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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Shiit Kaak

Where is the challenge?

The members of "Shiit Kaak" are waiting for a challenge. In the meantime we will enter a "Mobafire" tournament. This tournament takes place on the 8 th and 9th of september this year. Wish us good luck.

xoxo, King Itheuz

What should the next new champion be?

So Lucian is cool and all, but the only original thing about him is his ult. I really want to hear what others have to say. I've been thinking about it and i'm gonna go to being a star wars nerd. Like think about all the things that jedi's do, the force to push them back, allowed to throw your sword or saber. (I think it'd be cool if he had an original sword or something.) Maybe an ult where he like hits the ground hard and everyone in the path is pushed up. A dash would be cool too. I don't really know about the passive, maybe every 20 seconds if an enemy is nearby they take damage from gravitational force. Something cool that doesn't only revolve around a weapon. I don't know, comment your other idea's im really interested.

LoL Maths~ How to get Big numbers on Lucian's ''The...

Why hello there! I'm back! and this time with more of a ''kewl fax'' blog instead of a more helpful one let's say.

Yes, as you may have guessed from the tittle, I will try to find THE build that will make your The Culling deal the most damage possible, regardless of the viability of the build or of any other effects it may have on the rest of his kit.

Of course, there are always ways to cheat. For example, having a nearby Sona with a maxed

Played a long time, time to share some info

Hi there!

After been playing ~2 years & testing all kind of sets, metas & other guides, i think it is time for me now to share some that experience.
Why? Because i'd like some feedback, & i got a wall full of post-itsĀ® builds that i'd like to remove, but don't want to waste all this experience, either for me or you guys.

I don't like the meta.
I don't like "it's the only gg set, why don't you build it ?".
I don't like most of LoL players.

Despite all of this, i like playing champs the way i like it, & using some sets of my own (probably used by other players, but still :p) & pissing of regular players when it finally works.

My guides won't be regular: I don't intend to learn you how to play champs, or their hidden tricks or so. I'll just propose a different approach to play them , for people who already know how to play both LoL & the regular champions , to give them a chance discover them again, on a bright new day.

And probably fail at the beginning, try again & again till …

Skins that should exist (not really)

I've been thinking for a while what funny and cool skins would be fun to have in league. After some collaboration with friends and colleagues alike I bring my results.


Ok so even though Udyr got his legendary skin and became part of the meta again I thought of this skin that would be funny. A HULA UDYR skin. Imagine


Basically I didn't play for 2 months and when I play again I win most of the games I play. Interesting. It's quite scary, since I'm really bad at this game, but hey...

Teemos with 3 rylais.

The world moves on, we carry on, and apparently there's a guide calling Lucian "purenipples" or something. Oh internet.

my first post !!!

Hey Guys !!!
i just recently uploaded my very first guide, i hope you enjoyed it, if you didnt i would like it if you tryed to give me some advice on how i could improve it because it is small but I think it can come across as being quite useful which is good, but yeah im going to be making a youtube channel soon so you should check us out when we create it.

Is there anybody who still makes signatures??

I there anybody on MobaFire who still makes custom signatures ??

I have a nice idea in my head but all that I have in order to make it is windows paint and I tried it, but the end result came out really really ****py xD

I would post the result but I really don't want to die of shame today, I ask this because I see all these awesome signatures on MobaFire, but when I go to see who made them they all say that they arent making sigs at this time ...

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide