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Literally imposible to beat him 1v1, just farm and try to make some counterganks or invade his jungle when he's not arround
Literally imposible to beat her, just dodge
Dr. Mundo
You can kill him before his 6, if you dont get advantage of him on early the game is lost
If you aren't permabanning Rek'sai or Jax do it with this guy
Dodge his E or you're out
DON'T INVADE THIS GUY. Also when he is behind he can kill you, so take care, and rush zhonyas
Like Xin Zhao but she doesnt decay so hard, she's bad clearing the jungle so u can take advantage of that, try to do counterganks or invade her, if she's low u can kill her
Invade him and try to let him behind as possible you can, no matters if he picks Assassin or Rhast, if you don't let him behind u can't beat him after his transformation
Holy Evelynn, I really hate to be against a good Evelynn, her cleanup is a little bit faster than yours but pre 6 you can beat her easy, the trouble is when he peaks lvl 6, her invisibility is so usefull for ganks, try to ward her jungle and be atent for counterganks
Ohhh Fiddle, probably the harder match of the majors threats but u can beat him too, he's so squeeshy so you can oneshot him, but if he initiate on you, you're dead haha
Master Yi
Hmmm Yi is a very annoying match, before 6 he can beat you if he do it well, and after 6 you dont have any chanse to kill him (on equal conditions) Take Phase Rush if u are a pussy player, and DH with sorcery if u wanna try to beat him on early
Dammm, Olaf is a different match all games, i think it depends a lot of the skill of the olaf player, but on equal conditions is a Major threat. Just kite him and you win the match
High damage, tanky as fck, and he has a lot of CC, so take care, i don't have so much experience with this match
Really hard match, if he gets ahead its over for you. Warding his jungle is a very good idea and just pay atention to do counterganks
Just like Volibear match but a little bit harder, if he isn't on range to hit you with Q or fear you with E you're safe. Take care on 1v1 after lvl 6
Really hard match but you can beat him if you kite him correctly, after his lvl 6 try to avoid 1v1 or 2v2 confrontations
Hard to kill on early because his pasive, and is the best tank on the jungle, so be careful and try to play arround drakes to win the game
U can beat him on all the early game, try to invade him or fight scuttles (Obviously if u have lane pressure)
Lee Sin
Skill Match, if u do it better than him u can beat him easy pre 6, post 6 u have to be a little bit more careful cause he can oneshot u, get red smite to reduce his damage
Same that Lee Sin matchup, u have to dodge her coocun to win the trade
Skill Match too, this is a little bit harder than Lee Sin and Elise, but is winnable too, hmm, Graves is so tanky at lvl 3 so take care on scuttles
DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THIS CHAMPION! Ivern have a lot of damage and yes you can kill him but he can just invade you when he wants, a very good Ivern is probably on major-extreme threat
Pre 6 you can kill her easy, but when she peaks 6 its another history
If he takes ignite its a Major threat, with ghost is winnable as fuck so don't be afraid to fight him
Nunu & Willump
Still winnable with his buffs and phase rush, but is more dificult to kite and kill him. If u're good with Nida you will not have problems
She has more damage than it apears, so be careful, don't underestimate her. Also, you can beat her 1v1
A good gragas is a very annoying match, he can just E on you and cancel all your combo, so take care, also, if you dodge his E he is out
Jarvan IV
Invade him, he dont have better clear that you, pay atention to counterganks cause his ganks are more effective than yours
He can kite u easy but anyway is a free kill if he uses his Q in a bad way. Don't get baited with his ultimate
Hmmm is like Olaf match but a little bit easier, kite him and dodge his Q and you win the trade. Pay atention to your lanes when he peaks 6, just be atent to counterganks
Skill Match, if you play it better than him you win, but take care, he can kill you lvl 2 and 3
Who plays Taliyah??? Ok, no matter, its a skill match too, but you have a little advantage that is your Q range, if you be able to hit her with a Q at maximus range you can kill her easy
If you facecheck him you're dead hahaha, but if you initiates him you will kill him or force him to reset. Dont go on melee range if you aren't 100% secure that you will kill him or win the trade
Kite him and you win the match, isn't hard to beat, dont go on melee range if you aren't 100% secure that you will kill him
U just outdamage this guy on earlygame so try to get fed invading his jungle and killing him (or just take his farm)
You can beat this guy very easily, you beat him in range, you beat him in damage, and your cleanup is faster. Just Gank and invade him, fight scuttles u win easy if u do it well
You can kill him easy on his jungle, just invade and let him behind. After lvl 6 just be careful with his ultimate and be atent to counterganks
She clears really bad since Riot nerf her W, so, invade her and abuse that she will be low
You destroy her on early game, camp botlane to get all drakes and ggwp
You rape this guy all the early-mid game
Exactly same as Darius matchup
Abuse him, just perma invade him and destroy his early game
Just invade him and destroy his early game, is a free kill for you
Like the others Tiny Threats, Just invade and destroy him. A Morellonomicon isn't a bad idea
Hahahaha this guy is a joke for you, start blue and pay atention to countergank his lvl 2 gank, in the worst case you would take a kill xD
He can accompany you to every invade thanks to his great roaming ability, a good Talon is the dream of any jungle main
Her chain CC just abillity a free gank and kill every time you want
Same as Leona, they just apply the CC and you do all the damage
Free dives and kills on his lane, he has CC and a lot of damage to abillity a gank
Just like talon but this guy can only roam with his utltimate, so its unlucky
Aurelion Sol
He can accompany you to every invade thanks to his great roaming ability, a good Talon is the dream of any jungle main
Her chain CC just abillity a free gank and kill every time you want
Same as Leona, they just apply the CC and you do all the damage
Free dives and kills on his lane, he has CC and a lot of damage to abillity a gank
Just like talon but this guy can only roam with his utltimate, so its unlucky
+ Very High Skill cap
+ Aggressive carry that can snowball the game
+ You can adapt to play from behind
- Very Difficult to play in a good level
- Mechanically intensive
- A composition of Hard CC just let you like a Useless Champion
Runes Explication
Well, you need to know that DarkHarvest+Sorcery are the best runes on Nidalee in this patch, but depends the matchup you can go with another runes.
When you go against 3+ tanks and u know that the game would go to late game just take Conqueror and rush Rod of Ages (Ty ROA)
When you are against a matchup that you need to kite well to win (Like a Warwick, Volibear or Master Yi) you can take Phase Rush to make it easy for you to kite them.
Anyway I prefer to take DarkHarvest+Sorcery on the most of my games
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