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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

ADC Stats

So i have been wondering whos the strongest, without abilities, runes, masteries, items or any other boost. I have been playing as Miss Fortune recently and im shocked to see her at the bottom in both start and finish and by so much :/

(Click read more for graph)


Think All The Time

I win more when I'm able to focus on what is important.

Watch the mini-map at all stages of the game.

For finer detail, get in the habit of using the F keys to watch your laners while they lane. (It takes some practice if you are not used to doing so). Watch for summoner usage and ward placement. This is easier if you use a jungler you are very familiar with so you have more attention for paying attention to what is going on in the map or to put it another way, you are going to miss out on a lot if you try to first time Nidalee jungle and all your attention is taken up trying to clear the jungle without dying.

Where did the enemy jungler start?

Think about where the enemy jungle started. See which laners come to lane late. Check their mana and health bars.

If their Top and Bot laners come to lane at the same time with no obvious mana loss, then their jungler probably started Raptors.

Keep in mind you can be tricked. Their laners can purposely come to lane late and use some …

Thoughts on: Reworked Evelynn

My thoughts on Evelynn's rework:

Awesome, kinky, pretty, THICC, hot, and cool. In terms of design, they got how she is meant to be---an assassin lurking in the shadows and morphing through, capturing her victims with both beauty and power. I can see some of her old kit are still there but more enhanced, and I can't wait to try her out---as soon as I can jungle properly T_T Expect a lot of R34 of her 'cause that's inevitable XD

In terms of gameplay, I have high hopes that she can make an impact in LoL. The way she delivered her combos in stealth and damage is excellent and assassin-like of her---much more improved. I used to hate it when another champion has Charm. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Rakan. But for Evelynn, she deserves it due to that atmosphere she resonates as the Widowmaker (or is she now called "Agony's Embrace"?)

Looking forward to reworked Evelynn. Expect instalocks as well XD

Old People's Guide to LoL

Hello World!

I'm a relative newcomer to LoL and HotS, having discovered the world of MOBAs and eSports through (you guessed it from the title) my boys. I managed to get ranked this Spring in HotS, and I'm working my way to level 30 (29 and counting as of this writing) in LoL.

Being solidly in the "old people" category for this sport, I decided to start this blog to see if there are any other over 40s out there playing MOBAs (and thoroughly enjoying them, minus the flamers!), and give us a space to discuss the specific challenges of getting good when we have jobs and can't spend 40+ hours/week playing over and over.

I have no illusions that I'll ever make the pro circuit, but I have come to discover that I do really enjoy eSports, and as a techno-geek, I'm more likely to spend a lunch hour watching an eSport match than I ever am to watch regular sports.

One of my greatest challenges has been team fights. When everything gets all mushed up in the middle I find that I'm rarely able …

How good is MOBAFire? Why is it so popular?

A lot of MOBAFire's guides are kinda... iffy in my opinion. The highest classed ones are sometimes written by golds, which I won't say is bad, but they obviously aren't experts.
All across the community I've seen people saying that if you use MOBAFire, you won't be taken seriously. trieu chung roi loan cuong duong
How good is MOBAFire? Also, if it really is this bad, how could it becomes so popular? (Search up guides, and you find MOBAFire)
Also, what are your thoughts on LOLKing guides? Are they just as bad?

It's been a while!

To anybody who is reading, hello! It's been a while and if you know who I am you may have wondered where I've been! Truth is, I haven't been active because I was thinking about quitting League for months at a time since I just wasn't playing every day like I used to. The last 2 months however... let's just say I've played roughly 450 games... I have been playing 10+ games a day, with my record being a whopping 25 games in a single day so far.

I'm still hardstuck Plat though. Holy I'm bad at this game...

(also it's my birthday on the 31st of august : ^)

Seriously though, I'm back and I'm more of an ADC main now, but I might switch roles again soon. I'm currently known as Hextech Rifle on EUW now, so if you want to add me in-game that's my name.

New Main Top: Ornn

I bought Ornn upon his release in PH on Aug 24 (Thursday).

As my friend "Hetsugane" and I were selecting our champs in Normal, I auto-locked Ornn. I just wanted to practice how to use him since he seemed to be interesting to me. Suddenly our Vayne demanded for Top and we had no Support, so I had no choice but to fill in the role. I like Supporting, it's just that people in PH often belittles that IMPORTANT role for multiple reasons both valid or not.

Anyway, as game progressed, I was able to lean towards as a killer rather than a Tank Support, which was still good. Despite my failed timing of combos and lost entirely, I now had a grasp on what Ornn could really do.

Today, I played Ornn again, this time on Top lane. I found him to be a good match up again Riven when trading. Hetsugane and I in that game lost due to the Riven catching up (and being a show-off).

And now, I decided to put him as one of my 3 favorite Top laners, with Camille and Kennen.

New Guide!

Working on a guide! Making one for Heimerdinger, since A. He was my first real main. B. Nobody really has made a decent guide on this website for Heimerdinger Top. Anyways, I'm working on the VS. Champions section, I plan on putting most of the top lane champs in there. If anything, I just hope it does decently.

Annie - Fan-made

**** Disclaimer ****

This is a fan-made story, it's another Annie's backstory created by the mind of a normal guys that finds " writing " fun. Everything that you're going to read is written at the moment without any help or anything to copy.
Have a nice read.

**** ****
Every LoL player knows who is Annie, and how she is " special ", but, has anyone ever asked what is her story? I'm going to tell you.
Annie's full name is Sarah Anna Thornton, then called Annie because her mother loved how that name sound like. She was a normal child like every child she knew.
Then, she reached her 9 years old.
She was in her room, playing with her teddy bear, whose name is Tibbers, when a creepy noise came from her bed's feet. Suddenly, a big puff of smoke came out, and after it was dissolved a big man appeared.
He was tall, he had red skin and black hairs, with big feet and 2 large horns on his head and he wore a vintage black suit,. At the beginning he stared at the child, but after 10 seconds he s…

My laners are Bots; some jungler perspective.

I don't know you. Until proven otherwise, you are all automatons that are programmed just well enough to get to lane and attempt to CS.

How do you prove you are not Bots so I want to help you?

When the game starts run out to the jungle and take up a position to protect OUR jungle. If I lose our Blue buff and then you get cheesed at level 2 by their jungler wearing OUR blue buff, I'm probably going to be tilted and you are probably going to be tilted. Save us the trouble.

You get +1 human point if you run out and protect OUR opposite buff without me asking you to.

When protecting the jungle ward out in front of you and know your escape path! I smack my head every time I watch someone on my team setup in the river bush between the two paths back into the Blue side jungle and they get collapsed on and they die because they have not planned a retreat path.

If you are a lazy sluggard and don't make it out off the fountain at the 14 second mark, treat the damn jungle like it might ha…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide