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Nidalee Build Guide by blitzkrigers

Support Nidalee Support, the Only Carry Support

Support Nidalee Support, the Only Carry Support

Updated on March 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author blitzkrigers Build Guide By blitzkrigers 4 9 7,287 Views 22 Comments
4 9 7,287 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author blitzkrigers Nidalee Build Guide By blitzkrigers Updated on March 23, 2013
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DarkAkumaLord (61) | March 25, 2013 10:38pm
I'm basically not going to vote because I seriously, and I mean seriously, don't like pumpkins :)
PsiGuard (1495) | March 25, 2013 1:02pm
Build isn't too bad. I think it could be adapted to better fit a support budget though.

I'd definitely recommend Morellonomicon. It'll give you more CDR and mp5 for healing your team and spamming spears. It's a very, very cost-efficient AP item with useful stats on AP carries and AP supports and would probably be a better use of your gold than, say, Lich Bane.

Mejai's Soulstealer can work too but it's more risky. You don't have to include it.

I'd bump up Zhonya's Hourglass if you plan on using Aspect Of The Cougar at all in team fights. Zhonya's on a support is actually really devastating because they're usually the most vulnerable member of the team and need to take aggro off carries when necessary. I once lost a ranked game against a Zyra support the instant she finished hourglass. We went from narrowly winning team fights (but losing in tower pressure) to getting wrecked 5 for nothing.

I think a more realistic build would be philosopher's stone . That's already pretty expensive but it gives you enough stats to do everything you need to do.

Also drop the double offensive summoners. Replace Ignite with Flash because Exhaust on support is currently standard (I think people might switch to ignite-supports and exhaust-adcs for aggressive lanes, but it hasn't happened yet).

Not entirely sure mp5 seals are a good idea. I would go for armor, but I'll leave that up to you since you have more experience with the setup.

Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration would probably be good. Your early game harass has to be primarily composed of autoattacks. Takedown is also physical damage.

I don't like your starting items because I don't think 2 wards is enough, but I suppose it's good enough. I'd drop a faerie and get another ward and fill with pots, but do what you think is best. Maybe offer some alternatives.

I'm very, very surprised that you don't take Bushwhack at level 1. Even AP Nidalees do that. Do your team and your jungler a favor and start planting them before minions spawn. You can also use it to annoy bush-camping supports and harass them. Especially if you take hybrid pen marks, a bushwhack and a couple autoattacks is pretty deadly harass early game. I'd probably take Q at 3 at max it right after since a level 2 heal on your adc is going to be more effective for winning trades (and more reliable than a dodgeable skillshot).
EDIT: Just saw your level 1 blue steal advice. It's situational. If you're planning on doing that, then sure you can take Q at level 1 and take your chances. Most games it's more useful to start W though.

Why on earth aren't you taking Mastermind ? It's one of the most broken masteries in the game and you're playing support, which means having Exhaust up can make or break your adc's early game. Definitely take that, I don't know why you'd blow points on stuff like Wanderer that's completely useless by comparison.

Your skill sequence is completely messed up. You have 6 points in W and you max Q at 8, which is impossible. You should have points in E at levels 8 and 13 and switch level 9 to Q.

Also I'm not even going to read the guide in its current state. Look up jhoijhoi's Making a Guide and learn some BBcoding. It doesn't just need to be attractive, it needs to be readable at a glance. A lot of people look up guides without any intention of reading the entire thing. You need to provide well laid-out sections with icons and subheadings indicating which sections contain what information. Some more of it would also be good as the guide is super short at the moment.
Janitsu (569) | March 25, 2013 7:57am
I might upvote it if you add some coding and media. It makes the guide more user-friendly :)
jhoijhoi (2057) | March 25, 2013 3:19am
+1. I really like how you've been responding to comments and I want to see this build in action. Am waiting for the video :) Keep your chin up!
Vynertje (386) | March 25, 2013 2:33am
Not gonna vote, but seriously now, nidalee the only support able to carry? Play zyra, thresh, blitzcrank, leona or any other aggressive support, and you are able to carry just as easy as with nidalee (perhaps even easier since you will be at least buying sightstone and other really important items, on contradiction to your build)
Wards are really important and you should always have at least 3 on the map, if not more. If you are not buying sightstone, you will barely be able to get these items you need.
Your point is that when you are pushing objectives, you will not need as much wards. Now my point is, that in lots of games you will not be able to push objectives that aggressively (when you are behind, you cannot force anything because you simply lose fights) and then you will be set even further behind.

BTW: A full build Taric is more useful for your team than a full build Nidalee (when using your guide), so unless you literally CRUSH your lane, you are going to be pretty useless.
blitzkrigers | March 24, 2013 8:59pm
Hey guys,

I'm in the process of uploading one of my last games from today. I think it will help explain the build a little bit more. The problem I am facing is that I don't want to build to be too long that people won't read it, but you really have to expand your mind to understand it.

If you bull rush their outer turrets with a hyperaggressive mentality, you gain a massive gold lead. Taking down 1 tower and 1 drag over the enemy team is a solid 3.5k gold lead. At 15 minutes, that could be as much as a 20% lead. I realized this when watching tournament play film. It becomes increasingly difficult for the enemy solo lanes to keep up with that kind of lead. Furthermore, the jungler can be more present in the mid lane which is the most vulnerable lane.

Everyone complains about sightstones. Trust me, I get complaints in 50% of my games. However, if you continually press objectives, you will know where the enemy team is at all times. After the three outer turrets fall, the team should group either way. Nidalee will be strong enough to matter during this time and be a real threat to the enemy team.

However, if you waste time and don't engage to take objectives you will fall off and be useless. I have had plenty of teams that refused to group until an ultimate loss.
Gott der 7 Meere (51) | March 24, 2013 12:20pm
Sightstone isnt really required on supports. It is good, but not a must have, supports went without it in season 2...
Lets consider that support nidalee won't hit any spears all the game... she will still be a huge asset to her ADC since the nerfs to AS and Blood Boil her heal is the biggest DPS boost a full build ADC can get. This alone makes her strong. Her high rank traps can destroy half the health of a fully geared tank. So, yes, she is a very strong support.
ZeHamilton (5) | March 24, 2013 11:55am

First of all: turn on comment to vote, all your downvotes are probably from trollers (or laggermeister) who never even tried this build.

^ Agreed
But really, this is support? No sightstone? The final build is awful for a "support" too, I think you shouldn't be in Platnium IV from this...
I'm starting to think the high ap caster "Supports" don't really support at all anymore... like Nidalee and Lux althought I have won many ranked games with Lux support with one of the best support items in my opinion, Mikael's Blessing. Not even gonna bother voting on this one.
devdevil (74) | March 24, 2013 11:00am
I find this guide amusing.
Janitsu (569) | March 24, 2013 9:48am

Just a tip, I used my "nickname" for a reason. Lolking me if you would like. I have a horrible win rate with nid, but I was doing some trolling for fun earlier on. Currently in Plat V because I dropped from DC's. **** happens.

To the comment "what a support is supposed to do". You should really think about the meta game harder. If 200+ AP at 22 minutes doesn't sound right, do the math. Take down 3 towers, 1 drag, 1 kill, 1 assist. Take between 10-15cs from the ADC when they backed out of lane... You add it all up with a 2800 starting+passive gold gained and you get to that.

If you successfully can split push, you don't need to buy a sightstone. This is a siege build guide. If you spend your time all 5 middle pushing turrets and poking the enemy, who needs to ward side brushes? You have traps for that anyways.

Just a tip, verify your league, because everyone can just use the username they want to.
Dill Money (5) | March 24, 2013 8:32am
I am a jungle main, but if I do not get to play jungle, I will play adc. At my ELO :), 9 times out of 10 the support is the last pick who will complain about not knowing how to support, sucking at it, or not even owning any supports. So, i'm always a nice guy, and I play with plenty of supports that operate as the "third carry." This is surprisingly effective, except when they take kills. I've played with Nid support, GP support, and Teemo support, all in the past week. All three of those games were easy wins. That being said, your build isn't very good. Instead you should focus on Magic Pen more than AP, since a large part of the dmg ratio on your Q comes from its distance away from Nidalee, not AP.
Gott der 7 Meere (51) | March 24, 2013 4:54am
DKitten wrote:

As per CS when your carry backs out of might be able to get the three melee minions per wave. Because you will definitely be prevented from getting the casters and cannon by the two enemies in your lane.

The biggest problem with support Nidalee is that she offers no crowd-control whatsoever, which is mandatory on a support. Even if you have Ashe or Caitlyn (sustained and hard CC, respectively), supports are expected to be able to lock down targets so their carry can kill or escape. You could get Rylai's Crystal Scepter for locking enemies down in cougar-form as a replacement for Zhonya's Hourglass, but Pounce and Swipe are both AoE, and Bushwhack is a DoT, which makes the passive on the Scepter less effective.

As much as I'd like to play a kitty as a support, support Nidalee makes it difficult for your carry to snowball because landing your spear correctly often means a kill on your behalf if you do the typical poke-until-ready-to-initiate. And that's if you land your spear, which as all Nidalee players know, is rather easy to dodge if you can't force them to travel the way you want. If they enemy knows that your spear is up, all they have to do is move in one direction with their mouse ready in another for when they hear you throw the spear. You can't even rely on minion pathing to block them, because chances are, you'll hit the minions.

It is easy for Nidalee to farm some waves when the other team is somewhere else, and if you get some ~50 cs thats already enough for your core build.

While nidalee offers no crowd-control, this is not an issue for her playstyle. Poke and execute. It works during the whole game and there shouldn't be any problems. Lack of CC doesn't neccessarily have to be a weakness.

And if you get kills instead of your ADC, well, good for you and your team ! The difference in gold between kill and assist is small and if you get fed, your team has two AP Carries, you will win. The real gain when killing your enemy is save farm and an xp advantage for your ADC, and he will get that regardless of who made the kill.
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