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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.



Doesn't it suck when life does everything it can to bring you down?

Look at my luck:

That may have been my best game ever, but life dealt me a loss.
Ah well, we all gotta move on right?
Still, I just really wish my first penta kill ever had been in a winning game :\

P.S. I've been having internet issues, which is why those co-op v ai scores are so pathetic :P

Funniest game ever!

I have just played the funniest game of League of Legends ever! :D Don't know if i can describe it in words so that you fully understand, but what happend, is as opposing team was about to destroy our nexus, but our teams Shaco killed their nexus literally a milisecond before, and all the opposing were like "WTF?" "DARK MAGIC" and that stuff, and we were just laughing our ***es off! :D I nearly peed my pants when i saw my nexus with 10hp, and then a slide to their nexus and the Victory sign! :D

why i hate twitch.

well hello there. i just got out of a game (left actually) where the enemy team had a twitch. i've never really had a problem with twitch, especially as fizz (who i was playing as this game) he's usually pretty annoying but thats about it. this game, however, i was going mid against him and was doing pretyy well, but as soon as i know it he leaves lane to go back to base and vlad comes in from theyre jungle. i figure he's just covering the lane. he lanes for a while i make a move and twitch comes in and the double team me. this happened about 10 times in about 10 minutes. a teammate would come in while twitch was ba and then twitch would appear right behind me and they would kick my little blue ***. this infuriated me. i would have completyely destroyed twitch but he just had his teammates come in to 2v1 me repeatedly. pair this with the fact that he's running exhaust and heal and we lost mid lane. theyre entire team is fed and my team refuses to surrender. i hate leaving games but thi…

Double Jungle= Winning?

So guys I just got off a game of league and in that game I was playing Corki.( Team comp was good for him) In that game in solo queue at the time. We got in the game and our WW proclaimed he was jungling. However right before the game was about to start mumu changed all of his masteries and decided he would jungle as well. Meaning all 3 of the remaining players were soloing. Me as a Corki was not enjoying it. They both went jungling one got left side other got right side. I was so mad i was about to leave until this Vayne was kind enough to give me first blood. It just went uphill from there it, it was ganks ahoy. Anyway to make a long story short most of my team was fed (Except Wukong who fed the enemy team) and we won the game with double junglers despite being laughed at. Idk bout the result of this strategy every game? Anyway what do you guys think?

Solo Queue Adventures!

Ok, so I'm about to make my first venture ever into solo queue, normal games. If it goes as well as it does in my head, I might even try a ranked game. So I was thinking about using three to five champions, each in three games, and see how it goes!

My list as of an hour ago was: Ryze, my very first and favorite magic dealing champion, Yorick, because he wins the sustain game so hard,

I just left a game

I just left a game. I couldnt take anymore those harrasser and the complainers. Seriously.

I don't use to leave or to afk games and basically i report every player that keeps the behaviour (even if he's on the enemy team and he gave me a win), i just couldnt play another game with this people.

I was Fizz jungle and the enemy Trundle stolen my red. Of course my support didnt had

My ELO and finding a DUO

So recently my ELO has been suffering due to incompetence, poor gameplay by me after being demoralized and immaturity on most of the teams I get, in the past week and a half or so I have gone from 1300 play and doing well to the 900's. Now that is a dramatic drop to have in one week, it happened in late November I got about six or seven back to back losses and it was horrible about half way through those losses I just began to not care and stopped looking for counter picks and started playing very poorly. I do know I can only blame myself for my dramatic decrease in ELO but also it doesn't help when you're having a slightly off night in solo queue and you either get an entire team that doesn't speak your language and just wants to feed kills or troll their team or you start off doing well and someone dies on your team or gives first blood and someone else on your team just rides them the rest of the game making them just not care anymore.

So because of this I've been looking for serio…

Taric The Gem Knight

Well. i been getting into Taric Resently and Soon i'm going to put up a Small what i call it Overlook on him. his really fun to play and i really enjoy playing him. so i hope you will find it intressting and fun to read :)

Edit: This will be made . i know i havent done much !! but i'm back into the game and will more or less blog as much as possible. hopefully putting something up every day!! or atleast 4 times a week!! feel free to comment on anything! alweys nice with feed backs

Why I haven't been active.

Some of you have probably realized that I haven't been as active lately... Okay, I haven't been active at all and anyone of you have probably figured that much out. Although I wish to spend as much time as I have before on this site, making builds and creating signatures for many, I cannot seem to find the time anymore. If I try to take the time to do any of these things, I lose out on time that I need for college. Any free time that I have is either taken up with LoL itself or Magic the Gathering. I cannot let a site dedicated to LoL take priority over the game itself and Magic is near and dear to my heart, more than LoL ever will be. So, although I will not be able to finish those signatures(and I am sorry for those who requested; I wish I had time.) or make more guides, I will still try to follow some things and if I ever do get time, make some guides. I don't plan on doing any more signatures, though, as they took too much of my time and messed with my schedule....

Again, I am sor…

Not again. Please not again. X_X


Twice in one year. Same problem. I drop the damn thing on the floor and the hard drive just CROAKS. ...So now I need a new hard drive. Again. & All of the stuff I had on my computer is gone. Again. X_X

I've tried everything else, system start-up, system restore, system diagnostics, system re-installation, system EVERYTHING!...

So I can't play League of Legends for a while. Not like anyone will miss me. T_T

If anybody cares, I ordered a new hard drive from DELL. Will take approximately forever. Then I can play League of Legends again.

I'm going to miss playing with MOBAFire...: (

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide