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Ashe Build Guide by StriveHD79

ADC ✔️[10.18] The Frost Queen|Diamond Guide|All Matchups

ADC ✔️[10.18] The Frost Queen|Diamond Guide|All Matchups

Updated on September 19, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author StriveHD79 Build Guide By StriveHD79 29 2 59,967 Views 3 Comments
29 2 59,967 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author StriveHD79 Ashe Build Guide By StriveHD79 Updated on September 19, 2020
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Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

✔️[10.18] The Frost Queen|Diamond Guide|All Matchups

By StriveHD79

Strong Laning
Great Teamfighter
Great Engage & Comeback Mechanics With R
High Ultility
Great Kiting

Ashe is another excellent blind pick right in the current meta, without any real hard counters. She is one of the most accessible marksman due to her low cost of 450 blue essence so that all new players are able to purchase her straight off the bat. Ashe is great for new players who intends to learn the fundamentals of marksman, if you play poorly with Ashe right now, it will only mean that you have made mistakes, lack the fundamentals and not because of the champion being bad or undertuned.

- Low Range
- Poor Mobility
- Requires Good Positioning
- Squishy
- Weak Vs Dive

Ashe may seem to have a very strong kite but she still has weaknesses that can easily be exploited by her enemies. She is especially susceptible to dive compositions who are able to get pass the frontline and go straight for backliners like Ashe. Champions like Hecarim and Kai'Sa has very strong diving abilites that can run over Ashe very easily in teamfights. Therefore force you to have the good awareness and strong positioning. If you lack these skills, playing Ashe will definitely teach you the hard way on how to learn these.

Why Ashe ?

I personally think Ashe is actually a really fun champion, despite her simplistic nature. She is probably one of the funniest champion to kite with (which is every marksman wet dream), especially with her Q attack speed steroid. Combine this with the latest High Noon Ashe skin it looks absolutely phenomenal.

When to pick Ashe ?

Ashe is an excellent blind pick right now, in the current meta. This is mainly due to her having no real hard matchups, so that you can never really be hard countered when blind picking her. She is excellent when paired up with any heavy CC or ranged CC champions such as Nautilus and Zyra. Where you are able to engage with your arrow then they are able to follow up with they heavily loaded CC kite to lock them down, or it can be the other way around, where the support catches the enemy and you are then able to chain CC the enemies to oblivion. You generally want to avoid picking Ashe into compositions who can dive the backline, and completely ignore frontline, champions like Hecarim, Wukong, Vi etc. Unless you are paired up with a protective support that can provide strong protection and peeling like Braum and Tahm Kench.

  • Lethal Tempo: Lethal Tempo helps amplify Ashe's dps by increasing her attack speed for a short duration and this rune scales the best out of all the other ones. This is by far the best rune choice. This has a very good synergy with our Q ability.
  • Presence of Mind: this scales extremely well and is by far the most broken rune at the moment, which will most likely be nerfed in the near future. Not only will it allow you to keep spamming your abilities, it scales well with manamune, once this item is stacked, every single bit of mana you gain from this rune will goes towards your increasing your damage. Very powerful.
  • Legend: Bloodline: This is by far the best out of the other 2 options, because it scales the best, providing the most value. We can have attack speed in our build but very rarely do we get to build life steal as an ADC(Unless you are really ahead). So it is very important to have some form of life steal to sustain during mid to late game. Consider taking Legend: Alacrity if you are going Blade of the Ruined King as first item.
  • Coup de Grace: This rune goes well with ADCs in general and especially Tristana because this gives the most consistent damage in comparison to the other 2 options. Take Cut Down when you are against mulitple opponents with high hp pool.

  • Biscuit Delivery: he sustain provided by biscuits are extremely good for your laning phase, if you ever get into an engagement and pop your biscuits during the fight you get enough HP to tank another auto-attack which sometimes can mean the difference between winning and losing.
  • Approach Velocity: This is one of the runes that almost seems like it was made for Ashe, you can proc it every auto attack with the slow passive that you have. When you hit your arrow it will also go into effect. You can chase down your opponents extremely easily to follow up with damage, to help you with your trades during laning phase. Help you move quicker during teamfights.




















Ashe's basic attacks and abilities apply Frost to affected enemies, slowing them for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10% AD bonus physical damage while they remain slowed.
Ashe's critical strikes deal no additional damage, but instead triple Frost's slow strength, decaying over 1 second to its normal strength.

| COST: 50 MANA + 4 FOCUS |
Ashe gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds and causes each of her basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Ashe cannot gain Focus while this ability is active.
Flurries trigger on-hit effects only once, and arrow deals modified physical damage that benefits from Frost Shots and life steal.

You can autoattack reset with this ability, granting you a free AA. This will amp up your DPS by a huge amount, combine this with lethal tempo your DPS is off the charts. You can use this to trade during laning phase to limit test, and even try to all in an enemy if they do not respect you.

| RANGE: 1200 | COST: 70 MANA | COOLDOWN: 14 / 11.5 / 9 / 6.5 / 4 |
Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone in the target direction, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.
Enemies can intercept multiple arrows, but do not take damage from arrows beyond the first.
Volley applies Frost Shot's Critical Slow to enemy champions hit.

This ability is great at keeping enemies at bay, trading or even a way to engage by slowing them down. This is also a great ability for self peel for safety. MAKE SURE TO SPAM THIS ABILITY WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETE.

| RANGE: Global |COST: 1 CHARGE | COOLDOWN: 5 | RECHARGE: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50 |
Ashe sends a hawk spirit toward the target location, granting sight of its path for 2 seconds and in a large radius at its destination for 5 seconds. The hawk's sight is not obstructed by brush or terrain.

This is an excellent tool to keep track of where the enemy jungler is at. Every time you have 2 charges you want to send one out, to either enemy blue buff or red buff or dragon to check where he could be, this will prevent you from dying to enemy junglers gank or mid laners roam.

| RANGE: Global | COST: 100 MANA | COOLDOWN: 100 / 90 / 80 |
Ashe fires a 20px missile of ice in the target direction. The arrow shatters upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing magic damage, stunning them for 1 - 3.5 seconds.
Enemies surrounding the main target also take 50% damage.

This ability is great for engaging, when most other ADCarries does not have a way to come back into the game if behind, Ashe can, with her ultimate arrow. Do not be afraid to use it when you see an opportunity, even just to test out if the situation will allow it to work out or not. At level 6, if you have an engage support you will have very high kill pressure, if the enemy steps up too far, test out the arrow and look for an all-in.

  • Essence Reaver is one of your core(first) item choice. This item is best built against squishy targets and when the enemy team does not have any high hp opponenets, so you can make the most of the raw AD you get from it, the CDR and mana refund is also a great addition as Ashe will be using a lot of her abilities most of the time.
  • Trinity Force is a very situational first item choice, I do not recommend it if you are not sure about this item. This is best built when your team already has a lot of high dps champions like Rengar, Fiora, Yasuo, Cassiopeia etc, and you want to focus on having utility and less damage for your team. Meaning that your Enchanted Crystal Arrow can be up every 40 seconds and you can spam your Volley non-stop. Make sure to build Essence Reaver 2nd if you are looking to go for this build path, to max out the CDR as early as possible.
  • Manamune is another situational first item choice. This item has very good scaling when paired up with the Presence of Mind rune, as every mana you gain will contribute towards more raw attack damage once it transforms into Muramana, providing much higher value for its stats and much better than any of the other first item choices. Build this when there is not much fighting going on during early-game, especially when you are only going to be farming most of the game. However, if there is a lot of action going on early, you should not build this item as this item is inherently very weak before the transformation.
  • Infinity Edge is another one of your core items. An excellent 3rd item for your build, since Ashe passive changes the way critical strike works, it will triple the slow you apply for your opponents when criting and then the increased crit damage will follow. Making this item not as much of a priority but still a very good item for scaling. You can skip this item to build other items if necessary.
  • Rapid Firecannon is not recommended. This item has very poor synergy with Ashe's entire kit. She wants to get close and personal and start ramping up the attack speed not to poke away from a single auto.
  • Berserker's Greaves is an item I would try to complete as soon as possible. As soon as you get your first item I would try to complete Berserker's Greaves after our first item. This item gives a lot of value because it essentially gives you the same amount of attack speed you would get from a normal Zeal item like Phantom Dancer & Rapid Firecannon, the only thing you miss out is the crit but you do not really need crit early, especially on boots that only cost 1100g.
  • Phantom Dancer's an excellent item choice if you are looking to get some protection. You can never really go wrong with this item as it provides a shield when you reach low health and also the necessary stats you need as an marksman. This is especially useful against enemies who will undoubtedly be on top of you, every teamfight, like Talon, Kha'Zix, Zed etc. Be careful to not build this with a Hexdrinker or Maw of Malmortius as their passive overlaps each other.
  • Guardian Angel is one of my least favourite items as a marksman. The reason being that the cooldown on it is way too long, whilst it is cheap and gives decent stats, you really only buy it as a last item and then sell it later on once you make use of its passive. A decent item to consider when you are against AD Assassins, like Talon, Kha'Zix, Zed etc.
  • Bloodthirster is also another situational item, not really recommended on Ashe. I would say it is good if you are against enemies who has long range poke and pokes you out heavily, as the extra life steal and the shielding will be very useful. Also it is excellent against Assassins as the shield it provides will help you survive, like that extra tick of ignite or burst, allowing you to life steal more in the middle of combat to potentially survive their combos.
  • Death's Dance is a must have items if you are up against any opponents that can easily get on top of you, an excellent 3rd item choice for Ashe. The passive to reduce the damage and turn it into bleeding is massive. It will give you that extra bit of survivability and life steal to continue fighting and survive. With this item, you will no longer get one shot and should be able to fight back against Assassins like Katarina, Zed, Talon, Evelynn etc.
  • Maw of Malmortius is a great item when up against an AP threat that you cannot avoid, something like Akali, Evelynn, Katarina comes to mind. Definitely consider building the Hexdrinker opponent first before completing this item, only complete the full item later on. Do not be afraid to buy Hexdrinker as 2nd or 3rd item. Keep in mind that this passive overlaps with the Phantom Dancer passive.
  • Wit's End is an okay item, and not particularly great for a marksman to purchase, it is only good when up against full AP enemies, even so only buy this after completing Maw of Malmortius

Autoattack Cancel

Ashe might come across as a very simple champion, however, there are still mechanics you have to learn that can improve your Ashe gameplay. One of thing is a very simple autoattack cancel, where the moment you activate your Q ability, you can immediately autoattack again, resetting the previous autoattack. So that you are able to AA+Q+AA with almost zero delay.

Trading Pattern

When playing Ashe, especially during laning phase, it is critical that you are familiar with her trading pattern. The idea is to keep your ranger's focus stacked 4 when possible and if the enemies walk up, you can apply trading stance where you attack or use an ability on the enemy when they go for a CS making them unable to retaliate. So you {AA + W + Q(for the AA reset) + AA} and then from here on, you can decide, whether to continue chasing down the enemy and attempt to all-in or back off from the trade because you do not want to be CC by the enemy support. This is one of the main reasons that Ashe is so potent in lane, she has the ability to dictate the lane state.

Ultimate Usage

One of the thing that gives me a big signal to use the ultimate is when the enemies stand near a wall, so that he really has only one direction to dodge the arrow, blocking his own route. The arrow hitbox is fairly large so that if you aim slightly away from the wall it may graze him and still count as a direct hit. And usually hitting your arrow on a squishy target will mean that either you or your teammates will get a free kill.

Another good time you want to use your ultimate to engage/start a fight is when you know you will be fighting with numbers advantage i.e. a 5v4 or 4v3 (this will be explained in the map awareness chapter) it is either that or you know you can blow that enemy up immediately upon CCing him with your arrow, giving his team no chance to retaliate onto you or your team.

When in lane, you should always be thinking about where the enemy jungler/mid laner is before you decide to do anything. Whether it would be trading or pushing the wave. If you do not know where they are, it is best to be passive for the time being. However, if you do know they cannot be in bot lane, do not be afraid to apply the trading pattern and trading stance we have mentioned previously, the AA+ W+AA combo when the enemy go for a dying minion. Applying this may net yourself a kill or two. After hitting level 6, you would want to apply the same idea and concept, except here you would want to first analyse the 2v2 matchup. Do you win level 6 all-in or do you lose ? Usually, with a heavy CC support like Nautilus you will win. So, if the answer is yes or maybe, just yolo and go for it, only then will you learn. Your arrow will often net you a free kill at level 6 if the enemies do not respect it and walk too far forward.
Outside of lane, you will need to keep track of all the enemies who have strong gap closer that can dive onto you, champions such as Hecarim, Wukong, Zac. If they are ever missing on the mini map, there is only one thing, they are waiting for you to misposition and then get a jump on you, nobody can save you if you misposition, even with a peeling support. However, when you know where they are and feel safe to walk up, do not be afraid to look for Arrow engaged on enemies that are on their own or are out of position, punish them for it with Ashe. Usually this is not something a marksman is capable of, since they have no strong engage built into their kite, but this is different for Ashe, as even when you are behind, your Arrow is still a great threat for the enemy to watch out for.

In the video above I talk about the following concepts:

- Respecting Fog of War

- Hitting/Starting Objectives without a Reason

- Dealing with Assassins

- Knowing what good fights to take and what bad fights to avoid

It is recommended that, you take one of those tips and attempt to apply it in your next game to reap its benefits. Make sure you only do one at a time if it is too overwhelming, otherwise you will not learn from it. Even playing in a normal game will help, it need not be ranked.

In the video above I talk about the following concepts:

- Level 2 Power Spike

- How to punish your enemies with this power spike, or respect it and back off of it

- Knowing how many minions it takes to reach level 2 first in a duo lane

- 3 Clips of 3 Different ADCarry; Tristana, Caitlyn and Ezreal show casing what we have mentioned above.

Make sure you test this out in a normal game first before attempting it in ranked. It is okay to make mistakes, go all out and learn from your mistakes. Best to record with some sort of software so you can go back and watch your own replay to analyse what has happened.

This video is not owned by me but I think it is very well detailed on how to teamfight in general as a carry.

- Direct Initiate

• Create fight or flight response.
• Go in 1v5 if you have to.
• Carries DO NOT go in.

- Follow Up Initiate/Hit Tanks

• Tank pressure backline, or tankline.
• Forces everyone to use cooldowns/abilities
• Carries stay OUT until tank cooldowns/abilities are used.

- Hit Tanks

• Hit tanks after tank cooldowns/abilities are used.
• Forces out backline cooldowns/abilities
• Carries in range of 1 person.

- Kill Backline

• APC flash on backline or finish off tanks.
• ADC can dive if no enemy burst cooldowns/abilities are up.
• Tanks can make a flash play.

- Clean Up

• Flashes to kill fleeing enemies, this will ensure objectives are much easier to take without anyone contesting or the potential of throwing the game away.

I highly recommend you watch the video, not only just read the text on this guide. The video will include examples and instances where it very much make sense and will sink into you how it actually works. If you have to, make sure to rewatch the video a few times and in your next few games, to only focus working on these things for every teamfight. This may come across as overwhelming if you are a new player, but be patient it will become second nature.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author StriveHD79
StriveHD79 Ashe Guide
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✔️[10.18] The Frost Queen|Diamond Guide|All Matchups

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