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Evelynn Build Guide by Nyftt

Jungle 10.9 Evelynn Guide

Jungle 10.9 Evelynn Guide

Updated on May 5, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nyftt Build Guide By Nyftt 27 3 77,161 Views 6 Comments
27 3 77,161 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nyftt Evelynn Build Guide By Nyftt Updated on May 5, 2020
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Runes: Runes #1

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Default Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Ability Order Standard ability upgrade

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

10.9 Evelynn Guide

By Nyftt
Who am I?
My name is Nyftt and I currently hold 5 diamond accounts. I am a Diamond 1 jungler who mains Nunu & Willump, Evelynn and Kha'Zix mainly although I also play Olaf and many other junglers.

I stream consistently at so you can come by anytime I'm on and I'm happy to help out. As well as this I also do a lot of coaching and would be able to coach anyone who is interested in further help.


Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes

Vs. Heavy tank

This is a build that is underrated in my opinion. When you play against very heavy MR stacking on hp stacking champions and the backline is hard to reach you can go for this build.

Liandry's Torment& Morellonomicon + a mix of the core items recommended ( Rabadon's Deathcap, Lich Bane and Spellbinder)

This build will make you melt tanks (no joke).

If it's a bit of a mix or people are building MR but no necessarily much health stacking you can opt for the core items + Void Staff.

Heavy AD assassin's

When against fed Rengar's, Zedor Talon for example, getting an early Seeker's Armguard can be very nice at reducing their damage by limiting the potential of their lethality items. When you can convert that into a Zhonya's Hourglass as the active will be quite useful if they try to focus you down.

Rest of the build will be situational on their composition but work around the core items and how you see fit. Tank shredding if many tanks alongside those fed AD assassin's or simply going for the Lich Bane and Rabadon's Deathcap build.

Heavy AP or annoying stun which stops your engage (such as Veigar cage)

Core items + Banshee's Veil
Banshee's Veil's is also a quite nice defensive item as just like Zhonya's Hourglass it gives you a nice amount of ability power and cooldown reduction as well as magic resist of course which can make you stay very relevant. This is actually why I never build Abyssal Mask as although defensively it sounds ok, the fact that it gives you no AP for a 3000 cost makes it not favourable. Against high AP, Banshee's Veil's is the way to go.

Should I always go Sorcerer's Shoes?

Yes. Although it's tempting to go Ninja Tabi's vs. heavy aa damaged based comps or Mercury's Treads vs high CC, it's just not worth due to how effective the early penetration Sorcerer's provides for Evelynn.
What's the playstyle?

Early game

Most of the time I prefer to start at red into Krugsinto a full clear unless a gank opportunity shows on the map during the clear where I would stop clearing and go there. The reason behind this is that you want to rubberband your Krugsand Raptors as soon as you can as Krugs is the best camp on the map XP and Gold wise and Raptors is also quite good. I would deviate from this in matchups where your win condition is on the opposite side of your blue buff, in this scenario you would want to start blue and clear towards them in order to try to influence them.

Late game goal

Depending on the game your role will change but most of the time on Evelynn you want to sneak up from a nice angle when the enemies try to contest of take and objective or coming back from their base and one shot their carries. You want to get very proficient at using your Demon Shade stealth and knowing where the Control Wards are that way you don't give yourself away.

If behind

As said before Evelynnis a great scaler, therefore even if the game is looking quite bad you can always opt for trying to delay the game and getting to your core items as a way to one shot squishy priority targets. With this in mind building Spellbinder over Rabadon's Deathcap will most of the time be a better option as it is cheaper and the item is very gold efficient when the active is being used and can help you win fights you maybe shouldn't have the damage to win without it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nyftt
Nyftt Evelynn Guide
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10.9 Evelynn Guide

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