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Recommended Items
Runes: Top Rune Build Bloodline#1
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard
Second Skin (PASSIVE)
Kai'Sa Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You can win lanes against almost any champion, but Blitz can really give you a hard time. I recommend to ban him, or dodge his arm with E
If your support chooses Pyke, you can consider your lane won! He can stun enemies really long, wich makes you capable of using multiple abilities.
If your support chooses Pyke, you can consider your lane won! He can stun enemies really long, wich makes you capable of using multiple abilities.
Champion Build Guide
My IGN name is TetraJax, but you can call me either way. I am a long time League of Legends player (started back in season 9). I mostly play top lane, where my main champion is Jax, but lately I've expanded my interest to other roles.
Kai'Sa is an interesting champ in that fact that while she is designed as an AD carry, she has both AD and AP scalings on her abilites, meaning she can be built AD, AP or even hybrid. This makes her a very diverse champion.
My OP.GG for anyone interested.
By less predictable, i mean enemies often gots ready for an avarage Stormrzor Kai'sa. Supports often take items, to weaken your AA, but you deal magic and phisical damage, with abilities, so they basically did nothing against you. Press the Attack works even more with the more damage after 3 AA. If the enemies stay there fighting you, your lifesteal will save you, and your low cooldown on Q, which is your main damaging ability, will help you attack multiple enemies at once, so you should not be afraid of 2v1 fights. Your Ap with your passive just burns the tanks health. |
This Kai'Sa build has less cons, than pros. But as a new, and weird way to play her, you can often get flamed for this. It must be the biggest problem, because her weak early game is not considerd bad with a good support. Thresh, Blitzcrank and Pyke can balance the fact, that Kai'Sa has low chase potentional under level 6. Minions can distract your missiles, but you obliviusly zone, and catch enemies, when there is 5, if evolved q, 10 missiles sure to hit. It doesn't work out sometimes, but your W is a skillshot, it can still deal the damage, and your support can peel them. As you see, this needs a Support capable of being agressive, and has a lot of CC. Sona has a very low peel, and low cc, making her an alright support next to the life stealing daughter of the void. |
Flash and Heal has been the standard ADC summoner spell combination since possibly mid-season 3. In fact, Flash has been the standard summoner spell to take on almost every single champion since forever. It's always been indisputably the best summoner spell in the game, so there's nothing you can replace it with.
Heal on the other hand, replaced Barrier when it got buffed in season 3 to give movement speed on the cast, which is the reason it's been standard over Barrier ever since, despite being affected by Ignite's Grievous Wounds. Aside from the small movement speed boost, which can be used both offensively and defensively, another reason why it's stronger than Barrier is it affects an ally, which is perfect for bot lane where you're laning with a support.
The reason you want a defensive summoner on ADC is that you have a lot of DPS, so the longer you can survive, the more damage you'll put out, usually out-damaging what you'd get from Ignite. And if it can go as far as to save your life, then that's even better, as ADC's are very important to have alive for both providing DPS and taking down objectives.
Berserker's Greaves
On Kai'Sa unlike on any other ADC, boot choice isn't a choice. You have to go Berserker's Greaves to not avoid going far behind. Kai'Sa has mobility on her own Kit. Her Supercharge and Killer Instinct are great abilities for catching up, and become even better when evolved. This makes the choice of Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi very easy - just do not buy defensive boots as they will set you behind too much.
Kai'sa was an ordinary little girl, until she made a little mistake, and doomed her village. She was the only survivor, and she was then fallen to the Void. She survived with a second skin she got from a Voidborn. Long years passed, and Kaisa became a predator, she became Kai'sa, Daughter of the Void! Now she came back, and abuot to save this world from the Void! And she even became a Popstar! :)
I hope you enjoyed it and Special Thanks to: League Spy, Ph45,, jhoijhoi, Barni1791.
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