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Lucian Build Guide by JuvX

[11.13] Masters Lucian Mid Guide (Indepth) - Come Learn!

[11.13] Masters Lucian Mid Guide (Indepth) - Come Learn!

Updated on June 24, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JuvX Build Guide By JuvX 3 5 21,542 Views 1 Comments
3 5 21,542 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JuvX Lucian Build Guide By JuvX Updated on June 24, 2021
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Champion Build Guide

[11.13] Masters Lucian Mid Guide (Indepth) - Come Learn!

By JuvX
Hello! My name is JuvX I am a Season 9 Grandmasters and a Season 10 Masters Jungle/ADC Main. I have previously mained Lee Sin, Nidalee, Evelynn Caitlyn Vayne. I just have a love for high skill-cap champions. And so do you for even playing one of our favorite champions Lucian AYE :))
Pros / Cons


    -He has a very strong Laning phase; he can pair up with any support and beat most lanes. I will get into more detail on lane match ups later in the guide
    -Thanks to his critical strike and cooldown reduction build he doesn’t fall of later in the game. Hhe is strong in every stage of the game.
    -After two items his passive-Lightslinger gives his dash about 7 second cooldown, and that scales down to 4 later in the game, that makes him able to kite frontline and engage on the backline if he sees the opening.


    -500 range, his short range is one of the downsides of Lucian, it forces him to be careful about his positioning
    -Provides almost 0 utility for his team, Kalista has her ult knock-up, Sivir has her ultimate speed buff, Ezreal has his 2 second cooldown 30% slow field and Lucian has, well damage.
    -This con is a part of the previous one; since Lucian doesn’t provide much utility he needs a lot of gold to get him going making him a pretty selfish marksman.


Galeforce dishes out all the stats an ADC could need, while also helping one of the role’s biggest weaknesses; mobility, this item on Lucia allows her to have large DPS also while having a guranteed dash escape just incase the E isn't enough.

I usually prefer to go Galeforce in most occasion, although when vsing a teamcomp with multiple champions that are able to 100-0 you. Immortal Shieldbow may be necessary, prime item vses, Rengar Kha'Zix Vi Fizz

Kraken Slayer

The new Kraken Slayer brings potential because it synergizes well with many items making your passive doubleshot that much more powerful than it was before. Allowing for extra On-hit damage.

Infinity Edge

You know the reason...

Needed for teams with Hard CC. For example vsing Malzhar Sejuani Morgana

When vsing Vayne, you have to respect her damage. Although you have to understand pre 6, laning phase, you are far stronger. Do not be afraid to take minion damage for free poke (guranteed that she doesn't have a healer support). Very few Attack Damage Carries scale better than Vayne. But understand a level 18 Lucian can 1 shot a level 18 Vayne If played correctly.

Draven is the king of laning phase.He is simultaneously the strongest ADC in short trades, long trades, and second best in all-ins. You have to understand that you have more mobility then him. Be cautious trading with him, although do not be afraid to juggle around his auto range and have e ready to make sure you are not in his all in range.

Ezreal is a champion that is primarily picked for safety, he is very hard to kill in lane and his long range low cooldown Mystic Shot allows him to easily keep up in CS from a range in situations where other ADCs wouldn't be able to farm. Although you are much stronger than Ezreal. Do not be afraid to look for fights.

Kai'Sa has a lot of winning matchups while only having a few losing ones, although in season 11 she is quite strong with immediate double evolve with and
If i'm ever streaming dont be courteous! Just come by and ask me questions. :) Appreciate you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JuvX
JuvX Lucian Guide
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[11.13] Masters Lucian Mid Guide (Indepth) - Come Learn!

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