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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.


One time while I was playing in a 5v5 match with Sion. I was doing well and my team was winning. Suddenly, the Q and R commands were not working on Sion. Still won the match. I thought it was from the ability of one of the enemy champions even though I didn't see a status on Sion, I thought nothing of it. It then happened to me again yesterday; the team lost the match. I decided to look into it and found out that Sion has a bug! My favorite LoL champion has a bug! I have not used him since and switched to a new champion, Wukong. I do intend to play Sion again but I do not see Riot Games fixing his bug soon since apparently this has been happening for a while (more than a year). Hopefully there's a fix so I do not have to worry about it.

Who am I ?

Hi i am ThrozanX. I am not very high ranked but actually i am silver (because im bad ^^ ) (and my teammates suck ^^) ( u know th things wich every low elo player is affected by ^^)
I love playing melee offtanks like lee sin and j4. I'm intom league since i was born ^^. Here is a link to my lolskill profile so that you can check out how bad i actually am.

Getting Things Together

There comes a time in every Leaguer's life (maybe) where you get to the point you need to stop the learning phase. That's about where I am. I've been just throwing together items lately, hoping for the best. Usually, there's a good outcome. Sometimes, not so much. So as of now, I'm going to start putting some real builds together. Maybe make a few guides if I feel that gutsy. As I get closer to being able to do ranked, I don't want to just fall face-first into it and not know what I'm doing. I wanna get my things together. Finally do some good with the champions I play so much, and learn the ones that just collect dust in my list. See ya on the flipside!


I play well, with a good team.

I main in the jungle, generally as a tank or assassin depending on the build. I don't like facing enemy champions head on, but prefer to come, see, and conquer as the game progresses.

I play these champions, and can provide some builds very often for them.
    Master Yi

Champion consigliati

Salve players di League of Legends!
Inizio questa guida premettendo che sono un player con moltissima esperienza alle spalle e con tanta voglia di fare e di aiutare.
Preferisco categorizzarmi come un piccola speranza per coloro che sono bloccati in una determinata posizione e/o hanno bisogno di aiuti e/o consigli.
In questa giornata scriverò la prima guida per aiutare questa community ad affrontare i problemi citati pocansi.


Yo, so i'm new to this. Got back to playing LoL about last week. Before that, I played LoL till lv.8 then stopped playing; now i'm lv 11, i'm still new. I've played quite a few games since then, i'd say i'm on the right track and i'm starting to see all the strategies there is to the game. I'm by no means great, but I will say I sometimes have complicated strategic ideas while playing (like using a backdoor to clear the area to help my team win). Don't know where this LoL thing is going for me but we'll see.


Hitting the A in Aatrox


Aatrox is a controversial champion. He has seen play in LCS sometimes, but he's generally deemed as a mediocre champion by the community. He's actually not bad, but not among the best junglers/laners either. He doesn't really bring much to the table that others wouldn't do better. He's someone I'd like to see have his potential unlocked and unleashed - because he certainly has quite a lot of that.

Current Aatrox has decent damage, but has to build very tanky after lane phase just in order to survive. He has problems killing people later in the game unless fed, because his steroids and 'burst' doesn't scale all that well. One of the biggest problems is how irrelevant he becomes when behind. He's designed to be some form of melee carry without the tools to succeed in that, hence he's played as a bruiser that does many things okay-ish, but thrives in nothing. HE DOES NOT FEEL UNIQUE ENOUGH. HE DOES NOT FILL THE THEME HE WAS SET IN.


Aatrox is the manifestat…

Season ending soon

So the season for ranked play is ending soon and it seems like I will end up in Plat again. I kinda had this feeling when I hit Plat that it would be the highest division I'd ever get to. One part of me does kinda believe that. That part of me also believes that I just can't be a special player and I could never been anything other than an average player.

But the thing is, the other side of me screams that I can be good because I've shown signs that I'm not just an ordinary player (like having way more game knowledge than your usual player). And that side of me doesn't want to give up on ranked just yet.

So even though right now I don't really feel motivated to play ranked as much as I used to be (because season is almost over and it's 99% obvious I'll end up in Plat), I feel like I'll be really motivated to play after the ELO reset.

Also, things are changing for my ranked play in Season 5. From now on, I'll take things more seriously. I'll do my absolute best to not pay attention t…

Common support mistakes (aka stop doing these and...



I thought about making a wall of text for the guide at first but I'm also seeking for opinions and more mistakes that supports are making. It feels better to have a wall of text here than in the guide too :)

So basically I had bronze V account and I'm taking it towards diamond V. (Currently being around platinum). I've seen supports of all kinds and picks. I've lost lanes only because of the support and I've almost lost my mind in some games. I'm trying to list mistakes that are really bothering me. Also trying to provide a example how to fix it or what should be done instead. I have no specific order in which I'm going to list the mistakes. Let's get to it then:

Starting with Ancient coin

Ancient Coin is a really bad starting item. It doesn't provide anything for the lane. It doens't give a single good stat for the early laning phase so you're already behind in lane if you start with it. Spellthief's Edge is much superior item for ranged supports. Superior …

10 things I hate about the League Community

Greetings Fellow Summoners and Welcome once again to my Blogs.

I have been playing league for over 18 months now and I do love playing it, the thrill of the action, the excitement of doing head first into a battle and the sigh of relief when the final Nexus is destroyed...Ohhh its quite the rush isn't it?

But for all that wonderful enjoyment there is one aspect of the game that could easily ruin it in the long run and that is a section of its community...Now I am not saying everyone is bad (thank god) however there is a large enough batch of them whose attitude and actions have ruined alot of our fun because of it.

So for this special blog I am going to point out 10 things about the League Community that I absolutely hate and despise greatly - Please not that this is in no particular order and some of you may disagree (and you are fully within your rights to do so) but remember these are my own opinions.

1. Those Who deliberately Feed

We have all had to deal with that player who w…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide