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Super fast engage, but you can try and match with W or be ready with R. Just poke with Q when possible and it'll be okay, you can mitigate his power.
EIther they're crazy and will blow up your adc before you can think, or they'll be garbage you walk all over.
Bard can't peel you off well if you spam your q, but his map pressure is huge. You'll win lane, but he doesn't care about that.
You usually wanna fight up close, because kench is strong there. Don't let them get crazy ahead and blitz shouldn't be a threat.
Your health will not exist after this. You gotta rush warmogs not because it'll help you live, but it keeps you from being poked down.
He's got his peel, but that's really it. You'll go even in lane, and he has more teamfight power so you have to make good plays.
Some poke and stuff, but you'll beat him out. Watch out for the adc here.
You're gonna get poked like crazy and she has such good peel you won't get on their adc. Play protective for your carries here, you won't be more useful than that.
Heavy poke and can use E to dodge your surprise engage. Play for peel here, and sustain through lane.
You have good peel, and her engage is telegraphed. Set your W on your carry, then use Q to slow her down. If you're 6, just ult your adc and W them out. Your engage can catch her by surprise so don't be afraid to go in on her.
I hate lulu. Her polymorph can screw with your engage, and she makes her adc really strong. Avoid this matchup if possible. If you have to play it, establish dominance early and force fights before the adcs scale.
W in from bushes and force fights, make her crazy paranoid about where the fish is coming from. Save R for when she full combos your adc.
Rush warmogs and you're chillin. E and second wind / revitalize means you're unpokable for him. Get that warmogs too, and he's useless.
Black shield and Q root screw you up too much. She's got the kit to counter both of TK's playstyles (engage and peel) so you're just screwed. This is my recommended ban unless its low elo, then ban brand.
Big tank bully, but you have crazy sustain. Scale up and engage when you can
You wanna be close to fight, so as long as you're not getting dumpstered, this is a win for you.
Rush tabi and you win.
If its a poppy support, they know what they're doing, and you're going to get shrek'd.
Shields don't do much for his execute, so use E sooner than you would normally. Otherwise, you're a big man and pyke doesn't like that.
High mobility and locks down your team hard. Peel who you can and try and distract their backline when they engage.
Her Q shatters shields. Other than that she's not too bad, but your E active is useless near her.
Big poke, %current health damage, and infinite scaling. Really just hurts and is hard to get onto.
Poke is rough, but engage on her and she loses.
Poke is rough, but engage on her and she loses.
You're both high damage big men. Be safe in lane and don't let him get a lead.
Huge in teamfights, and has immaculate peel. Try and catch him in lane with E down.
Play for peel, his E and W will counter your engage hard.
Will burn through your health, but engage when he starts doing things. Solidify your lead early and you're fine
Annoying rat will keep adc alive, but you have power.
She'll burn through your health, but not as powerful as brand.
Hi, I'm a Bard one trick who loves Kench, and I've been trying to put this together. Too lazy to write out everything, but this is a good build.
Rock Paper Scissors in Botlane
Botlane is a big game of rock-paper-scissors with the supports. Peel, Poke, and Engage. Tahm fills the role of peel and engage, which is really good usually. He didn't fill the engage role previously, and it's why a bunch of people think the new rework is trash for support, but he brings more to the table now.
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