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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Strategy Session #3: Denying

Hello, and welcome to my second installment of strategy sessions. This is a series of blog posts covering some basic game strategy that is certain to step up your game if you don't do these things already. If you would like a topic for me to touch base on in strategy sessions, let me know in the comments. Let's get to it!

Don't X out your screen, you aren't in a HoN blog. Yes, denying also exists in LoL, but it isn't like it is in other games. In dota/hon denying means literally last hitting your own creeps so they can't. **** move huh? Well believe it or not, you can also deny in LoL, but in different ways. I classify denying in two different ways - denial by pressure and denial by pushing. This is a really valuable skill to have and can help you drastically win in cs.

Denial by pressure

This is also known as "Zoning" and fine, I'll do it. I'll copy/paste that world famous zoning tutorial that if you haven't seen by now, you're just way behind the times (it really explains it quite…

Nasus tutorial it's ready!!!

Hi. about a month ago I wrote that I start to do my first tutorial. Today I decided to publish it. I invite you to evaluate and comment on it. Soon will write another guide for Gangplank. I hope I come out even better than the nasus. If someone does not like my build, please call Xtremee player in the game and challenge him to a duel 1 v 1 vs nasus versus nasus my build versus your:)

Nocturne Guide

If you guys are wondering where my Nocturne guide went, I've temporarily archived it because while I patiently test out more jungle Nocturne builds and even SAY that my guide is going through changes, the ******s of MOBAFire love to downvote. So.. I archived it and it'll be up as soon as I finish testing out more routes!

Toshabi's MOBAfire quote hall of fame

I'm just going to make this blog entry dedicated to quotes I can't fit into my signature anymore due to size/ just having too many. Feel free to link me quotes you would like to add to this blog. Will update this particular blog weekly.

JunSupport wrote:


Reports are always useful, some people just don't understand politics.

So many people nowadays watch CSI: Miami and other drama shows. They don't realize that those fade-outs between DNA tests, stake outs, and court dates can actually take weeks, even monthes.

So when they jump online - They expect results appearing before them in a blink of an eye.
They "know" it's not how it works, but all that time in front of the tele is making them less eager to acknowledge reality.

We, in North America, live in a narcissistic age.
Where normal people are brought up into expecting things handed to them on a silver platter.
Where people will get the feeling they're "special" just because someone noticed they did something

Commentator for LoL ?

Hey guys just put up a new guide for Miss Fortune a very nice one i must say, i use this all the time and get a very nice 13+ Kills and 0 Deaths, however that isnt the topic i want to talk about.

I made a YouTube channel a sum while ago and put two small video's of two game reviews and they did okay for a fresh channel, however i was thinking of finshing off my reviewing section with LoL .. HoN .. Homefront .. and Killing Floor ..... To start to do just commentaries, the game ill be talking over would be LoL since its a very nice game to watch and you cant lose your audience's attention easily since sometime's theres not a battle going on, or a 360 no scope if you understand? so would like anyone to give me some comments on what they think ? because ive looked around and there is only a few commentators what talk over LoL and the others just describe whats going on in the game when you can see that anyways soo yeah post a comment on what you think and if it goes well, i could do later…

The "New Jungle" - My Musings and Critisisms

Imagine this scenario.

You're at a hotel which you paid for.
The manager thinks the tiled roof (which has had no faults at all) is faulty
He removes the tiled roof, replaces it with some newspaper
You complain
They put another layer of newspaper on top rather than putting the tiles back on
Refuses to change it back to the tiles because they adamantly think that their idea of newspaper is better than the tiles

That would be a joke, right? That's the situation now with the jungle.

Copied and pasted from my jungling 101 guide, the effects of the change -

What the change did -
  • Removed any form of skill from jungling. It's now just about killing creeps.
  • Counter jungling is useless and pointless.
  • Underlevelled, underfarmed junglers
  • Farm based jungles (like Yi, etc) are now the best type, promoting passivity and lack of action
  • Control junglers are bad (with the exception of those that can duel in the enemy's jungle, like Lee Sin, they're just worse, not quite bad)
  • Ganking junglers

Solo Queue Evaluation: 1500-1700s (also update on me)

For any of you who actually read this blog, here's what's been up with me.

For about a week I played loads and loads of LoL, all in ranked solo q. It probably wasn't worth it but I gained about 100 elo and am now in the 1650s. Here's some things I learned that week.

Solo Queue should be taken in small doses

Solo queue is absolutely terrible. 1500-1700 is full of trolls and overall bad players. It's like the bridge do high elo, with a bunch of planks missing and the ropes coming undone (that's my best attempt at a metaphor, take it or leave it). It's the most rage-inducing things in League of Legends. You'll be tearing it up 5 games in a row as mid, then all of a sudden you get support Xin Zhao on your team. The next game you get a surge ignite tristana. The next your top lane feeds their Tryndamere. The next game YOU feed their Tryndamere. The next your captain doesn't ban shaco.

You get the point. Pretty much solo queue is an untamable beast which presents you with several games t…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide