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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

PvP Picks Up

Okay, I haven't played much PvP. I've barely made it to level 12 (which has proven WHY Flash is picked so much). With bots getting dull and not rewarding xp and ip (how I purchase champions) like they used to, it was a good time to start going to the other side of the game.

Joining a party with my friend, Grimol, and a Sivir player I had met earlier in bot matches, we delved into PvP. We sat in queue for five minutes, and the whole time I was worried. I'd only been in two PvP matches before. One went great with me and Grim locking down a Pantheon and Rengar (I swear he was standing on every ward we placed), but the other-just the night before- had been a slaughter. It was a horrible game and you can see the summary on his profile if you want the details.

The match started, and I ended up the BanMan. Our two teammates quickly suggested Yi, Udyr, and Jax. With my two party members supporting the decisions, the picks went: Amumu, Yi, Thresh, Udyr, Dr. Mundo, and finally Jax. The picking…

Asian's Solo Top Tier List 10/7/13

My solo top tier list for Solo Queue, because everyone else is doing one :D

Remember tier lists are mostly opinion and up for discussion.

Champions are graded on multiple things:
  • Scaling; How well they scale into mid/late game, but also how their early game holds up. Priority is mid game > mid-late game > early game > late game because of the snowball nature of Solo Queue, because of the importance of mid game, and because late game isn't always reached.
  • Snowball; Top lane is by far the lane that snowballs the hardest. Give Jax, Riven,

Rare Champions

So I had this idea of a series of blog posts where I talk about champions that are rarely played and discuss what could make them viable again including patches,new ideas etc.
So I wanted to start by talking about some supports.

Taric, Leona,

Should Talon be Ban Worth?


I Recently started playing more talon and I swear I'm not being big Headed but I raped the ADC all game, Every Teamfight he was dead.

Talon has better assassination than a zed I would go as far to say, This begs the question why is Talon not banned in ranked? He is a perfect Assassin in my eyes.

So Community!



First of all Hi. Today I made this account here on Mobafire really enjoying the guides and posts and what not I've seen. So I thought "I got alot of ideas,which I Think are good,I want to help people and learn new things,so why not make an account here?"
And what did I do,I made an account.
So I've already Before Writing set my first steps into Mobafire posting some small things.
So I hope my experience with Mobafire will be nice and maybe I'll get some new friends.

-General Jade

Botlane Tier List

Hey guys:

What would you think about a Tier - list for botlane? Would you enjoy reading an updated one? Obviously, it would be meta-related and with in-depth reasonings.

It would be SoloQ oriented, not only based in my experience but also relating to how these champions work in Low ELO, Mid strats and High ELO.

So unlike, let's say, Elementz Tierlist, I would make several "versions" of it so people can notice how some champs who look great in low ELO can be very meh the higher you climb the ladder, and the opposite.

Some may think "but a champion that is great in High ELO, how can it be average or bad in Low?" Well, nothing is truly bad (except for ADC Soraka or something equally cheesy). I'm thinking more of learning curves. Lulu is harder to play than, let's say, [Sona as a poke support (and also less forgiving), so saying that



Hola les traigo guia para principiantes en league of legends, lo primero que deben de saber es el roll que toma cada invocador en la partida, una partida normal se juega en 5 pocisiones un personaje adc (ad carry=un persoonaje con poder de atake y de distancia) aqui un error usual seria escojer a teeemo de adc y armarlo con una build de ap eso seria un apc (un personaje con poder de habilidad y rango) las demas posciones serian un ap mid, (aqui podria jugar un teemo ap) un offtank o un tank en top, un jungler, un personaje supp en bot supporteando al adc, claro esta que todo puede variar pero si consigues un equipo que se apegue mas a esos roles mejor pelea en equipo tendran y les ira mucho mejor a late game, hay varias variaciones como por ejemplo no jungler o no supp

eso es recomendable para principiantes, ya que para junglear debes tener cierta experiencia para que tus ganks sean efectivos, al igual que support necesita habilidad para no famear y conseguir asistencias …

Balance Predictions for S4

Season 3 is about to end this month and Riot is working on some tweaks. Some have been approached in the forums, others may not be seen as an issue. However, and since I belive Riot takes the heavy "shifting balance" method, I will mention some other possibilities, that do not really respect this philosophy.
The main flag for Riot right now is gold income for supports and junglers. I will write some things they will probably do, as well as other ideas of mine:
  • Removal of Clairvoyance as a spell. If this is done, an item or two will be introduced with an active that acts like it.
  • Wriggle's Lantern will be slightly cheaper (my bet is around 300g, even though it may not seem enough)
  • An interesting alternative to

Blitzcrank guide edits


Will push this from unarchived to archived once it gets a final look-over and remove my v3 guide in the process.

Issues to be addressed:
1) Any coding issues?
2) Is the "Warding" section thorough enough? Anything I need to rewrite there?
3) Any continuity issues? i.e., I may mention something that would no longer have been read before a section due to changes in my section order.
4) Accuracy of starting stats. I can't afford the HP quints yet orz.
5) Leave Clairvoyance out for now? It's getting reworked/replaced in S4, but might not be worth it on a kill-lane support even then.
6) Synergy. Changed a few of them, but people might have other opinions.

Endgame Defeat, Seeking Advice

We played an intermediate bot match and what could have been a challenge proved to be too overwhelming. Before I continue, I'll post the final scores.

A progressive train wreck. It started off pretty average, I'm poking at Swain and keeping him from my tower, attacking at his tower. Now, while my tower is undamaged, people elsewhere aren't doing so hot (pun unintentional). Sivir started dying at the hand of Graves. Nidalee would back off from Graves, then Sivir would run up to Graves (who is now three levels higher due to multiple deaths) and use her Q ability. Now, no one was talking and no one was being a troll. So there was no communication, period, aside from the pings I and our Jungler would lay down to try and alert. Soon after the enemy was starting to travel in packs. Popping out behind us in lanes in groups of two or more.

Multiple times our team wouldn't coordinate. If it was two on one in our favor, the one teammate would leave instead of pressing the assault.

I tried not…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide