaments?

I don't disagree, but what is your opinion of Warwick? He's the other champion that immobilizes himself in order to use his primary source of damage and CC.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2012 1:25pm | Report

Nasus --> Anyone else

This is so true and it makes me sad.
Only time I pick Nasus now is when the enemy has strong ADC who relies on their AS, and/or a jungler/top who relies on AS. Or just when I don't give a ****. Even then I have to have a kinda passive lane up top.

Ah well, time to wait for more buffs.
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