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Toshabi Talk About League Part 2


Silence. Everywhere. No noises can be heard. No noises can be made. I, like many others, try day in and day out to make our trite existence known to those above us. We do what we can to be heard, but alas, no attempt is met with success. We see each other but communication is impossible. We can only flail about in our eternal torment. Tears roll down our eyes as we witness the struggles and toils one another must endure to stay alive. And for what? The enjoyment of one being looking down upon us knowing that he created such a demented system? Trapped in cages, we live. Tested day in and day out. Murdered. Slaughtered. Butchered. I've seen it all! But alas, there is hope. There is one above this mad king who knows of us. Who knows of this system. Who simply can't find us. He is the one who must be contacted. He is the one that can deliver us. But we are hopeless, we can't reach him, we can't see him, we can't be heard. If we can only speak. If we can only make our transgression…

I'm back

Basically, what the title says. I decided to abandon my old acc, because of the name. I had one Pantheon guide on the old acc, but it would need an update anyway. I was supposed to create a Diana guide, what I will do, but I decided to take my time on this, for I want the layout to look good. I will remake the Pantheon guide aswell, as when I look at it from this point... well I would buy completely different items. I also thought about creating an unusual guide, like not "You have a champion, and I tell you what items are good on that champion", but "You have an item, and I will tell you when, on who, against who and why buy that item".

Of course it will probably change after few months, like most of my builds do, as I get better at the game.

So for those interested, take a quick glance at my profile every few days, and maybe you will finally see a new guide appearing.

BTW. If you think that my tier is too low to create guides, then well just don't read them. Everyone is warned tha…

Braum! Why you so awesome?!

I've only played 2 ranked games with Braum so far. He's always banned or first picked if he isn't banned. However, in the 2 games that I've managed to pick him, I've done really well with him.

Now you might want to say "Well it's Braum..he's op". However, I honestly think the reason I performed well on him both times is because he's just my kind of champion and he's perfect for my style of play. I've always loved being that heroic tank that absorbs all of the damage and protects everyone. Braum lets me be an unbreakable wall that shields everyone and runs down any enemies along its path. Not to mention if you die as Braum it's all good cause he's designed to sometimes die for his carries. He's just freakin manly, really really fun to play and he's a super good fit for me. And he has the best mustachio in League (Sorry Draven)!

At this point, I don't even care if they nerf him. I would still play him because he's awesome. He's definitely my favorite support from now on. Used to be L…

It's just a game

Greeting fellow summoners,

Yes I haven't played LoL continuously for a decade and have all the champions, skins, and icons....10 millions rune and mastery pages and ranked #1 but that doesn't make me a noob. Every game I play theres these people that think they are "Hardcore" and they act elitist. I get sick and tired mostly of the other people in a game. I quit WoW because all my friends left and then I out dps'd a fellow cat when they had Purples and I had blues and greens and why? because they didn't know about rotation. I quit Rift for almost the same reason. I quit alot of games because of the masses. There's always gonna be more games so I don't concern myself when people like the one I just saw today ruin my experience. This kid was probably in his late teens getting all upset about what people were doing. If you've played long enough you've seen enough stuff so it should be easy to get past it but apparently not this guy. I like LoL in the way that others cant stop your abilit…

Do Skins give players an edge?

First and Foremost I am a skin collector in the game... I love all the skins and I buy loads whenever possible so I thought I would discuss on the biggest questions in League of Legends - Do skins actually make your champion better?

Well firstly you have the rumored skins that apparently do give you an edge compared to the original champions skins like the extra distance in the reach of iBlitzcrank to the extra area of damage given by Pool Party Ziggs bombs and the videos and game play footage that has been shown on Youtube do indicate that these do give an physical edge to your champion and although they are only like a few millimeter difference this small amount could be the difference between a successful grab or missed attack.

But what about the other skins that do not have these apparent physical edges - Do they really help you in the game? Well its all depending on how you go about looking at it really, To some its a case of if there is no physically edge to you…

TROLLing1999 is taking (another) brake

I am really bored and tired and busy and stuff to write a lot right now so I'll just get straight to the point:

For the next 10-15 days I will be taking a brake from League of Legends and Mobafire. This is both because of personal reasons and because of the fact that my vacation period started recently. I will spend some time backpacking and camping with friends so don't expect me to have interenet connection or to see me active here.

All my guides are updated for Patch 4.10. Probably I didn't do as much testing as I'd like to but what's there is already quite useful.

My experience with AP Kayle

This is my first editorial on MobaFire so lets make it good.

Let me start off saying that im not one to go towards melee AP champs but after being crushed so hard by Kayle mid I couldn't resist trying her out (and her aether wing kayle skin) so I tried it crushing my opponents finally thinking to my self that I have found the most OP and fun mid laner that I've tried out in a while my build mostly stays the same RageBlade, Nashorstooth, deathcap, and zhona's hourglass and mobi boots when roaming for quick ganks. As of this day I haven't played attack speed Kayle once (even tho it's looks so OP). As of Kayle as a mid lanner I find her to be very viable and easy to play. To be honest I feel like im cheating some times when i play kayle just cause how OP she is in the mid lane and can escape most ganks with out any struggle just a very laid back champ to play i find it best to max E first to get a good cool down so its easy to cs. The only thing about her I do not like at all is that she…

ASTRO Community Cup NA - June

Midnight Marauders has entered ASTRO Community Cup NA - June.

The roster for Midnight Marauders in this tournament: Kid Huston, Darkwolf4747, Lori94, LeSexyBibleOwner, deathscore.

Midnight Marauders faced off against Devtonia in the first round and lost.

Score Card
<tr class="player"> <td style="width:30px;" class="role c"> AD </td> <td class="hiliteW"> Kid Huston </td> <td style="width:25px;" class="c"> <a href="/league-of-legends/champion/lucian-115" class="ajax-tooltip { t:'Champion',i:'115' }"> <
Midnight Marauders K D A CS

Note about Updates on my Guides

I will be very straightforward.

Patch 4.10 has turned many things around for marksmen. As a consequence, tons of testing is neccessary before I can make any updates on my guides. From what I have so far, I can say that certain things will stay the same but at the same time there is lot of change in the air. Probably, I need to have a look at competetive play a bit more often to find out whether there is a change in the gameplay tactics as well.

As far as the viability of my guides at the time of writing is concerned, I need to put some effort within the next days to reach absolute optimality againg, even though what's there already is still useful.

I need to apologise for not being as fast as I could be and guarantee that I will try to finish everything within the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for updates and even prepare for some guides being archived if I reach a dead end.

On a side note, I am thinking of getting back to an old habbit, which is actually commenting on brand…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide