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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Moderne

Support [11.1] Make it Rain! - AP Miss Fortune Support

Support [11.1] Make it Rain! - AP Miss Fortune Support

Updated on January 8, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Moderne Build Guide By Moderne 296 32 962,857 Views 5 Comments
296 32 962,857 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Moderne Miss Fortune Build Guide By Moderne Updated on January 8, 2021
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Runes: Arcane Comet (Recommended)

Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Ability Order E>W>Q (Recommended)

Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Miss Fortune Support? Why does this work? For the following:

| Cooldown: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 | Cost: 43 / 46 / 49 / 52 / 55 | Range: 650 | Area of Effect: 500 |
Active: Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot through an enemy, dealing physical damage to each. Both apply on-hit effects.
Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+100% total) (+35%)

| Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 | Cost: 80 | Range: 1000 | Area of Effect: 200 |
Active: Miss Fortune rains down bullets at a location, dealing magic damage over 2 seconds and slowing enemies hit.
Total Magic Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+80%)
Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%

| Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 | Cost: 100 | Range: 1400 |
Active: Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets for 3 seconds, dealing (+75% total) (+20%) physical damage per wave.
Number of Waves: 12 / 14 / 16

Basically, Miss Fortune has AP scalings on all of her offensive abilities, including her very powerful ultimate.
Her Make it Rain on the other hand has a very impressive scaling alongside applying a slow for every tick of damage, perfect for Liandry's Torment. Its damage and area of effect is comparable to Lux's Lucent Singularity, except with an even higher scaling.
Overview: Pros/Cons
+ Spammable AOE DOT ability in Make it Rain
+ Strong Synergy with Liandry's Torment and Demonic Embrace
+ Powerful Ult in the form of Bullet Time
+ Strut provides massive additional mobility as it does not deactivate when you damage your enemy

The major advantage to MF Support is her safety. She's able to dish out consistent and large amounts of damage safely from a distance which is hard to dodge and can chunk teams prior to teamfights. Thanks to Make it Rain's range and Strut, enemies can usually never reach MF to kill her.
- Squishy
- No dashes
- No Hard CC
- Mana Hungry early
- Mostly irrelevant passive and Q

Support MF really only takes advantage of half of her kit making the rest of it not as useful. She also has no hard CC, meaning, in lane, she can do lots of damage, but is unlikely to kill the enemy before they recall. She also doesn't really bring any uniquely "support" skills to the table, being an otherwise straightforward character.
Overview: Summoners
Flash: Nearly all champions need Flash as it is the most flexible summoner spell in the game. Miss Fortune especially needs this since she has no dashes of any sort, making it very important.
Exhaust: A safer pick that scales well into the game. Ideal against burst or a particularly fed opponent, alongside having a slow to help setup kills.
Ignite: A summoner spell best used for lanes you believe you are going to win as it allows you to finish off opponents after an all-in.
Barrier: The Greedy pick; usually worse than Exhaust in most situations but can be helpful if you need to live. In general, however, you don't want to be in situations where you need to use Barrier regardless.


We take the Sorcery tree because it gives the best options for MF to poke the enemy as much as possible during the laning phase.
Arcane Comet is a great rune for additional damage as hitting the enemy with Make it Rain will usually guarantee comet to hit (thanks to the slow), and decrease Arcane Comet's cooldown due to how its CD is refunded. Usually this means that whenver Make it Rain comes off of cooldown, Comet will be ready and is simply extra consistent damage. Overall, a good rune that compounds MF's potent poking capabilities and long range. The other options, such as Summon Aery, do substantially less damage in comparison.
Make it Rain costs a lot of mana, especially early, meaning you will oftentimes run out of mana in lane. Thanks to Manaflow Band, you will gain permanent mana alongside mana regen, greatly helping your mana problems. Considering the fact you are trying to poke the enemy almost constantly, Manaflow Band is pretty much necessary to prevent you from running oom.
All of these are reasonable options, but the best are a tie between Absolute Focus and Transcendence. On the one hand, you should be at full health 90% of the time because of your range, meaning Absolute Focus is essentially free AP. On the other hand, because you basically spam one ability, having more Ability Haste is necessary is also important. Celerity is also ok since your Strut passive provides you massive additional movement speed with celerity would also improve, though it is the least useful of the three.
Usually I take Gathering Storm over Scorch anyday since, in almost every game, the amount of damage Gathering Storm will be providing is vastly superior. That being said, Scorch is much better early during the laning phase as we attempt to make the enemy laners' lives as difficult as possible so, for a poke-focused Miss Fortune build, Scorch is superior.
Cheap Shot is, in general, the best choice for most situations since it gives extra true damage each time you cast Make it Rain. Combined with Arcane Comet and Scorch, the amount of extra damage you do your targets is quite tilting.
The final choice is somewhat up in the air but Ultimate Hunter is usually the best choice due to how amazing Bullet Time is. Ultimate Hunter allows you to spam it like crazy later on. Relentless Hunter is also a fun choice as it makes you even faster, allowing you to get back to lane earlier and roam more effectively. Ravenous Hunter is pointless for this build since we don't need healing.
The choice is eitehr more AP or more ability haste. As stated earlier, because we only have one ability to spam, having more ability haste is important. That being said, it usually results in more of a mana burn than more AP which will make the abilities you use more effective per cast.



Demonic Embrace

Horizon Focus
  • Liandry's Torment is the mythic for this build. Make it Rain is a spammable DOT AOE which pairs perfectly with Liandry's burn. While your upfront burst will not be particularly impressive, your ability to slowly burn entire teams with DOT is incredible.
  • Luden's Tempest trades more burst instead of DOT. It could be useful since Luden's passive will still procc off of your abilities, but it usually results in less damage than Liandry's, though not by that much. It depends on the team comp, but usualyl I would never get Luden's.
  • Demonic Embrace is the new kid to the block. It's essentially a more defensive Liandry's Torment but still pairs nicely with our kit. The bonus resistances will, for the most part, go unused but can still be helpful. The burn is what we mostly care about however.
  • While not a core item, an honorable mention goes to Horizon Focus since it's actually really easy to trigger the additional damage from the passive with Make it Rain. Usually an item you will end up buying in your build for the additional damage.
AP MF is fun, though not the most effective. It's difficult to argue bringing her over Lux but you certainly could if you wanted to.

tl;dr: don't die

Thanks to This Guide by jhoijhoi for some code. Otherwise this guide would look ugly as hell.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Moderne
Moderne Miss Fortune Guide
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[11.1] Make it Rain! - AP Miss Fortune Support

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