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Runes: EXAMPLE 1
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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my Lethalios guide, I know you may be thinking that lethality on Aphelios is completely troll, if so, then you might want to take a look at his passive:
INNATE - WEAPON MASTER: Aphelios cannot improve his abilities with skill points. Aphelios may spend his skill points to gain bonus attack damage, bonus attack speed or lethality.
As you know, lethality, is most efficient when stacked, which means that the closer you are to certain amounts, the better, Aphelios however, gains 27 LETHALITY thanks to his passive, Weapon Master. By building like this you get to 27 lethality from your passive at lvl 9, which is even more than a whole prowler's claw base lethality worth of, + your Serrated Dirk/Eclipse, getting to 37/45 lethality respectively, which is insane amounts of lethality for only 1 item
Given the amounts of pen stacked, full build, you get to deal true dmg to any target with 110 armor or below approximately, while still having 100% crit chance and IE multiplier... Mathematically Correct Aphelios?
I came accross this when I was trying out different items on practice tool and thought about building a lethality mythic+crit, the point of this is to optimize crit damage while still getting to 100% crit chance, therefore achieving crazy 1k dmg autoattacks, also means you'll be able to revive those crazy "200 years" ults with infernum, compared to other builds, this one lacks on attack speed and survivability, this is, however, not a problem, since Aphelios does not require attack speed steroids unlike kog'maw, and works best with AD. Although it is only meant to be played against 2 tank or less comps, since you only start dealing decent damage against tanks at 3rd/4th item depending on how ahead you are.
Despite this build working great on snowball, it is also good on making comebacks, allowing you to get picks and play as a caster from a safer distance.
INNATE - WEAPON MASTER: Aphelios cannot improve his abilities with skill points. Aphelios may spend his skill points to gain bonus attack damage, bonus attack speed or lethality.
As you know, lethality, is most efficient when stacked, which means that the closer you are to certain amounts, the better, Aphelios however, gains 27 LETHALITY thanks to his passive, Weapon Master. By building like this you get to 27 lethality from your passive at lvl 9, which is even more than a whole prowler's claw base lethality worth of, + your Serrated Dirk/Eclipse, getting to 37/45 lethality respectively, which is insane amounts of lethality for only 1 item
Given the amounts of pen stacked, full build, you get to deal true dmg to any target with 110 armor or below approximately, while still having 100% crit chance and IE multiplier... Mathematically Correct Aphelios?
I came accross this when I was trying out different items on practice tool and thought about building a lethality mythic+crit, the point of this is to optimize crit damage while still getting to 100% crit chance, therefore achieving crazy 1k dmg autoattacks, also means you'll be able to revive those crazy "200 years" ults with infernum, compared to other builds, this one lacks on attack speed and survivability, this is, however, not a problem, since Aphelios does not require attack speed steroids unlike kog'maw, and works best with AD. Although it is only meant to be played against 2 tank or less comps, since you only start dealing decent damage against tanks at 3rd/4th item depending on how ahead you are.
Despite this build working great on snowball, it is also good on making comebacks, allowing you to get picks and play as a caster from a safer distance.
PTA is the most optimal rune for this build, as it optimizes early game snowball, allowing you to bully your oponents.
There is, however, a safer option that will allow you to better avoid ganks, and will also grant sustain, Fleet Footwork works quite well in skillshot based matchups thanks to the extra movement speed, although you will notice the lack of damage from PTA.
Take POM most of the time for early harass, the mana regen is great and actually makes a difference.
Go Alacrity if taking Defensive Boots, there are some matchups like Yasuo, or every single lethality matchup that will require you to purchase Plated Steelcaps. --- Go Bloodline if taking Berserker's Greaves, usually into matchups where skillshots are easy to dodge and you can easily bully the enemy with the extra AS and sustain (build them early as you'll notice the lack of attack speed). You may still however take Alacrity + Berserker's Greaves if you aren't used to playing with low attack speed.
Take Cut Down into everything except for this midlane matchups: Annie, Malzahar, Zilean, Yasuo, Lux Heimerdinger and Anivia. According to the league of legends fandom website, most champions on the midlane have more HP (base/growth coefficient) than Phel, meaning that in most other matchups you'll be getting instant value from cut down, or from lvl 5-6 average which is when most champions start surpassing your max HP given your growth coefficient. --- Otherwise go Coup de Grace, great into easy lvl 1-2 lanes.
Biscuit Delivery + Time Warp Tonic, only do this if you are going longsword + 3 pots. This allows for lots of burst healing which makes you come out on top of short trades early game, best against rough early game only champs like akshan (still good in other matchups).
Stopwatch (into zed, fizz, talon, etc) and Approach velocity (because of gravitum) are also good
Nimbus Cloak / Manaflow Band / Absolute Focus + Gathering Storm, If the game is going for longer than 30 minutes this works too, prioritize early snowball still, this build does not require gathering storm to deal damage.
If the enemy laner has:
Poke -> Second Wind
Burst -> Bone Plating
Mid Game AP scalings -> Conditioning (for the extra free MR)
The other one can be either Demolish/ShieldBash or Revitalize
ToB + Rav. Hunter, It's decent into melee matchups where you get to proc it very often, but isn't rly that good compared to other options.
There is, however, a safer option that will allow you to better avoid ganks, and will also grant sustain, Fleet Footwork works quite well in skillshot based matchups thanks to the extra movement speed, although you will notice the lack of damage from PTA.
Take POM most of the time for early harass, the mana regen is great and actually makes a difference.
Go Alacrity if taking Defensive Boots, there are some matchups like Yasuo, or every single lethality matchup that will require you to purchase Plated Steelcaps. --- Go Bloodline if taking Berserker's Greaves, usually into matchups where skillshots are easy to dodge and you can easily bully the enemy with the extra AS and sustain (build them early as you'll notice the lack of attack speed). You may still however take Alacrity + Berserker's Greaves if you aren't used to playing with low attack speed.
Take Cut Down into everything except for this midlane matchups: Annie, Malzahar, Zilean, Yasuo, Lux Heimerdinger and Anivia. According to the league of legends fandom website, most champions on the midlane have more HP (base/growth coefficient) than Phel, meaning that in most other matchups you'll be getting instant value from cut down, or from lvl 5-6 average which is when most champions start surpassing your max HP given your growth coefficient. --- Otherwise go Coup de Grace, great into easy lvl 1-2 lanes.
Biscuit Delivery + Time Warp Tonic, only do this if you are going longsword + 3 pots. This allows for lots of burst healing which makes you come out on top of short trades early game, best against rough early game only champs like akshan (still good in other matchups).
Stopwatch (into zed, fizz, talon, etc) and Approach velocity (because of gravitum) are also good
Nimbus Cloak / Manaflow Band / Absolute Focus + Gathering Storm, If the game is going for longer than 30 minutes this works too, prioritize early snowball still, this build does not require gathering storm to deal damage.
If the enemy laner has:
Poke -> Second Wind
Burst -> Bone Plating
Mid Game AP scalings -> Conditioning (for the extra free MR)
The other one can be either Demolish/ShieldBash or Revitalize
ToB + Rav. Hunter, It's decent into melee matchups where you get to proc it very often, but isn't rly that good compared to other options.
As for your passive you must put 3 points on to AD/Q first, then from lvl 4 you start putting points into your Lethality/E, afterwards you put the remaining 3 points onto AD/Q and max W last
With this build you'll have a very good early game in most matchups (if chosen the right rune setup) since longsword has the most AD out of the starting items, and it also builds into dirk, meaning you have very strong damage with this, your strongest powerspikes with lethalios will be:
-Serrated Dirk 1st Back: 37 lethality at lvl 9 or higher
-Completed Eclipse: 45 lethality at lvl 9 or higher + max hp burst and shield from eclipse
-Dirk and/or Last Whisper: Given that collector's most important stat for this build is the crit and lethality, as crit isn't that valuable this early, buying a Dirk into Last Whisper gets you to 55 Lethality and 20% Armor Pen
Early Game - Good
Mid Game - Decent
Late Game - Godlike
-Serrated Dirk 1st Back: 37 lethality at lvl 9 or higher
-Completed Eclipse: 45 lethality at lvl 9 or higher + max hp burst and shield from eclipse
-Dirk and/or Last Whisper: Given that collector's most important stat for this build is the crit and lethality, as crit isn't that valuable this early, buying a Dirk into Last Whisper gets you to 55 Lethality and 20% Armor Pen
Early Game - Good
Mid Game - Decent
Late Game - Godlike
* This build requires a different, more caster-like, playstyle
* Don't force playing this build unless you're experienced with the champ
* Play it against 2 tank or less comps
* Don't force playing this build unless you're experienced with the champ
* Play it against 2 tank or less comps
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